I just tried to interlock a couple of boxes on Longshore and couldn't get it to work. For some reason the box that I set to "not spawn at start" never dissapears yet I can't edit it. Anyone else having problems? EDIT: For some reason this is only happening with the original boxes on the map... if I make new ones it works fine...
Same reason behind Sandbox. The Original items on any given map are programmed by Bungie it seems to ALWAYS be spawned, probably for fear of lag in Matchmaking making them disappear.
Basically, if you are trying to interlock with original objects, you have to wait thirty seconds for them to disapear. If you are trying to ghost merge with original objects then there is a different method than what people usually do for spawned objects. If you are using spawned objects for anything, or failing and geomerging, chances are you are failing and definately not doing it right. That would mean either go to forging 101 or simply look at the 'New Forge Glitch' thread. If you are certain that you are doing it correct, just say so and I will try my best to figure out your problems.
Well there is a chance I am doing something wrong as I am by no means an expert, but I thought I had basic interlocking down and I can only get it to work 50% of the time on Longshore in particular. Even if I do wait that 30 or so seconds for the object to dissapear and respawn, it never dissapears no matter how long I wait. This has also happened once or twice with new boxes that aren't on the original map.
Ghost merging with original objects on Longshore requires you to save and quit I'm pretty sure. Once I let go of a box, every time it would disappear.