Sandbox Iniquitous V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gollygeeanelite, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Iniquitous V2

    Formally known as "Enclosed"
    Created By: So guess who
    The years following the Covenant evasion of earth have revealed many strange structures. On of these was converted into a stone park, where the benches use the same material as the surrounding underground structure. Recently, several Spartans and elites had a dispute on which race has the right to reclaim the territory. So the battle began.​


    Number//Weapon//Spare Clips
    1//Sniper Rifle// 1 ​
    5//Battle Rifles//1​
    2//Brute Spiker//1
    1//Plasma Rifle//---


    1//Active Camo//120​

    This map wasn’t made overnight. It has taken me well over 60+ hours because I’m a medium paced forger. Any flashpoints that are found in the map cannot be helped. The one found by top gold is only a little annoying but the playability and fun of the map is unaffected. Now, I suspect only 1/10 people have read through all the text above this. But I don’t mind.


    (DURING SPAWNS)! Keep the default
    grenades, but don’t spawn with grenades. If
    you forget to do so, it’s not the end of the
    world, but be prepared to pick up a BR or a

    Now, at last…Screenshots. Overviews are included last and I threw in the Action shots as well.

    Impressed? No? =(

    Callout is "Backwall". Through the gaps you will find a very thin tunnel that contains the sniper, shown below.

    This is called the sniper. Use all eight bullets wisely, it only respawns every 90 seconds. Note, the sniper doesn't respawn every 90 seconds unless you dirty its spawn.

    Entrance to "Blue Tunnel" I made it look nice I think

    Commonly known as "Gold Street". Its an alleyway of death.

    "Curved Wall". This is sort of a neutral point because it gives you access to "Green wall" and "Red Tunnel"

    This is what the inside looks like. Use the Regen wisely. It doesn't grow on trees. Like, er, money.

    "Red Tunnel" or "Red Cave". It has a nice curve to it, making it slightly longer and harder to maneuver than "Blue Cave"

    Looking down Red Cave from the top.

    Yes, I decided that the column design was bad, and accepted that fact. Thanks Jenkins...

    Carbine anyone? I left the bump on the right side as a natural weapon holder. It gives it more of a homey feel, know what I'm sayin'?

    Jenkins Getting Nice and taking down StolenSteal

    Stuck. My luck sucks.

    That one dude owned the other dude. As in Jenkins just got laid out.

    Look up...

    Overview One

    Overview 2



    YouTube - Sandbox- Iniquitous

    Special Thanks:

    Of course, a map is not possible without a great lead design. For this, I would like to greatly thank my forge friend xItZ jENKINZx for creating Paradise Plaza, which was my biggest inspiration and for helping me with the benches and giving CC. I would also like to thank Bungie for their great knowledge and design of maps. Without them, I would have never accomplished some of the basic designs. Thank you Bungie for creating the Innovative Forge.

    Testers!!! Thank you for your constructive criticism. They were:

    xItZ jENKINZx
    and others that I still have yet to mention....

    Download link
    #1 Gollygeeanelite, Sep 8, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2009
  2. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Lets see...

    • Added Stone platform to prevent people from getting on top of the light.
    • Removed the column structure that looked cluttered on the red side and felt very asymmetrical
    • Added sniper cave
    • Cleaned up Blue Tunnel (Moved double wall to get that annoying metal piece from interlocking with the wood.
    • Weapon tweaks and spawn tweaks
    • Cleaned up annoying "flash" in the area over gold street with the double wall.
    • Made the Regen FLOAT =D
    • Made Back wall more symmetrical by removing the annoying jump by blue spawn hive and adding the extra tube ramp along with the large wedge...
    • I dont recall the rest...It was about 15 more hours of forging along with some playtesting that the older version lacked
    #2 Gollygeeanelite, Sep 9, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2009
  3. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Looks even better bro, i loved the original so v2 awesome haha. All i had on thoughts for v1 was that if budget allowed you could add another hallway or maybe just room behind top red. But then it would be asymmetrical so. idk
  4. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    The map looks pretty solid, and everything looks neatly interlocked and smooth. The one thing I dislike is the purple light. It's very distracting and the map would probably look 110% better without it.
  5. LD

    LD Ancient
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    I only played v1, the forging was good, the map itself was unplayable, v2 looks the same. h3 is the wrong game for close maps. make the biiger, forge it the same and you got a great map.
  6. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    The map is playable. I respect your opinion but your criticism is negative and unjustified. I can't make much out of an opinion if your pretty much proclaiming that the map needs to be bigger. What did you do, Play this with 4v4? That's like playing sandbox default 1v1. It doesn't work. The map is very playable. You judge this map on a previous experience but this is a V2.

