Firefight on Elevation

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by purpledinosaur0, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. purpledinosaur0

    purpledinosaur0 Ancient
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    Gametype: Firefight

    IDEA: When I started this map, I first wanted to make sure I did these two things:

    -Make an original Firefight map with creative layout.
    -Top all of the other Firefight maps I have yet seen.

    I know that ODST just came out, but I just got inspired at the wrong time I guess. I got really into it and decided "Why not release it?". But I guess I also picked a good time because Ghost Merging had just recently been discovered and I took advantage of it where ever necessary.

    THE MAP:
    My amazing Paint skillz.

    I want to mention a few things about the layout. For one, the armory is not at the end of the map, but actually in the middle of the map to promote movement. Secondly, the custom-powerups are placed at the furthest back points in the map, which makes the ODST's move throughout the map according to their desires (ammo or health). One more thing. There is also a little pipe between the ODST armory and the Hold Off point that a good friend of mine, Tiamat8, created for me. He deemed the pipe necessary to make the map more successful and I couldn't thank him more for forcing me to let him try it out because it is now the most complimented aspect of the map.


    1. Shields DO NOT recharge.
    2. 200% damage resistance.
    3. Minor increases in mostly every trait except movement traits.
    4. SMG starts
    1. Spawn in 1 of 5 class types.
    2. Minor decreases in mostly every trait except movement traits.
    3. Weapon pick-up disabled after 10 seconds.
    4. Magnum starts.
    5. Die at the beggining of the game to put the Respawn Traits in effect.

    Classes from left to right: Jackal, Brute, Grunt, Elite, Hunter (RARE).

    Cave System

    Overview of Mid-Map

    ODST's Hold of Point.

    View from tree.

    ODST Armory. The pipe entrance is to the right of the players.

    Tree. (The only picture taken in forge)
    Gametype: Firefight
    Thanks for Reading.
    #1 purpledinosaur0, Sep 22, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2009
  2. Yoshiodo

    Yoshiodo Ancient
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    I gotta say, you did a great job with the map, it is very ascetically pleasing, and no doubt the gameplay is good. But, you stole the respawn idea in the sky from the first guy to make a map like this. In fact it looks exactly like his. Anyway, your gametypes are almost exactly the same or are so I won't DL that but I might DL the map. Overall not too bad.

    EDIT: Also, this is a VERY good job on.....Your first map post? Either way, great post.
    #2 Yoshiodo, Sep 22, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2009
  3. Joe is Outside

    Joe is Outside Ancient
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    I'd like to see some screenshots of the tree.
  4. Satan130

    Satan130 Ancient
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    this looks good, but i have never played a map with classes that i liked, and i have played quite a few. being forced to use a weapon you don't like, and not being able to change when you run out of ammo, dropping down your class hole to find that someone just took your weapon and you are now stuck with only a plasma pistol, and just having random things go wrong, which they always seem to do.

    it looks like a very well made map, but i doubt i will ever like a class game, unless there are some serious revamps.

    also, i agree with Joe: the tree thing in the "banner" looks really cool.

    EDIT: now that i got a full pick of it: that looks ****ing awesome. just supports the fact that this is a great looking map
    #4 Satan130, Sep 22, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2009
  5. purpledinosaur0

    purpledinosaur0 Ancient
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    Yoshi: I do admit that I stole someones idea, not sure who though, but it was very well thought out and doesn't involve too many objects so I decided to copy him there. Sorry I didn't give him credit for that idea. Also, it's really hard not to get the post right. Its not that hard.

