I have'nt been on Live in forever, becuase I broke my thumb playing (American) football and have to wear a cast, and I'm waiting a little while (probably until December or so) to get ODST. But my question is, is Mythic Part 2 on the Marketplace? Or will it be anytime soon? I'm guessing it's not and won't, because Micro$oft would rather have you pay $60 for **** you already have with a little bit of added content than have you get some of it for 10 bucks.
estimates have been made for 22nd October but i'm not sured. But based on the first partof the mythic map pack it will be out before christmas for sure.
Should be out around christmas time at the latest. October 22nd is blasphemy, there's no way in hell its coming out a month after odst, they'll make us (smart people) wait at least 2 months. Also I'll bet that once it comes out legendary maps will be free.
Don't listen to this. It's not worth the 60$, and if you already have halo 3 I would just wait, which is really all we can do. Also, after about 2 weeks, everybody is going to beat the campaign and get tired of firefight and realize that there is nothing else to do.
QFT what do you guys want out of the game anyways? It has it's own campaign which was amazing, 1/2 of it's multiplayer being firefight, another half is the original h3 with another pack (it's a deal if you are missing on the other ones), recon, and the reach beta. I think I'm smart for listening to what the others said, it's well worth the 60$ so go QQ somewhere else
It would be well worth 60$, if bungie had never released Halo 3 and sold millions of copies. Everyone already has 1/2 of the game.
Dow with all due respect, shut your vag. ODST is worth it. And hopefully The new maps will be out on marketplace soon. I almost have enopugh money to buy ODST, and will. I'm glad everyones happy about its realease. Sept Dow, but then again Dow isn't EVER happy about Anything, stop complaining and start loving
Well... since I got every achievement in Halo 3 campaign already... I'm probably going to just sell my Halo 3 game for $$. I'm not going to trade it in to Gamestop though, I'll probably sell it to some kid at school who never bought it in the first place.
Why are people convinved that the Mythic 2 maps will available on Marketplace? OK, it is possible that Microsoft will release them as DLC but I haven't seen anything which even hints at them being put on to Marketplace (and by that, I mean something from Bungie.net, Microsoft.com or another credible source. No, Halopedia is not a credible source). I would have thought one of the selling points was it came with 3 exclusive maps for the "complete multiplayer experience".
As this time, Bungie Do not have any plans to release Mythic 2 onto the marketplace. Best bet for you is to just buy ODST. It certainly seems worth the money with the campaign, firefight, Reach beta and three new maps.
Ok, so you seriously think that Microsoft/Bungie/WhoeverTheFuckMakesTheseDecisions will miss the chance to money ***** $10 out of everyone who didn't buy ODST? If that's true, you need to a.) take a basic economics class or b.) look at microsofts/bumgies/whoeverthefucks history. They will release it. The only reason they haven't set a release date is to increase sales of ODST, so that people like you will say exactly what you are saying. And why is everyone bitching at Dow. First off, $60 for a 5 hour campaign, firefight, 3 $10 maps and a beta is absurd. Second of, it's AN OPINION. I don't know how much common sense you have, but arguing with an opinion is like playing bloody knuckles with a brick wall, it's stupid because it is based on individual preference. For instance, Halo 3, TO ME, was a good deal because of matchmaking and forge, things that I have played for hundreds of hours. If it had left those out, then I would have had: campaign, (12?) maps, custom games and theater. This list looks better then ODST's, but I still wouldn’t get it because I never play those things. Likewise, I doubt I would play ODST's campaign more then twice, and I hated horde mode, so I doubt firefight will be to my liking. So I would end up paying $60 for a beta that I may or may not like, but will end either way, and 3 maps worth $10. For those of you who are more observant, you noticed that I used the word “I” 9 times in that paragraph. You know why? Because it is MY opinion, and is SUBJECTIVE to MY PREFERENCES. So seriously, shut the **** up.
Doesn't ODST include a Disc with Halo 3 stuff on it like the maps theater and forge on it? Someone told me it does
it does, but if you are here, you already have halo 3, so it's rather moot. if you don't have halo 3, then odst is a great deal, but, really, is there anyone on forge hub who doesn't have halo 3? :squirrel_wtf:
I actually heard that they were never going to release it onto the marketplace. Or possibly not untill next year. Either way your going to wait a long time unless you get ODST. Its all a big scam to get money. Thats why their giving away recon, and thats why the Mythic maps come with ODST.