Hey, I just got Vidmaster Classic and thought that I should give away the easiest way to obtaining this achievement. #1 rule: Do not put campaign scoring or skulls on. You arent given an achievement when these are on. When I had these on, I had to repeat this entire achievement process 4 times. (I wanted to throw my xbox out the window) `Play on the mission "Uplift Reserve" (Dutch flashback) `Hijack a Brute Chopper or Ghost in the beginning. `Wait for all of the wraiths to rush out of the cramped pathway into the large field with all the marines in warthogs. Either wait for the marines to kill the other vehicles or rush past these wraiths- there is a Health Pack at the other side of this path and a ghost. `Trade the Chopper for the Ghost (or just keep going if you stole a ghost) and continue onto the next field. `In the next area (ocean side) , rush past the Jackels and Grunts and before going onto the coast with all the shades (purple turrets), go onto the beach shore and boost up the rocks on the side of this shade defensive wall. Boost across all of the shades and avoid the fire, try to dodge the chopper on this path because it may splatter you. `Continue onto the path and avoid all wraiths in the next area (directly before the Orbital Elevator collapse bridge) once you enter the area with the wraiths and tons of Marines, go over the handrail and stay to the right past the 2 wraiths and quickly rush into the bridge area. `After going across the bridge, rush up the hill (with the 2 shade turrets on it) and avoid being hit too much, there is a health pack directly after you get up this hill (on the left at a shack) `After you go by the shack, keep following the path, until there is a wraith that you need to U turn around and rush past. `After this, just rush to the finish and jump off the gap. Sorry, I cannot render a video of this to make the entire thing simpler...
hmmm, well maybe it was the skulls... Not sure because I played through it 4 times, the first 3- I had scoring and skulls on and it didnt give me the achievement. When I took them off, I got them... So maybe its just a glitch. I know that I didnt fire or throw 1 grenade because my fingers never touched the triggers.
Yeah, just get a ghost for the whole thing, ride over rocks and pass up the hardest part. Here's a couple videos showing you how to do it. Legendary (Longer, but how I actually got it) Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Easy (Shorter, but just shows you what to do as quick as possible, about 3:15) Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
this is the easiest vidmaster, it will take you 5 minutes, just find health packs and more ghosts, because you can use the left trigger for the ghost
There is an easier way to do this if you stick to the right, take a worthog, and switch with a ghost. I did this in about 5-7 minutes. I'll look for the vid on youtube. Edit: Found it YouTube - Halo 3: ODST Vidmaster Challenge: Classic Achievement
wow does that guy fail at the easiest bit!!!! On the bit where he dies 3 times, just stick left, go the long way round.. by the time you've gone that way, the choppers are long gone and both wraiths have moved alot further out so you can double back and get passed everything.
I did it on that level with the warthog all the way through. If you play your cards right, and keep all your health before the area with all the shades, then you'll be ok. Also, try and get a marine in the turret, he comes in handy for certain parts where you need to kill to shades to make it up a hill in the hog.