Should I be worried?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Huntar, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    Okay, FH is now MedicalHub. And no Jimbo, you cant purchase marijuana here.

    Alright, so I went to the doctor because I had weird spots all along my legs and stomach. I was also very tired all the time, a couple times I passed out. This was troubling to me and my parents, so we went to the doctors. Unfortunately, we went to the "Walk In" which boasted very un-experienced doctors. They gave me a prescription, and I went home. The First week it seemed to work...

    The prescribed me amoxicillin, a basic antibiotic for problems. As i said, it worked for around a week. I was in the shower, washing my hair; then all of the sudden, I tasted blood in my mouth. I opened my mouth and blood started dripping out. I was pretty terrified. We went to the walk in, and they some how stopped the bleeding. They told me it was nothing major, and recommended i get some sleep.

    Next morning, I wake up feeling good, then looked at my legs. They were bright red and purple, as if i was severely bruised on my legs. My mom wanted to keep an eye on me, and took me to her work with me. (My mom works at a veterinarian) So my mom is telling the vet about my symptoms, to see what he thinks; he actually used to study human analogy and medical ****. He straight up said, "Kristi, take Hunter to the hospital now. He has Petecia".

    Petechia may be a sign of low platelet counts in your body. At the Hospital they told me I had a very serious reaction to the Amoxicillin the walk in prescribed me. They took a liver test on me, i honestly dont know what its called, and I'm still waiting for the results.

    Okay, so today i was in the shower and scratched my leg, low and behold my leg started to bleed from were i scratched it. Badly. I managed to stop it, but again, my legs look VERY bruised. Now, as im laying on FH seeing whats going on, i look at my leg. Were my knee is there is a HUGE bumb. Its Bright Blue, like the color of blood. It is also very hard and hurts to the touch. Not to mention over the past week, im having uncontrollable movements. Im twitching, ALOT. My arms move, ALOT. My legs move, ALOT; And im not causing it. I also have terrible shocking pains in my arms and feet. Im honestly pretty ****ing terrified at this point.

    So FH, my question to you is what should i do at this point? My doctors say its "normal", upon research NON of those are side effects of Petechia. I honestly dont know were to go now, suggestions?
    #1 Huntar, Sep 24, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2009
  2. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh my god, that is serious.

    Low platelets mean your blood wont clot as much, so if you got a minor cut, your blood could come gushing out. You need to be careful, I don't know too much about the disease, but it sound bad.
  3. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    Exactly, i forgot to put that in there. Im out of Volleyball for around two months, and its a ***** to keep it from bleeding.
  4. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    i would go to a real doctor and maybe get checked for other alergens. it could be something in your diet or something else that you're alergic to.
  5. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    This sounds very serious, and to be honest, you should have went to the hospital from the start, not a walk in. The thing is, I am no medical expert and I spent some time researching but didn't come up with much. However, it appears like internal bleeding is causing swelling, which is a symptom of Hematoma. The symptoms include bruises that are caused by internal bleeding, and sacs of blood that form hard lumps, which is the body's way of containing the internal bleeding. Low platelets, as Theorem pointed out, will mean your blood is thinner and thus won't clot as much, so with this in mind internal bleeding is a very real and easy possibility. This can also affect internal organs, which may be a reason for you coughing up blood, but that could also just be due to your reaction to the drug the walk in prescribed. Anyway, this is the most relevant thing I can find, and although it doesn't seem like it can get too serious, you should definitely discuss this as a possibility with your parents asap.
    #5 X5, Sep 25, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2009
  6. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    thanks for the research and advice guys.

    Hopefully it wont be to bad in the morning, I cant go now. Its passed 9, And my parents wouldnt dare take me this late. They honestly dont think its serious, But i do.

    I will discuss it with them tomorrow, and hopefully go to a real doctor.

    It's probably internal bleeding, because i keep having this feeling is if something is dripping right where the bump is, everytime i look, there is nothing there.
    This is very peculiar.
  7. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    My mom is a medical laboratory technician I can ask her tomorrow what it is?

    Maybe she has some knowledge on the matter.
  8. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Go for it, and thanks <3

  9. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I would just go to a doctor again. Make an appointment with an experienced doctor.

  10. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    You can always trust House, in the end, he will save us.

    But really, OT.
    In the time passed since writing the OP to now, another blood bump thing has formed on my foot, though its rather small. Pretty ****ing creepy.
  11. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Just be sure not to scratch your body at all. It's going to be difficult to resist itching and stuff, but it seems like your body is really weak and cannot clot blood like Theorem mentioned.

    Good luck. :)
  12. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I'm gonna go out on a limb here and make a guess that your doctors are comprised of dumbasses who never finished medical school. I'm sorry about your inconveniences, that sounds pretty freakin' bad to tell you in the least.
  13. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    i skimmed thru your post, that sounds really serious and gross, id be worried, go to the doctors again or the emergency room
  14. MeNaCe x TIGER

    MeNaCe x TIGER Ancient
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    This is definitely serious, your doctors are dumb asses. I would just suggest going to the doctor's, an experienced one...And try not to scratch or get cut or something, cause obviously your blood can't clot, and a very small injury could be fatal...

    Good luck.
  15. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Go to the emergency room, itll definitely be different doctors.
    And theyre legally obliged to treat you.
  16. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    O dude bad times; well lucky your mum spoke to that other Vet.
    Get better soon hombre!
  17. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Dude, don't die on me.

    but yeah, like said above, get to the Hospital. They will definitely have to help you... and don't get a papercut...
  18. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    "It is very important that you go to a very good Doctor, the problem you have with the bleeding and the bruises may be caused by a coagulation disorder and there are many diseases that can cause pain in your articulation and bleeding in your mouth. It is very important that you get a complete blood work-up (blood Test) and if you visit a good physician, the first thing he has to do is order a complete work-up of your blood and your coagulation factors that can tell him what is the cause of all your problems. In the mean-time I recommend you don't take over the counter medications until your doctor approves it. If you are going to take any pain medication try to avoid Aspirin. "

    Make sure to write back, my mom and me hope the best for you and she wants to know how it works out.

    I strongly recommend visiting a doctor as soon as possible.

    Good Luck
  19. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    ****! I was hoping FH would open up a dispensary. =]
    Just kidding!

    Anyways, Huntar, take a nice oatmeal bath while puffing on a spliff, and I'm sure you'll feel much better.
  20. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    Oatmeal bath... funny, ugh I almost threw up when I read that story, But go to the hospital. Like some of the others said their forced to help you.

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