Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details i cant embed using halo screenshots if you know how to fix this or another way to embed please tell me
Honostly dude it's just an armor permutation with an effect that has been used to death. Right now I'm debating whether I should report this for spam or cut your wits a break and just message a mod for a lock.
wtf is your problem, i mean really why would you even waste your life to write that. What difference did it make. I'm not bragging, im stating that i earned it, i just put up a screenshot that i thought was intresting.
I do agree that Redneck just made a **** move for such a harsh criticism, but the picture is kinda pointless- you just said the only reason that you made this picture to state that you earned Recon... and that is a big deal? I was incredibly happy when I got Recon when ODST was released, but you are the first one that I have seen to make a picture and posting it saying "I have Recon" which seems kinda pointless and does seem like gloating.
i couldnt really think of a name so i put the first thing in my mind ill change it if every bodys going to crazy about it. thanks
There has been many pointless threads created to show off recon, many of them have been considered spam and have been locked. When I saw this thread I thought of it as this. I stand by that thought. Sorry if I came off to harsh.
Well it's notoverused IMO actually pretty cool actually, I thought it was nade when I saw rednecks comment. If you took out the purple and had something else going on than the reloading and changed the name to something like"my reward" it would make a cool victory shot
So you are telling me that throwing down every time of equipment, sticking a spartan in the middle of it, and then taking a pic of the spartan isn't over used. Have you ever seen a screenshot before? I am being a real **** today, aren't I?
I'm surprised that spud still hasn't embedded his shots, and that Redneck and Orange are still arguing.
this is just me but if its overused doesnt that mean people like it? If you only saw one on earth then people may not be able to recreate it OR!!!! it gives a really nice effect and people will think " wow that looks pretty awsome, i wanna try" Could you not have seen a screenshot like this before, but one similar, and tried to make it your own. Sorry for trying to be original, ive never seen anything like that
Im sorry, i daised off while reading this. So I will leave you with a quote you obviously missed. If you care that much to argue with me about it. PM me.
Think of it like this, people liked Obama's slogan, "YES WE CAN". Do you think if the next presidential candidate used that same slogan, that people would think of it the same way as before?
Seriously man at this point: no one cares about recon. Try doing something more original. Dont think that a pic will be good just because u have recon on in it