i'm making a map on ong shore called water works. it'll be two or three teams out on the water shooting at eachh other with plasma pistols and such. they'll be riding dingy's, pallets, and other floating objects. i'll have any connection to land blocked off. Any suggestions?
You do know Dinghy's sink after a short time, right? They wouldn't make a very good playable surface.
Yeah, it will suck. Dont do it. Theres going to be so many maps like this it will be boring. Sorry thats just MO
Dingys sink when you stand on them, and so do pallates. Also they drift when not totally underwater, so they would move away from the spawn points and kill everyone instantly. The only objects that don't move are immovable objects, which would basically mean that those would be for scenery. On the other hand, if you tried to make a couple of ships that each team would stand on, out of double boxes or what-not you could easily end up with a really unique, creative map. I not saying that you should, or that your idea is bad, just that you should try mine.
Well actually if you melee a dingy while it's about to sink it will magically start floating again, the only flaw is when your in combat how are you going have time to look down and melee it.
Immovable objects only stay in place in the water if you ghost-merge or float them there. If you just place them there, the roll over and sink as well.
Easy, Have One Guy Steering And One Guy Shooting the Boat When it Sinks. I Found That Out In First 5 Mins when it Released. Me And My Friends Found it Fun.