Sandbox Marksman 1.0 on Sidewinder

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by MaxSterling, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Shroomz, I retract everything I said in my previous statement. Normally in an update you would fix a few things, maybe a misplaced weapon or spawn. But fixed virtually every bug and issue in the game as well as making some improvements. I admit that most Halo maps still have spots in them that are unfair, but you fixed all (if not, most) of them in one update. I'm taken aback at how dedicated you are to your map. Maybe I was a little bit too hasty in my other comment, I will download it and see what happens (Xbox 360 is being sent back from repair, hopefully tomorrow it will come!). Revised Score: 8.5/10 Congrats

    See? I'm not all bad.
    #21 Kryticate, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2009
  2. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    My friends and I are the same way. We're all good snipers. I suggest changing the game settings so snipers don't have unlimited ammo instead of rocket launchers. That way they have to keep running back to get more ammo since the respawn is on the other side of the sniper tower. This way they fire 12 rounds and have to run back, get ammo, then find the drivers again. When the drivers get to the 2nd half of the track, the zombies won't have that disadvantage anymore, but if more drivers make it to that 2nd half of the track... they stand a better chance. When we did this, we actually had one game in which two zombies made it all the way around the track. I'm completely against rocket launchers. You may be aiming for the lead driver but accidentally hit the 2nd or third driver. That and the splash damage from the rockets is just too unfair for drivers. How can you call yourself a marksman if you miss your intended target? Any time I've joined someone that has rocket launchers for the zombies, I just immediately fire two rockets at the spawn area and kill 50-75% of them. Then I camp one area on the map and just fire rockets at regular intervals and kill the rest. It's absolutely not challenging at all and takes all the skill out of the equation. I'd much rather get rated a 0/5 and have people not play my map, than have pussies play this map with rocket launchers. Tell you what, if you like rocket launchers so much... build your own map from scratch with your own game type and have fun.

    Changes in Marksman 1.1

    - I disabled infinite ammo for the zombie sniper. This causes the zombie to need to get more ammo after 8 or 12 shots ( depending on when you downloaded the 1.1 version of the map ), allowing him to lose momentum and letting the humans get a little farther. I still had no problems killing numerous humans with only 1 spare clip before they reached the end, so as long as you can aim... it's just more challenging.
    #22 MaxSterling, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2009
  3. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Okay, sorry for the long-overdue review, but here it is:

    Shroomz, I really liked this map. Halo is one of my favorite games to play with large parties, and you did a wonderful job on your own version. I applaud you for starting from scratch and making your own map, instead of adding a few crappy changes to the original and calling it a day. The addition of separate paths for the Humans is brilliant, and helps to break up the monotony for both the drivers and the sniper, so that people are still having fun and being engaged by the tenth round.

    I should also mention that many people in my party were commenting on the Sniper's "house" while driving by. Everyone seemed to think it was really cool-looking, and a lot of people said that they liked how it actually felt like it had a purpose, instead of just being a floating box or platform in the sky.

    The changes from v1.0 to v1.1 were a nice improvement, as well. I especially liked how you fixed the jump with the tin cups, because it not only looks better, but I don't get knocked off the map constantly anymore. Now, the only problem I had with this map was the difficulty, which is significantly higher than the original. In 20 rounds, nobody made it to the end of the course. Granted, there were at least 2 Generals in each party that I had, but still, I felt that the course could be toned down a little. However, that's really a personal preference, because some people just like more difficult games. For me, though, I like to be able to kill the Sniper at least once.

    Overall, this is an excellent map, and something that everyone who likes the original "Halo" should try at least once.

    The Awkward Verdict: 4.5/5 for difficulty level.
    #23 Awkward Silence, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  4. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I really appreciate the review, Awkward Silence. I'm glad you and your friends enjoyed the map. I definitely made the drive difficult for the drivers. This was to help deter people from using rocket launchers.

    I'm not sure which version of 1.1 you have, but the latest one has one additional change to go with the new Marksman 1.1. The only thing different in the Sidewinder1.1's is that the latest one has 1 spare clip in the zombie's sniper rifle instead of 2. In combination with Marksman 1.1 which took away unlimited ammo for the zombies, this forces the zombie to go and get more ammo after 8 shots... in turn giving the drivers some time to drive without getting shot at and thus giving them a better chance of making it further. With these changes, I've actually gotten sniped as the zombie for my first time and people have made it around more often. I've actually made it around 4 rounds in a row with me failing on the final platform with the grav lift on two other attempts.
  5. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
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    Awesome map Shroomz, I'm glad people are using the Halo idea and adding their own twist or special touch to it. You did a great job. I downloaded it and was able to play it, here is my review:

    The map itself was amazing. The forging was spot on and neat, everything down to the spawn points. The only problem is that it is way too hard. I played it in a party with about 7 or 8 people, none of them made it past the first jumps. It's nice that you made the infected person have to go back for ammo, but most people just fell off when they were not being shot. So the difficulty really needs to be tuned down. It's great that you only put a sniper because the rocket launchers, missile pods, and beam rifles were very unfair.

    It looks like you did a good job trying to even it out but as said before, please turn down the difficulty. That's about everything that I wanted to comment about gameplay-wise. When I did a quick forge through I found some pieces under the sniper spawn which looked like you put them there to be used but then forgot about them. Are you planning on using those later on?

