Forger's Cell

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by buddhacrane, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. Techninjaz

    Techninjaz Ancient
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    Forgot to congratulate the creator.

    So far I am very impressed by this new type of escape map and I hope to see more in the future. Interestingly enough, through this map, I've learned how to do the machine-gun map escaping trick (I'd say I figured it out myself, but the situation in the room really made me think about the concept, first). It really led to some new discoveries and I managed to recreate some parts of your map on my own (just for the fun of it, of course- I'm not going to take credit for anything).

    Aesthetics: 5/5 (I know much hasn't been really been made by you, but the feel is very much like the 19th/20th level of Portal. Very unique to the Halo Forging World).

    Game Play: 5/5 (Obviously, a very unique way of solving puzzles).

    Flow: 3/5 (I understand the issues with having to merge the teleporters below the ground- trust me, I've tried other ways- but it's a bit of a hassle to have to enter the portal from a certain direction or a certain speed to avoid getting the "Teleporter is blocked" message)

    Cheatability: 4/5 (By 4/5 I mean mostly uncheatable. Glad that you worked around some of the "new round" possibilities, but you did mention that there were some issues with multiple people that are common with most other escape maps).

    Creativity: 5/5 (Again, very unique gameplay and design. It's definitely a bonus that this was made with glitches as opposed to mods).

    Overall: 5/5
    (Great Job!)


    I have played this since it first came out...

    Stage 1- Complete
    Stage 2- In Progress...
    Stage 3- Unattempted
    Stage 4- Unattempted
    Stage 5- Unattempted
    Stage 6- Unattempted
    Stage 7- Unattempted
    Stage 8- Unattempted
    Stage 9- Unattempted

    I can't figure out stage 2 (the room with the turrent).

    Things I've Noticed:
    - You can only move the turret once you've detached it once before.
    - The picture of Stage 3 has a teleporter in it that's beyond the wall with the picture of the pipe.
    - Trying to turret-glitch out of any wall seems futile. What I've tried:

    • Escaping from the original corner: Escaped and Died
    • Escaping from the corner with the double block and fence: Appeared below the turret, moved around, slowly moved below map, moved around a bit, then died.
    • Escaping from the corner with the double block and the wall with the pipe sign: Escaped and Died
    • Escaping into the double box from the middle in hopes that I'd slide magically into the third room: Escaped and Died
    - The turret instantly respawns, so don't be afraid to break it off.

    End Note:
    I really, really don't want a walkthrough or an answer. I just want another hint and I know I'm not the only one.

    Kudos to those who've made it past this room!
    #21 Techninjaz, Sep 27, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2009
  2. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Thank you for the detailed review. I enjoyed the read and I'm glad you're having fun with it.

    Since more than one of you have asked for help with the turret room, I will provide some hints:

    -The room in picture 3 is where you're trying to get to. Think which wall that must mean you need to place the turret up against.
    -The turret glitch is only half the solution. There are actually two walls you need to get passed, the turret clip only gets you passed one wall.
    -When you turret clip through the first wall, you will die if you hang around too long. This means you need to be quick about doing something if you want to get into the other room.

    There, that's all the hints I can give without completely giving that puzzle away. Between what was said before me and my hints, I'm confident most of you should be able to work it out.
  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Last night I played it and got all the way to puzzle number 7. I saved it of course, and I'm doing it again tonight. I will conquer it and I will reclaim what has been lost, my mind.
  4. azn_dude1

    azn_dude1 Ancient
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    Wow, really original concept. I'll give this a shot sometime. It kinda reminds me of Trine, except you only have 2 people instead of 3.
  5. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    Ingenious puzzle man, Just finished it couldnt have dont it without your help on the last 2 puzzles, I'll be expecting more forge puzzles. ohh and just so everyone knows the turret room is probably one of the easier rooms in the puzzle. Yey! nowI get to enjoy all the lovely vehicles and the flamethrower ;)
  6. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Don't count on it. Only been up slightly over a week and it was already relegated to second page :(

    Come on guys, this is a truly unique experience, I promise you! Don't let the "Puzzle" tag fool you, this is unlike any puzzle map you have ever played before!

