In the cutscene, roughly in the middle of the game, where a Brute Chieftan jumps from the Phantom and attacks the squad. As he jumps off he wacks some guy who i'm guessing is an ordinary marine. He has a BR! Someone check his body. I don't have the game i just saw this clip.
If it's the cut scene I think you're talking bout, it's at the end of a flashback so you wouldn't be able to retrieve it. However I'm probably about halfway through the campaign so I probably have the wrong cutscene, but I'll keep a look out for it.
It's the end of the NMPD part, and yea it is a flashback. But yea, it's there! His death is so couragous.
yay! you found a BR! ive found 1,000,000,000 on Halo 3 =P But nice find though, maybe that was an easter egg?