    Overall great map but please make it easier! Not one group that I have played with has gotten to the end. 4.2/5
    #25 LivesOn, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  6. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    This map was so much fun playing on. I put this on with a group of about six people and we had a blast. The course is hard enough to be a challenge but not extremely easy like the regular halo. I also really like the fact that you can not complete the course on foot. When I was the sniper, I felt like being generous to the last man. He was trying to make it on foot and we were all helping him find a way. He got all the way until the part where you have to bounce on the shield door to get across. When we all realized he was doomed, I killed him.

  7. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Seems like a pretty nice update to Halo. I'm not quite sure I like it as much as Halo 2, though. That one will be a classic. But something I will say about this one is that I really love that the path splits into 2 from the beginning and stays like that for the most part. But are you sure the ending is appropriate for noobs who might not know what to do?

    Main issue: I REALLY don't like the sniper rifle. You need a backup weapon not only as a spare to use between respawns but to also add to the fun factor. I recommend that the map contain: 1 sniper rifle, 1 beam rifle (for those like me who just hate the sniper), and 1 rocket launcher. And please change the ammo to infinite again. That is what I would recommend to both skilled players and noobs who need all the shots they can get.
  8. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    ok first of all i came here because you were insulting another one of these maps and wated to see yours n comparasin.

    in all fairness this map is good but has its flaws.

    the map layout LOOKS good but its very hard to make your way around the track, even when the sniper isnt shooting you.

    i think you over complicated the map, which is what made the original so fun.

    its a good looking map and it CAN be pretty fun to play, if your an ace at driving, where all the others can be fun for alot longer.

    i do like the way to kill the sniper though, the multiple ways, very clever

  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I really just have to laugh at everyone thinking that you need to be some kind of expert to drive on this map. You all think it's about flooring it the entire time. All you have to do is slow down at the turns and become familiar with the course. Yes it's difficult if you're a moron and think it's all about gunning it all the way around. If you're smart, like anyone that's played this map with me numerous times, they all know where to slow down and when to punch it... like I said in the original post.

    Everything negative said about this map is due to lack of common sense when driving and not really an issue with the map. Don't blame the map for your driving inadequacies. I've made it around the track numerous times as well as most of my friends.

    Yes, it's more difficult to drive. I said that in the original post, so I don't know why everyone seems to complain about that. I was completely up front about that. I did that because of what happened with all of the remakes for Halo. At least it's not stupid like "Halo" 2.0 that was extended by about 20% with a 90º turn where the normal Halo ended. And it's not like "Halo" 2.5 with the dipshit that extended the track by 150% and made the track spiral towards the middle. Like the zombies suck so bad that they need rockets and a bigger advantage to shoot them before they can get sniped. Both of those tracks aren't even shaped like a Halo anymore.

    There are two routes to keep it interesting... to keep it from getting boring like every other Halo remake. You get bored of one route, you take the other. You get bored of both, try changing tracks mid way by dropping down from one track to the other. You don't want to keep getting knocked off by other drivers, take a different route than them.

    Can someone actually say something constructive about this map that doesn't have to do with people sucking at driving?
  10. fireskull

    fireskull Ancient
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    This seems to be one of the better remakes of halo, I downloaded it. I like how at the end you don't just finish, there's a challenge. I also like how the zombie can't jump off.

    Overall 4.5/5 I just prefer longer ones :/
    #30 fireskull, Aug 19, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2009
  11. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    ...I think I just orgasmed this map is so cool...

    Yeah, anyways, this is like if you took Duck Hunt, the Warthog Run on "Halo", and the fun of Grifball, put it in a blender, drank it, recycled it as golden, fun feces, and used that to mold this map. It's THAT GOOD.

    That is, if you understood a word I said.
  12. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Looks decent. It's not very original but hey, atleast you acknowledged that and atleast it has a couple of creative ideas. I think it's worthy of a download. 4/5 since it's a remake of someone else's idea. Oh and could you please take your pictures out of the spoiler or resize them, because when you expand the spoiler the pics are massive, and a real pain to view. Thanks.
  13. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    + Different from the other maps like these
    + Best forged map of this type that I have seen

    - Its harder for the zombie, but also for the humans (some zombies decided not to shoot at all and everyone still died, when your being shot at its just going to be harder)
    - The ending seemed pointless, it would have been more effective if it was just a teleporter that lets you snipe him from afar, without the other choices
    - It is possible for the zombie to get out of his little tower

    Score: 7/10
  14. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Prove it without being in forge mode. I have yet to see someone get out of the sniper tower during an actual game.

    The original Halo map was fairly difficult to navigate when it first came out. Once you became familiar with the course, it became very easy... just like this map. Once you're familiar with the twists and turns, it becomes much easier to navigate. This isn't a balls-to-the-wall full throttle the whole time type of course, even though it is possible. I said in the original post, you need to use common sense when driving. There are certain points that I always ease off the throttle, especially when lining up for a jump or there's a sharp turn ahead that requires a little less momentum so you can make the turn.

    All n00bs fall off the course when they first play on it. It's common sense. They see a fork in the road, and they panic due to their indecision. They see a series of curves and they refuse to slow down.

    When you're last man standing and have the big marker over your head, it's nice having that choice to switch to another location. It throws the sniper off. If I have a bad angle at the sniper, I'll jump through the teleporter and get a better angle.

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