Download Map I prefer regular slayer, but here is a king of the hill gametype. Download Gametype Lets get ready to..... suck it! This WWE DX themed cage map is alot of fun. Designed for Slayer, Team Slayer, and of course King of the Hill! It has a stage! The whole arena can be played in, not just the cage and backstage area. Jump into the D or the X and it puts you in the cage. Includes a backstage area! Also has a grav lift in the cage to get out so your not stuck. A couple of mongooses and and ghost are in the arena tucked away in case you want to make a grand entrance.
Looks like a pretty sick map, XD. Can't wait to try it out. Me and one of my friends made a floating Hell in a Cell match that I'll upload in time, but just looking at this, is beats mine by a longshot, lol. I'll hit you back when I play it later tonight.
sounds good. my gamertag is in my sig if you log on before I do. I wasn't on last night, but if I get on tonight I'll shoot you an invite.
"Um, hey coach, Shawn knows what your doing in there, and he wanted me to tell you that that is a sin." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DON'T KNOW CONTROVERSY?!?!...Hey buddie whats your name? Stan?. Stan." *superkick* "SEE?!?! I JUST KICKED STAN!" "To the thousands in attendance and to the millions watching at home...LETS GET READY TO SUCK IT!"
Haha, nice job on this man. I mean it looks like it could have been a little neater in the construction,but a map like this doesn't need to be perfect,just be fun.
Thanks, but not very original? I put some unique stuff in there. Like the DX, the fireworks, backstage brawl. Its an all around fun map!! : )
two things 1)lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololooool and 2) DX rocks great map. you could have probobly made a better way to get into the ring though
loco, why do you keep posting in this thread? The majority of the posts on this thread come from you.