Pistol isn't nearly as powerful or satisfying as claimed. Story is best aspect. Rest is what you'd expect I guess...
thus far its been entertaining. Some of the campaign parts feel too short, such as uplift reserve. they did a good job keeping it mixed up gameplay wise, so that it wont get old quick. To be real honest, the game is alot harder than i was expecting. You learn that you're not a spartan rather quickly.
I think I'm enjoying Midship the most, for some reason. It's just so accurate it brings back memories of awesome flag games. Hopefully will quickly make MLG...
Exactly why I think Bungie reveal too much about their games. They have it spot on with reach ( so far anyway ) but that isn't going to last long. My only problem I have with Bungie is their insistence to show 90% of their games before they release them. I know this is to up the hype but I can't help feeling it would be so much better if you hardly knew anything about the game before you put the disc in your box..
Ivory is bitter and jaded, dont listen to him. I liked the game alot. Particularly the warthog mission. It was just too short.
If thesilencebroken likes it, I'm getting it. Usually Silence doesn't like anything I like... But this time you sound very srs.
Nah I liked parts, I just found that you aren't supplied with a decent ammount of ammo for the warthog mission and that the AI aren't smart enough to make the situation any better. However, NMPD HQ or whatever is possibly the best level of any halo game I've ever played.
You guys are crazy. I cant play it till I get off of work today. I am gonna go pick it up at lunch break. Couldnt take off for the game or I would have.
Dont ever say that again. I bet your one of the people who would just die if they didn't get little tidbits of info on bungies weekly update.
Oh ya totally dude...Why would you want to know anything about a game before you chipped out $60. [/sarcasm] Now that would be just down right ignorant...wouldn't it?
No, I appreciate the updates but I don't live by them or sit there clicking my refresh button waiting for the update to be posted. I don't appreciate the fact I know pretty much everything about ODST and I haven't even bought it. Maybe so with a games developer that hasn't previously made the 2nd fastest selling game of all time. We all know a FPS game in the halo universe made by Bungie is going to be great. However, we also know all the features included and exactly how it plays.
You dont exactly know that until YOU have actually played the game yourself. You can read about it on screen and paper but you dont fully get it until you've played it.