Is anyone else thinking of trying to remake Headlong using Longshore? It's a bummer than Longshore doesn't have warthogs in its default setting... but luckily, both the standard and gauss variants are available in forge.
Not really, Im not getting ODST untill tomorrow, because I have A LIFE!!!!!!! lolz, im just not very exited for any of the new features, and recon doesnt entice me, mostly because I have had it for a really long time. Actually, since valentines day a couple years ago... 7777 suicides, and 77 loses!
sounds like a good idea but I haven't actually played longshore since my xbox is RRoD'd so I'm not sure how easy it would be to do. Anyway had some good times on headlong back in the day so it would be good to see a re-make of it. @Death well most of us dont want recon I'm getting it for the new campaign and Firefight the new maps arent that big a plus for me and recons armour doesnt go on elites so I'm not really getting anything from an armour point of view. Although I am getting a sexy new controller
First off, I just listed all of the reasons I didnt want it. I also mentioned that I had to most suicides on valentines day, because its something that im proud of. Generally, I stick with my scout armour because recon=gay.Did everybody hear that? I will underline it, so that you can understand it; RECON=GAY. BTW, anyone who spoils anything campaign related is even more gay then recon. Not for me, but for people who dont have to money to get it.
Yes Death we get the whole thing about you not liking recon, your a very special boy are you happy now? :s lol And dont call people who buy ODST on the first day nerds with no life, if your willing to kill yourself 7777 times on VALANTINES day (While most other people where out with their bf/gf) i dont think your in any position to say your cool as balls. And no im not even standing up for myself ive put my xbox away untill october so no ODST untill then.
Took, thw words right out of my mouth. Typhlosean, If that turns out to be true I will make sure you get an infraction.
Could you seriously remake Headlong on that thing? 1:It's not big enough, 2:It's spammed with buildings. You don't have anywhere to place the buildings in the correct spot. I don't think there's any way this is possible.
It would be impossible to re create it, but you might be able to capture the essence of headlong. Idk though someone will have to make an Budget Glitched canvas for it.
Death take it easy man. People aren't nerds because they like Halo so much that they get it the day it comes out. Me? I'm getting mine today but I'm grounding for having sucky grades the first 2 weeks of school. (I know I fail that way). Sorry for the spam, but come on.