Rank in MLG

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by StrongJShot, Sep 23, 2009.

  1. StrongJShot

    StrongJShot Ancient
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    Anyone else agree that your MLG ranking is really the most informative when deciding whether someone is actually good or not compared to other playlists?
  2. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    No one here does. And you shouldn't either. If anything, LW is.
  3. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Are you serious?
  4. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I'm going to have to agree with you here.
    MLG has to be, in my personal opinion, the hardest playlist in matchmaking.
  5. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Yes, Rabbit. I agree with you. I Hope Black was just fkin around.
  6. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    But you could lose due to your team-mates, even if you're amazing.

    LW is based on YOUR skill, nothing to do with team-mates.
    MLG is if you want to compare clan's matchmaking techniques.
  7. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    idk man, I've seen some really sucky MLG 50's.
    I wouldn't trust in rankings anymore.
  8. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    im a 43 in lone wolves and a 35 in mlg. mlg is definitely the harder playlist if you don't have a team
  9. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Lone Wolves is comprised of kill steals and camping behind shields doors with shotguns, end of discussion. The least skill based playlist. MLG on the other hand doesn't show how good you are, Kampy, Phurion, and Dutchy don't play MLG, but they're amazing. Perhaps is the playlist wasn't comprised of second accounts, boosters, people looking for montage clips, and lag switches, it'd be a decent playlist. If anything, straight up TS or Team Snipers are the best when it comes to judging skill just because they're commonly played.
  10. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    So if you're a 45 in LW and a 35 in MLG, you're NOT a good player?

    Whatever the case, rank doesn't show much anymore. I just said LW because it's the most obvious way to tell if one person is good or not. MLG, you could go in by yourself, but then it's tough to explain your strategies to randoms. Maybe your a slayer, but they dont know that, so they don't play support.

    In any case, a good player needs strategy and skill. It's easier to play strategically in MLG, and it's easier to focus on your BR, get that one kill, in general out-play your opponent in LW.

    Just because you see Social Slayer gameplay in their montages doesn't mean they only play that. I know Phurion has a 50 in MLG on his original account, it's just that he creates new accounts to get those kills. I know Kampy still plays on his 50 in MLG.
    #10 Black Theorem, Sep 23, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2009
  11. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Kampy has a 50 in MLG, but Phurion doesn't.

    I agree that MLG is the hardest playlist to rank up in/get a 50. If you go into 40+ team slayer you can kind of screw around and still win with a decent team, but in 40+ MLG, you have to be good to win.
  12. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Lone wolves is nothing but kill stealing, and objective whoring. MLG isnt just "How good your BR is" or "how good you snipe" You have to use your brain more, You dont just ***** the oddball like you would in Lone wolves. You need to use alot more sense in MLG if your trying to win.
  13. MeNaCe x TIGER

    MeNaCe x TIGER Ancient
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    Yeah, lone wolves actually takes NO SKILL.
    While MLG takes probably the most skill in Halo, because you need to be good to be a help to your team, a lot of MLG is teamwork, but if you can't work with other people in Halo, don't consider yourself good.
    #13 MeNaCe x TIGER, Sep 23, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2009
  14. OhNoez64

    OhNoez64 Ancient
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    Halo is a game, and MLG makes it too serious, even if that's its aim. Lone Wolves is kill stealing and whoring. Team Doubles is just, just awful. Get the power weapons, you win. The Pit is awful for Doubles. Rockets, Snipers, Maulers, Shotguns, Turrets. Team SWAT is disgusting IMO. Team Snipers is misleading. Either you verse absolute pros who flog you 50-30, or the other way round.

    You want 'Team Based Gameplay' ?. Squad Battle, or Team Slayer.

    But honestly, MLG is just annoying. 'Oh noes! Plasma pistol! N00B!' MLG is great for the competitiveness and all... even I play MLG Customs. But They outlaw all the great weapons in halo like the Plasma Pistol, Plasma Rifle, Bruteshot, Spiker, Magnum. but Em El Gee is all sayin' "Automatic Weapons!? BLASPHEMY!" If you can use them well, a Magnum and A plasma rifle can make you unstoppable at short -> short/medium range. Then of course, I'll have to reach for a sniper or carbine, but honestly, They were put in the game for a reason. Why outlaw all but 5 weapons? It's insane.

