Im pretty sure Linubidix had made a map a LONG time ago, with a double box in the hallway of foundry and never told ANYone [to my knowledge] how he did it. I think we just figured that out.
Its actually quite easy. Just place a double box along the outside of where you want the box to be. Then continuously geomerge the box towards the wall (towards the direction of the hallway that is), thats basically it. Unless you're being sarcastic...
Question. (Sorry if this has been asked to death) Is a guide coming out for this for Forging 201/101?
xD sorry. It was a double open box. and it was perfectly placed. I've never seen anyone geomerge a double-open back there flawlessly. Then do it a second time and it be symmetrical. regardless i tried doing it with this glitch and, of course, it works wonderfully. you can really mess around with this stuff now. it also works with all objects. makes getting dumpsters and barriers in there a lot easier,
Been done several times, by lots of people (including me in my last Foundry map). It was just epiclly time consuming. This glitch will most definitly cut hours out of forging.
Yes, this question has been asked to Death... Anyway, as far as I know some very important people are doing their best to get a guide up and running in the forging 101 section. I have no idea about their progress though, or any finish dates.
This is true. We're trying to see if there's any new information for a bit, and then bring out an article that explains it as easily as's not so simple. But you should expect a F101 at some point.
I'm not sure if any one has found this out or not, but in forge today I found out that if the run time minimum is set back to zero, without restarting the round, you can reuse the respawn rate never item. So you don't have to create a respawn never item every time. Simply create another item that you were using, dummy it, and set run time minimum to max. It is easier becuase when you do restart the round, you only have to delete one item.
God, thats simply awesome. You guys are forge gods, If I knew this some months ago I could have made my map SO much better. Thank you very much.
Yeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhh we kinda figured that out a while ago, but whatever. Anyways I have been making an awesome map on citadel btw (yes it works on it). It's coming out soon so stay tuned.
I've encountered a few problems while doing this glitch. Any help would be greatly appreciated... So I start off, doing everything precisely how it is shown in the first video (non-OLN) by tyler. The first problem I encounter is when setting the run tim minimum. Many times after setting it, I never get a duplicate object. I am just stuck with the same object I was holding onto before, with no "ghost" properties. This happens about 50-75% of the time when I attempt this glitch. Also, another problem i came across. I was no-clipping a wall into the crypt floor at an angle. I had it set perfectly and was very proud of the way it turned out. I saved and quit, and started up a new game just to make sure everthing was still in tact, but it wasnt. The wall had slid up and was now a good bit above its original spot, making the ramp no use. I had to do it over again, but the second time it worked just fine. So the main problem for me is unpredictability. I dont know if anyone knows what is going on but if you do, help pl0x
Ozarka, the second problem you are having is with the tear drop. every object has a teardrop (a small glowing blue thing that stays where the object is and tells the game "this is where the object is and this is what angle it is at), now if you try to put the teardrop under the map, it wont stay. since nothing exist below the crypt, when you save it when the teardrop is underground, it pushes it up into the closest area which is the crypt floor. To fix this, which you did on accident, you place it the same way but flip it with the teardrop side on the top. hope that clears it up. You are probably making a mistake of some sorts. go through and read instructions on how to do it to clear it up. it could just be you are messing up something critical to it.
Your first bit with the no duping, it could be because you aren't actually dummying one or both of the boxes. Try letting them sit for a few seconds after hitting up and A. I haven't had issues with it, but I always tell people to wait a few seconds just to be sure. The reason for that is: It could be possible that the only reason the box moves when pushed is because it hasn't settled yet. Waiting a few seconds would remove that possibility. Other than that, I HAVE had troubles with smaller objects such as weapon holders not duping, but after a couple tries it always works.
If this is your problem, you could also try the glitch were you spawn your object in spartan form, because this instantly dummies your object, you can tell that it works because it will bounce, and all you need to do is change the first object to never respawn and do the glitch normal with the other. If you use this latter technique, make sure that you let the objects bounce before you do anything to them, because for some reason they dont work correctly otherwise. If you dont know how to spawn an object as a spartan, you all you do is turn into a monitor, and then press up on the D-Pad and X at almost the same time. If you did it correct, you should be a spartan with the object menu open, and all you have to do is select your object. If you need more help, or have any other problems, just let me know. This is really simple: You had the tear drop under the map. Simply make sure that it is above the floor, and disaster averted.