Does anybody have a clue when we are going to be able to play the beta for halo reach multiplayer???because i thought it came with odst but when i play it theres no option to play the beta.
Bungie said something about, that's all I know. and they said "an invitation to the reach beta"
i thought thats when the game is coming out.iono it just seems prety long just to send out a bata which we got an invtation almost a year ago considering if they release the bata early in 2010
The beta is in the grayed out "Extras" menu. It'll be availiable to play sometime next year. I would think sometime in May based on Halo 3's beta.
I predict Reach to come out in oh November of 2010 so the beta would be available at the earliest august?
Cant wait for reach people have said 2010 but other people have said this year so i really dont know o.o?
No one knows anything specific about the beta, besides the fact that it's for Reach's Matchmaking, and it's gonna be different than Halo 3, because if it was the same, they wouldn't need to prepare a beta for it.
I think Reach is going to blow us away. They're going to end Halo with a bang, Bungie style. This will be the game everyone remembers.
Yeah Reach will (in my mind) include everything weve always wanted. It will stay true to the originality of Halo but have the customization and all that for mm that we want. And since i think they said reach has been in the works since halo 3 ended they have had alot of time to work on it. I mean halo 3 was done a long time before its release but Microsoft was like no we can't release it yet. Now that Bungie is its own independent it can do what ever the hell it wants too. Woot Woot.
The last Halo game by Bungie Studios. Every Halo-related project after Reach will be done by 343 Industries.
I think MAy is a much more accurate assumption based on Halo 3's Beta, and I'd say we're looking at a late Septemberish release date for Reach just Like Halo 3 and ODST.