I need someone to help me finish a map. Not forge together but rather I put the map up in my file share and anyone and everyone who wants to can have a stab at it. I should be able to have it up in my file share before the end of tomorrow, so that should be at around 7:00 pm pacific time if anyone wants to see whats up. I made the map a looong time ago on foundry without any glitches, i really dont want any glitching involved in the making of my map, and i made it under a different gamertag, Sonic Boxers. if anyone remembers anything about that gamertag, haha. nevermind, i digress. ...anyway, I would like some good forgers to try and spiff it up and make it more streamlined and without "bumps" but still along the visual guidelines ive got already throughout the map. if ur ok with not being able to use money glitching and only being able to use fusing and geomerging and u want to try and have a go at making my map playable, then message my Gamertag Fraustophobia and ill try to explain a little more in detail what i would like to be done. the only thing that im worried about is that someone will try to help, but will end up making the map 10x cooler than it was originally and they will try to call the map their own, even tho i came up with the base idea. so, yeah. thats a BASIC rundown of whats what. if ur interested, message me online and ill try to explain everything in more detail. -Frausto, OUT ROFL
Oops, I misread. I deeply apologize, and I will have to make sure that I dont do it again. Thank you, Scobra, for informing me before too many people read this.
You should really have your eyes checked because I do believe he said you can merge and interlock. As you can clearly read, he said not use money glitching. He didn't state once that you cannot use merging and interlocking. Sheesh dude, you are failing hard today.
Sheesh dude, you are failing hard today.[/QUOTE] Im tired, thats not my problem. Ill try not to skrew up again untill tomorrow, thats my goal![/quote] Also, I dled manually, and looked at your base and its totally awesome. I may try to do something with this.
Could you possibly post a picture of what he has so far? I'm curious and I don't have an Xbox at the moment.
o wow, cool some ppl actually interested. umm sorry about no pics, or links and stuff, imma forum noob. all i can do is type words and somewhat bad directions, i cant really do much more with that, not the most edgy, crafty or computer savvy guy out there, sorry. ummm, if u kno how, or would be so kind, u think YOU could post some pics of it Mr. Yoyo, sir? lol ive really no time to try and learn, let alone to do it,with trying to balance my life and college and whatnot, so please? lol umm also, ya thx for saying its awesome. ive been told by a lot of my friends that my base concept ideas, BASE IDEAS ALONE, are cool by themselves, all i need to do is work on a clean forging technique, so if u could imagine them being prettied up into a pristine condition plus some alterations and tweaks, ya even more awesomesauce.