Infinity equals 1? So infinity/infinity=1, therefore 1=infinity? 10/10=1, therefore 1 equals 10?... Even if that were the case it doesn't mean simple and complex things are the same. They may describe the same occurrence but the simpler is easier to understand and is briefer. They are different in the regards of human understanding.
Because I can't stab you through your computer screen: It's called the Theory of Evolution. Thanks for reading, bud.
its pretty much been proven your very opinionated besides, no need to be so defensive and threataning lions nate:watch this YouTube - Evolution in detail Sir David Attenborough this dosnt mean its wrong to belive in religeon, its great, but evolution has been proven, but that dosent mean that its bad, maby god made the micro organisms evlolve we are still evolving, just not as quick as we used to because we allready adapted to civilistation
From what i've known and gathered throught the 16 years of my living so far is this: People (humans) have developed a dependancy on a solid sense of reason or control. If something is broken, we have to fix it. If there is a problem we have to solve it. If something strange happens, we have to get answers. So to break down the purpose and start of religion; People need something to depend on. We, as humans, have to feel like we are in control and if we cannot control something, then we have to know that something on our side will and can. (a God) When we cannot answer a question we have to turn to someone who know's the answer and believe that the question is answered and we don't have to worry about it. Maybe it's just me but I've noticed that just about every single religion out there is based off of answering the biggest question of all; What happens when we die? And to sweeten things up they tell you that if you are good in your life or do this or that then after you die you will be rewarded. Really, it's all in our heads. To the christian that prays for things, like a good game in a particular sport or whatever, try not praying before a game, but don't just go out there and wing it, take the time you would to pray to your god and tell yourself your going to do amazing. Picture, in your mind, yourself scoring that 3-pointer or hitting that home run. it's really about the mindset, not the religion, and it doesn't have to be just for sports. As strange as you may think it I have this little "pre-activity meditation" before I do alot of things, like playing MLG in halo, or math tests, etc. As far as evolution vs creation goes, the way I am viewing the battle right now (not this particular forgehub one but just what i've seen and heard throught my life) is that Evolution is trying to find all these ways to disprove creation and every chance it gets creation is throwing out "but where did this come from?" and "But how did that happen?" Honestly, I HATE debating with christians about this topic. I have never been in a debate like that where a christian hasn't pulled out the "I know so because its written in the bible" card. As my personal little quote goes: Christians will only say the "F" word Faith, because they cannot say the other "F" word...Fact. To sum it all up. I am pro evolution because Christianity is just the background. Evolution has all the proven facts. The only time Christianity can be on Scientific level is when we both dont have the answers. I guess the only way I'll truly know is when scientists either complete their research on where we all came from completely, or I die and find out myself, and honestly I think the latter will arrive first. =[
***** Evolution: Intersexual and Intrasexual Selection - Associated Content - Just thought it was funny and yes I did google "***** Evolution" but for reasons unrelated to ***** or evolution.
The THEORY of Evolution has NOT been proven, that is why it is a THEORY. Same goes with the big bang theory. Definition of Theory- It was created to explain why different organisms, eg plants and animals, were made up of the very same pieces - cells, with minor changes in design.
Theories in science are different than what you normaly define as a theory. Definition of Scientific Theory Just like any other word it has multiple deffinitions and meanings. Theories in science mean they are proven and supported by observation, experimentation, and reasoning hypotheses are not. They also call them theories because you can always add new information to futher prove the findings after by experiments and what not.
I agree with Evolution their is so much evidence to support it and what hard evidence really supports creation?
How can Evolution be true if DNA repairs itself, meaning it does not allow mutations or any variations. This would leave us with chromosomes but, an animal with 26 chromosomes can not reproduce with an animal with 27 chromosomes. So even if an animal is born with an extra chromosome that allows it to survive it would not be able to reproduce.
Biblio: *Maresca B, Schwartz JH (2006). Sudden origins: a general mechanism of evolution based on stress protein concentration and rapid environmental change. Anat Rec B New Anat. Jan;289(1):38–46 Now while it is fun to make baseless claims, they do not belong in the debate forum.
Evolution is still happening >_> I live in Canada, eastern coast. In the province of Nova Scotia, a Heritage site known as Citadel Hill is there. Old war military encampment thats kept alive. Its huge. and of the age of cannon balls btw. [you can tell i really give a crap about the facts >_>] ANYways, the door frames, which are made of stone and not modified, at the time this place was a real site were made for soldiers, the tough men of the times, and my 4 foot grandmother barely fits through em now. Over time, humans in general are getting larger. or smaller. depending on where you live. And thats the point. Evolution is not a monkey becoming man. that didnt happen. There was an early monkey, and an early man. Evolution is the genetic code being changed slightly over time to form an adaptation to your surroundings to better survive the current existence. this includes resistances to colds, flus, viruses, or working out and your son have a pre-disposition to wards body building because your genes passed it on. our beginnings were man, not monkey. Im up for God CREATING evolution as a mathematical fix to a problem of an ever changing world. Did you know that our world is made in such a mathematical perfected state that if we were to be changed or moved, or if out atmosphere slightly different, or any number of things, we wouldn't exist? in retro spect, Cover the entire USA continent with dimes, 1000 km high. take one out. paint it red, put it back in the pile, run a block, come back and find it. the odds of you finding it is the same odds of our existence in the Galaxy. EVEN in our milky way, one of the calmest galaxies yet to be discovered, we exist in between the "Gas Arms'' cause its a nasty place inside them. if we were, wed be probably burnt from the compressed stars. its way too perfect to be chance. I believe God made the perfect situation for creation to happen. if you want to believe in the big bang, I believe that god put it into motion. that is true. It would most likely be a sterile animal. one of the genomes needed to reproduce would be missing.
... There are no naturally occurring odd numbers of Chromosomes. Horses and mules breed. The mare has 64 and the jackass has 62 (which refutes your "different numbers of chromosomes prevents mating" argument). This produces a 63 chromosome'd mule which is inviable due to its extra chromosome which disrupts meiosis. This 63 chromosome'd hybrid only occurs when we coax it into existence. DNA does not repair itself perfectly, no natural system is without its flaws.
I think that it is ok to believe in both. I am a lutheren and I don't really think it could all happen in a week, but I still think that there is there is a god that made a plan for everything and is still making one. Like Aranore said, God could very well have made this solar system to fit our living conditions perfectly. If there was a big bang, there had to be something that started that. As far as I know, there is nothing more powerful then God that could do that.
I have 1 billion dice. Each die has 1 billion sides. I will roll the dice until they generate the number I am looking for. One day I will get the number I am looking for, statistically. Maybe I won't get it again for billions of years. Maybe I will get it twice in a row. Is it so infeasible the believe that we happened to roll the number,so to speak, ONE time by complete chance? The argument that the conditions of Earth are too perfect for there not to be a higher power is illogical. Earth regardless, someday, somewhere it would have happened. Maybe it has already, somewhere else.
There didn't need to be anything to start the big bang. That wouldn't mean it's God, if it did need something to start it. According to your logic, there has to be something that started God.