    This is all in my opinion. Please take it either as harshly as possible, or don't listen at all.
  15. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Well, overall MM shouldn't be used to judge a player's ability. I'm not saying I'm amazing, but I'm not bad, but all I tend to play is social playlists with friends, and customs. I only matchmake very occasionally, or to have some fun with a double exp weekend. I guess if there was a league for something similar to the conflict gametype and people earned points by playing fair 1V1s in matchmaking, then It'd be fair to use that. But what I'm saying is even MLG isn't a representation of a single person's skill. LW and LB you can kill steal in. The others are all compromised of team play and communication, more than individual ability. Don't get me wrong, MLG is good fun, and it is very fair, I enjoy playing MLG FFAs in customs, and I love playing the KOTH versions, but it still isn't what I'd judge a player by. I don't know what I would judge a player by, I guess it would probably their overall K/D spread, but that isn't fair either. I think that player's ability shouldn't be judged at all really, or at least not until there is a completely fair way of doing so.
  16. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Big team battle takes the most skill, co-ordination, strategy and teamwork in Halo 3 Matchmaking.
  17. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    I'm pretty passionate on this topic, though I'll keep my opinion to a minimum and just state the facts.
    If anything, what makes someone good? Many are arguing that Lone Wolves doesn't mean you're good because it's just kill stealing. Though I somewhat agree, maybe kill stealing makes you good. The only thing that you would think actually proves skill would be 1v1, but I find that to be completely wrong.

    Arguments against MLG are that it relies too much on your teammates. So is teamwork what makes you good? Team Swat, who is the fastest trigger finger? Team Snipers, arguably using the most skill-worthy weapon. The best sniper? Doubles, though easily boosted, puts less people on a team than any other playlist, where you must rely solely on another. Squad Battle, basically ranked BTB, who's the best warthog driver? Best team of six? Again, what makes you good? That's all it is.

    I have a 22 in Lone Wolves, though many of my friends will tell you that I'm skilled. Why is this? I do have a 47 in MLG, is that it? What about the 47 in Team Slayer? Ar you good with the AR Orange? Or your 44 in Doubles, do you suck at boosting? Oh it's your 4 in Team Throwback, you suck at Objective.

    I do not enjoy Lone Wolves, I do enjoy MLG. Rank in MLG isn't necessarily based off your individual skill nor your teamwork. As well as Lone Wolves. It isn't individual skill nor kill stealing ability.

    All in all, my opinion is that rank at all doesn't matter. I've beaten many people higher in rank than me in MLG and other playlists, as well as lost to lower ranks than I. MLG is my preference, thus I care about it more than the others. I don't believe any rank you have would make you better than anyone elses rank, but if it had to be one, I'd say MLG.

  18. KsqueaK

    KsqueaK Ancient
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    every playlist takes a different skill to it, so basing someones skill solely on 1 playlist is basing them on 1 particular skill which obviously wont show their true abilities. in a way its ignorant to do so. there really is no point in arguing which playlist takes most "skill".

    you cant base someones skill based on their rank regardless of the playlist. end of story.
    #18 KsqueaK, Sep 29, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2009
  19. Ultrainium

    Ultrainium Ancient
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    If Im wondering how good someone is then I'll check their MLG rank.
    Anyone can get a 50 in TS, or TD.
    IMO LW is based off spawns, bad maps, and horrible gametypes.
    And not that many people try to get high levels in LW.

    MLG has the highest competition and if you have gotten a high level then you are good.
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    The Plasma Pistol is not disallowed from MLG, there is one on Construct as well as one on the Pit. It basically tends to replace default Sword spawns, though I don't think this is a direct principle of replacement, more of a coincidence of suitable weapon locations for Sword in Default and Plas Pistol in MLG. So please, look in to things before criticising them, the Plas Pistol takes a great amount of skill, timing, and well integrated team work to use effectively, and so anyone who calls themselves MLG and calls you a noob for using it clearly knows very little about MLG, same as you. As for the Plas Rifle, that thing strips of shields at an alarming rate, it's not an inherintely bad weapon, but with the emphasis on team work and coordinated BR combat that MLG has, something that strips away shields that fast and easily without much accuracy needed is not really a good choice for inclusion.

    Basically, if you want these weapons to be included, play default playlists and gametypes, MLG is different in this way, and is difference such a bad thing? No one is forcing you to play these kinds of games, but many enjoy them and find them highly competitive and engaging. Yes, you do get kids who go in to other playlists and basically whine that it's not MLG, or call foul when someone uses what they consider a Noob weapon to kill them (generally those weapons not included in MLG, though to be fair Rockets are often given this label too, and they're an essential part of MLG, so these people really don't know what they are talking about), but they are not the essence of MLG. They don't love MLG, they love winning, being able to feel full of themselves and being able to point and numbers and say 'I am better than you' in an environment with no repercussions from someone they can Out-BR. These are not the guys who love, follow, and even those who drive MLG behind the scenes, and letting them tell you that they are MLG Pro or whatever and their word is law on what's 'competitive' and what isn't is just stupid. Form your own opinions, and don't let the idiots that gravitate to MLG just because it's known as the centre of competitive Halo fool you in to thinking that their childish attitudes are what it's actually about.

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