    Satan: Yes, there are some problems with the class such as running out of weapons in one certain class and class cheating is possible. Sorry that I didn't post a picture of the tree as a whole.
  6. meepmaster

    meepmaster Ancient
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    pretty well forged map but, why make a map that you can already play normally on halo 3, I get why people make halo 2 and 1 remakes but why a firefight remake???
  7. Xtremegamer1996

    Xtremegamer1996 Ancient
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    Your making firefight for people who cant play firefight? lol
  8. purpledinosaur0

    purpledinosaur0 Ancient
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    There is a sentence in the Map Description that explains it. And it isn't a "remake", it is a completely original firefight map which I created the layout for.
    #8 purpledinosaur0, Sep 23, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2009
  9. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Very nice. Now- remember the golden Firefight rule (that I made up through experience), NEVER PUT IN NEEDLERS. You can put in Fuel rods, perhaps even Beam rifles if there is enough cover and they are rare enough, but never needlers. And also... teehee... I see your flag showing in the final pic.
  10. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    Pretty impressive. I have a few gameplay related questions though:
    1. What's the gametype (Infection or VIP)?
    2. How many ODST's vs. how many Covenant?
    3. What happens if an ODST dies?

    BTW: the map looks great, nicely forged and cleverly thought out. You could try to make a full-fledged Slayer map out of it.
  11. purpledinosaur0

    purpledinosaur0 Ancient
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    50% infected.
    The become infected. Theres no way to tie in the seven lives thing I believe.
    And thanks. I did get that a lot(that it could be for slayer).
  12. supa gems

    supa gems Ancient
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    I'm sick and tired of all these odst maps. The game's out, just go buy it for god sakes... anyways, looks fairly neat and planned, good forging, maybe add a little more cover.
  13. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I'm assuming you mean me, right. The gametype looks very similar to mine. Thats okay though, its kind of cool to see other ODST maps like mine. I have to ask, did you incorporate the Health pack system? If not, how do ODSTs get their health back?

    On to the map. Its actually very cool, could almost play as a nice competitive map. How do the Covenant soldiers get in, are there teleporters?

    Oh, and benzu, needlers work only on certain maps. Take my maps for example (don't meant to advertise). Rooftops has long, but short lines of sight, so Needlers are hard to get 7 needles on one ODST. And I only gave the Needlers limited ammo, so balancing ammo can be a challenge. This map might looks like it can support Needlers
  14. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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  15. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    + The map has good forging and interesting scenery (the tree)
    + Different from the other remakes which tend to look a little stale

    - There are no elites or battle rifles in ODST
    - It doesnt look like there is enough weapons in each spawn

    No DL for me, if you make a V2 and fix the elite and battle rifle problem, then I will, if not im just gonna play the real thing becuase it is not accurate enough for me to actually take the time to get a game started.

    Score: 6.5/10
  16. ViolentDownfall

    ViolentDownfall Ancient
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    I dont want to start an arguement, but why buy ODST for $60 when all you get is a 4 hour campagain and 3 extra maps, and you can get the best part (in my opinion) for free (well a remake of it anyways)

    Anyways nice map, i might be using it for a while since I dont have the money to by ODST right now maybe for X-mas or around there :(. You should try making it into a series or a map pack. Keep the same general idea but with a differnt layout
  17. A Fluffy Pillow

    A Fluffy Pillow Ancient
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    I remember playing on this map and thought it was really good. It was actualy FAIR for each side. Playing as the covie was fun because of the variability, and the ODSTS were forced to use teamwork and communication to survive. You also NEED TO ADD A PICTURE OF THE PIPE!!!!! and don't i get a little credit. Anyways; one of the best firefight maps, great job
  18. ksilvershadowk

    ksilvershadowk Ancient
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    love the map and the tree never would have thought really fun even if it was your first map youve been praticing
  19. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    I forgot who else did the spawn box like that first. I made a firefight with only 3 classes though the gameplay was good though but the spawn thing was somewhat copied from the other map.

    For the map: I think it looks very good aestheticly (spelling) but im not sure how the armory and the game would play out. It would seem that the map would be to small for more then 8-12 players (not really sure) and it would be better to not have an armory because it could makes the humans to powerful at first. It looks like it would be fun but ill have to get a game on this.

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