    This is ForgeHub, you guys are the best forgers around, this puzzle map was made to test your knowledge of Forge itself, challenges you've never faced before in the name of Forge. Build your way to freedom folks!

    I cannot stress enough that this is NOTHING like a regular puzzle map.

    I don't enjoy shameless self-promotion, but Months of hard work went into making this dream a reality and I felt like it was the most impressive thing I'd created to date. At least give it a chance people! Thank you.

    Heck, I'll even help you out if you get stuck ;)
  7. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well I for one can say I've probably spent about 3 hours on this map so far, and I enjoyed the whole experience immensely. I've had some fun group sessions where we showed others the map, and some mind bending solo/doubles attempts. Being able to save your progress is a brilliant perk of the concept, too. I think it's a fantastic achievement and the most original work this year.

    As for my actual progress, I'm close, but haven't conquered it quite yet. I'd like to work it out on my own for now, however. Keep some pride intact. :)
  8. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    This is crazy inventive. I've thought about doing this but i could never figure out how to, even though now i see its painfully obvious. The puzzles themselves are very good if a little hard to do. I didn't get all the way, but as far as i got, puzzle 5 or so was good for the countless hours i spent on it.
  9. adam2008

    adam2008 Ancient
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    Yer this is a great map, only started playing it today becaue i joined Mental but im glad i did, been up for a good hour trying to get through this, i think il save and go to sleep.
  10. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    And that's just incredible. I think it bears reiterating, the brilliance of saving your progress as you go. It curtails player frustration, and widens the audience beyond the adventurous forum-goers and regular puzzle fans.
  11. shinanagins

    shinanagins Ancient
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    this map is amazing! ive always enjoyed unique gametypes, but this takes the cake! i've already dl'ed and am currently playing it, and i have to say it is my favorite puzzle map to date. unfortunatly, im not a particularly skilled halo puzzler (after years of halo i've only recently descovered them) but this map has bested me. 10/10. the only flaw is that you've turned my beloved forge against me :`(
  12. Cyanoxide

    Cyanoxide Ancient
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    It is an amazing idea, sadly I can't get passed the first stage.
  13. iiiN a TRaNCe

    iiiN a TRaNCe Ancient
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    I neeed help with the turret can you please give me another hint? Im not that good at forge :S
  14. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Then I suggest you touch up on your Forging 101 knowledge. For example This Article may help you with the turret room. Besides that, there really is nothing else I can say short of just telling you exactly what to do.
  15. Pyremius

    Pyremius Ancient
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    I've made it to puzzle 3 and now I'm completely lost, I have no idea on what I could be doing right now. Buddha, I need YOU (to help me or give me hints...).

  16. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Well, first of all I would delete the single box in that room, it's blocking a receiver that acts as a checkpoint. Now you can save the map at any point and you will never have to do the 1st or 2nd puzzle ever again.

    Also in that room is a sender node in the corner, you can grab this. The idea is to reposition the teleporter in a way that has the green glowy bit inside the room once you let go of it, that way you can go through the teleporter as a Spartan/Elite (You can't get through as a monitor).

    What you DON'T want to do is delete that teleporter, or move it too close to the double box (it will cause it to leave the room altogether, which is bad) and you also don't want to let go of it too close to the sides of the room because it will touch the death barriers and delete itself.

    The hint then, is this:

    Although part of the teleporter will always be outside the room, it doesn't mean that it has to be on the floor...
  17. XxDeadShadowsxX

    XxDeadShadowsxX Ancient
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    For the first puzzle....
    WHAT DO YOU DO!!!! Dx
  18. skunkchop

    skunkchop Ancient
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    Complete it.
  19. rexdino5

    rexdino5 Ancient
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    HELP ME PLEASE! I can't get pass level 2. I tried doing this in one hour and no suceeding. I have to give you credit. This map is the best and hardest puzzle map ever. Well if someone can help me please PM me a walkthrough level 2. Thanks.
  20. Snip3rG0d11

    Snip3rG0d11 Ancient
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    Puzzle 4

    I found out where to spawn the barrel to knock down the others but what do i do now? im not sure what to do im now in a blank room with invisible walls and the knocked down barrels dissappear. also on a side note I havnt figured out how to save it because the nodes to save are under the ground :( pls reply. ty! my username for forge hub is my XBL tag also :p

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