
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Apr 6, 2008.


    Senior Member

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    Thanks alot guys I appreciate it. Unfotrunately Tender Bisquit is not a FH member, but I'll keep tabs on the map and post the link here. And yeh, falling flailing bodies are sweeet
  2. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Jesus, where to begin. I'm in love with this map. You said you were inspired by Bisquit's map. Well, you have in turn inspired me. This is the best job I have seen at taking Standoff seriously. All the great Standoff maps I have run across have been either a mini-game, gimmicky, or use a limited area (Solaris, Concussion, Duck Hunt, La Rampa, etc). You used the whole map, and I know you meant it for certain games, but I'll probably just play Slayer on it, which I see no problem with. Very meticulous in the forging and placement considerations. Also, the first picture in your post is bad ass. Finally, thanks for dragging yourself out of the coma that is Foundry. Sunshine's nice, isn't it?

    One more thing... sky bases have such a bad reputation, way to man up and show us how it's done
    #22 Indie Anthias, Apr 8, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2008
  3. Altair4PM

    Altair4PM Ancient
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    I love this map, for some small things.
    1) The interlocking/gaps. This map is built so perfectly, the shield doors fit in amazingly... everything that needs to be symmetrical is... etc.
    2) The little touches. By this i mean the grav lift/teleporter and the way to get to the defenders banshee through the fence box. Superb.
    3) Gameplay is absolutely incredible... especially when people drop out of the sky with a gravity hammer to kill the flag carrier.

    What more can i say, 9.5/10
    U should be a guilder, no doubt. You have inspired me and i'm sure many others that standoff maps [and sky bases] can be done, and done amazingly.
  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Sorry i never posted earlier man, i was sure i did.

    This map is a great map man, the attention to detail you put in on this one is amazing. Also it plays great, there are a whole range of different tactics that can be used, like rushing them early etc.

    Also i love the shape, from the ground it looks stunning. You have created a very near shape for players to fight on. You used a small amount of scenery to create a large area, which is also very good.

    He inspired me to make the map i did, i wouldnt have ever made a Standoff map if this wasnt made. Thanks Lightsout.

    Senior Member

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    Thanks Matty. Yeh i put alot of effort into giving the attacking team as many options as could, keeping the game from getting repetitive. Having options is key in asymmetrical maps, and I think I executed it well. Well i guess Tender Bisquit actually inspired both of us in a way, which is pretty cool. Thanks for the good words buddy
  6. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    It certainly looks hot!

    II ZERO II Guest

    wow great standoff map its really cool i like how u used the bottom bases aswell there is a problem that i see though is there an easy way to kill that banshee like a missle pod on the map?

    Senior Member

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    Of course there is a way to kill the banshee, there's actually 2 missile pods (shown and noted in the screenshots/description section) on the map, one for each team. There has to be a reasonable counter to it, and the laser would way overpower the map. The missile pods are on 2.5-3 minute respawns (cant remember which) so they will only be available again if rounds go into overtime basically. Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
  9. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    Lights they are right, like i said earlier in the post and when you showed it to me, I was so impressed with the work in the sky. It made me think a map on stand off could happen. I wont ever get around there to doing it but you proved it with this one man! good job, matty you did good too man.
  10. Supergooseberry

    Supergooseberry Ancient

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    I am not a fan of maps on satndoff, but I have high hopes for this one
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Wow thanks. Its a really good feeling to know that I actually inspired some people to make Standoff maps. I'm pretty honored (Tender Bisquit should be too, I'll send him a message telling him he started a craze haha).

    This isn't your average Standoff map. I like to think I've broken the mold and gone above and beyond your average Standoff map. Check it out and get back to me with your thoughts. You won't be disappointed.

    Pred, sorry I left you out homie. I really appreciate the kind thoughts, and I usually try and get back to the majority of people who leave solid feedback. Not sure why you slipped in between the cracks, but I shall remedy this at once! Anyway, I'm glad I inspired you! Its motivation to keep myself forging and to be creative. You might find slayer a bit odd though, due to the lack of respawn areas for it, but I'm sure its still fun regardless. Can't really spawn camp a map that big, ya know? I agree with you, most Standoff bases are bland and repetitive. I tried extremely hard to avoid both, with consideration for everything from the sky base's location to spawns and how to have effective counter's for every strategy. Although I didn't use ALL of Standoff, I left the far side opposite the sky base pretty naked, minus the Flag return point and tele. But that part of the map was pretty useless, and was probably going to be pretty unused most of the time anyway. Solaris is a great map, and I'm happy Heatwave is being put on the same (or even higher, perhaps) level as it. I'm glad I was able to bring the reputation of Standoff sky bases out from the mire, and show that it could in fact be done well, and that it is possible to accomplish without compromising gameplay (as many do).

    I appreciate the feedback Pred, you always have thoughtful reviews of my maps, and it has not gone without notice. I'd give you some positive rep right now, but it says I have given out too much recently, and to wait 24 hours haha.
    #31 LIGHTSOUT225, Apr 11, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2008
  12. civilian

    civilian Ancient
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    Like my bro said, you did a pretty good job here lights, most maps on standoff suck balls.
  13. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    This map looks really interesting, I like the idea of using Sandtrap but have never really thought of it as a forge map like Foundry is.
    Nice idea, you may have just inspired me to make a forge map on Sandtrap =]
    Downloaded =D
  14. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Sandtrap?! Are you old enough to be smoking stuff like that? ;-b

    You never cease to impress, LIGHTS. I'm looking forward to your Legendary Forging...
    #34 squidhands, Apr 15, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2008
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Hahaha oh wow.

    Thanks a lot. And oh yes, there will be Legendary forging. I think I can work all 3 of them.
  16. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Great map! Makes for some real intense gameplay, like that time where you returned the flag when there was only 1 second left on the timer.
  17. InnerSandman13

    InnerSandman13 Ancient
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    What are the weapons vehicles and respawn??
  18. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    it looks like ground to air acction, sweet
  19. Pro NZ Assassin

    Pro NZ Assassin Ancient
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  20. Admiral Ackbar

    Admiral Ackbar Ancient
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    This is a great map, I really enjoy playing on it. Have only tried slayer on it so far, but I am planning on getting a CTF game together soon. I originally thought the banshees might be overpowering, but after a few plays it seems the missle pods really balance out the play. The banshees have not dominated yet. The only frustrating part of the map is the manlift onto the airbase, which of course was designed to be that way. Great job on this map, it's nice to find a quality map outside foundry.

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