ODST Campaign Announced!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Devil95, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    I Have Made A Great ODST Campaign On Halo 3 However ... I Disc Broke. Giving Me Free Time Away From Halo 3. There Are Going To Be 3 ODST Campaigns. One On Sandbox, Vahalla And Longshore. I Am Calling This ODST Campaign Map Pack #1. Haha Very Creative I Know. Anyway. I Need Future Ideas Today And Tomorrow On Tuesday I Start Forging. Drop Pods,Weapons And Vechiles are going To be added. This Is Not a Map Preview.

    Why Make Levels ODST Is Just 2 Days Away?
    I Want To Make My Own.
  2. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    If your disk broke, how are you going to do it? TBH your post is extremely difficult to read.
  3. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    I have tp agree with Dow, maby take some more time on your post as this looks like it took you 2 minutes to write, give us some more information and lay it out neater, if you want help re-writing it I can help you out PM me if you want me to help. Anyway I like the idea of a campaign and would like to help out on this once I get my xbox back from Microsoft.
  4. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    Damn, i was just about to start working on something like this, best of luck though
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I guess this is a sorta original idea, and its probably going to have some level of kewlness, but I cant understand anything from that epic fail of a post that you have starting off this thread. Sorry, but we need better specifics and much higher quality to even understand what you intend to be understood.
  6. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    i Have Finished 1 Of The Maps Before It Broke. Theres Still 2 Left.
  7. Teh PeliCAN Man

    Teh PeliCAN Man Ancient
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    Sorry, but were we supposed to understand that? This is a kool idea but dude learn to use proper frikin' english!
  8. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    No one is going to want to help someone who's immature. Try using full sentences, keep your ideas flowing, etc. etc. Also looking at the capitalizing of every word is hard on the eyes and looks stupid as hell. Only the first letter of every sentence and proper nouns need to be capitalized. If you need anymore help please Google, "I Are Idiot Need Help English".
  9. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    Guys, seriously, he's obviously having trouble with the English language, chill...

    He made a set of custom maps and gametypes that are supposed to represent specific Campaign missions from Halo 3 (or ODST, can't really tell). He finished 1 before his disc scratched. I don't know if he wants us to make one for him, or he's just telling everyone he's finished 1, and more are on the way.If the latter, this thread would not be necessaey.
  10. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    You guys, he is just trying to explain that he made a map set for Halo 3, however there is just problem.. him disk broke.

    Deal with it.
  11. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Guys, Stop Making Fun Of His English. He May Not Be Very Accustomed To Our Language, Just Give Him Time. Jeez.

    Anyways, This Sounds Interesting. Me Honestly Can't Wait To Play On This.
    I Hopes It All Goes Well For You, And I Hope You Get A New Disk Soon. =]
  12. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    What? When Did This Start? God I can Speak English. I Said I Made 1 Of The Maps Before My Disc Broke. God. People Think I Retarded but yet I Sayed That I Made 1 of the 3 Map Before My Disc Broke. God.
  13. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    When did this start? It started when you created an unintelligible thread with some of the most amazing grammatical errors I've seen in a forum.

    It actually took me a few read-throughs to understand what you posted.

    Interesting how everyone after me posts almost exactly what I said though...
  14. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    You obviously can speak English ok, but you still make a few grammatical errors, Including Putting A Capital At The Start Of Every Word. And in the first post, 'I' is exchanged for 'My'.

    Anyways, I'm not too sure of this. Why make an ODST Map pack on Halo? Unless it's maps taken from the campaign, intended for Multiplayer use, then I think that would be a great idea.

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