    It really annoys me when I create a map and get horrible responses after getting testers to play the map and spending many, many hours on the map. I at least download maps instead of basing opinions on pictures. That's why Forgehub is broken and it makes me want to scream. Maybe if you actually played just made your account today. Why would you play the V1 first?

    Thanks, and that suggestion was taken into consideration, but it just didn't work out. The budget would never allow another enclosed area of the map. I didn't want people to even realize whether they were in the Crypt or on the ground floor of Sandbox. I wanted to take them into a unique map, and did so with the enclosure.

    We're discussing this. I felt the same way at one point, but really. The light isnt distracting and s completely necessary. I put it there to signify the central focus of the map and to bring out unique architecture. I basically thought of a solution.

    Delete the light and see the maps look yourself. I basicall did the same and it failed to work. I want to also address your concern about the lighting affects of red and blue. They are clearly visible whether you are in one of the tunnels or out. If you still are unsure, I'll delete the lighting affects and take a screenshot of the map if you havent already downloaded and actually have played the map.
    #6 Gollygeeanelite, Sep 9, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2009
  7. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Id have to agree i have played this in a few 1 v 1 and 2v2 and the purple light didn't affect us at all. But of course i wasn't using hd so idk how that pans out. Red and Blue are very distinguishable you can tell when your on the walkways above because it has either a red or blue hue to it.

    And i'd have to agree on the whole forgehub deal, sure i post remarks some times without having at least looked at a map, but i try not to be judgemental without playing it. I havn't had any of the crap critcism yet mostly people like my maps by the looks and then like the game play as well. But it is bad that people remark based on what the pictures look like without having at least gone in forge and looked at the map.
  8. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Thanks. I dont recommend 1v1s though. I played that a lot but they just seem to be a cat n mouse type of game. I played the map on HD and SD and both look fine.

    I feel the same way about that too. I always download for a forgethrough at the very least.
  9. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    I'll just say one thing, and that's Bravo and you deserve a round of applause.

    The map is beautifully designed and crafted and im loving the center and the sniper cave. The structures and overall design is unique for the most part and the layout looks fine from what i can see. Very well interlocked, good design and weapon layout. Well done. DL as soon as i get space.

    Design: 5/5
    Aesthetics: 5/5
    Weapon Layout 4.5/5 Idk how effective a sniper is, the map seems more close quarters, but I'll re evaluate after i try it.
    Overall: 4.9/5 Good job
  10. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    That's a nice way to put it =D I'm glad you appreciate all the hard work that I put into cleaning and remodeling the map. I hope you managed to get space on your harddrive and you downloaded the map. Also, just to let people who missed it, there is a Youtube video. Watch it, at least a minute of it before you comment. It's great for a visual, and I think you could make the right decision based on what is in the content. I hope more people come to enjoy this map.
  11. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    Nice job fanatic, even though i dont see much of a difference from the frist one but still.. Nice interlocking.. everything looks smooth and you seem to have a good weapon placement.. IM grounded right now but when i get back on we gotta make a map together..
  12. IOo HYLTON oOI

    IOo HYLTON oOI Ancient
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    yu finally finished it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    btw great job!!!
  13. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    Oh sweet, i was a great fan of enclosed but one thing i hated about it was the red column window on the second story, because you couldnt see down to the bottom. Im very glad that you changed that, which will help gameplay alot. I think 8 shots on the sniper is alot, but i dont really know cuz i havent downloaded it yet. Ill edit my post if i can ever get a game on it
  14. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    loving the forging, very clean, gameplay and aesthetics also look tight, DL from me.
    just one question, excuse my noobiness, but what do you mean by 'dirty' the sniper spawn? cheers
  15. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Meaning that someone picks up the sniper rifle and never stops walking with it, though in MLG it's used in a different context. This is the proper definition:

    You can alter these weapon spawn times if you pick the weapon up as it is ”dropping”

    However, the sniper isn't drop spawned, so you could dirty the sniper spawn by never stopping with the sniper when you move around the map. If you pick up the sniper and at any point, the weapon is unmoving for 2 seconds, then the 90 second timer will restart.
    #15 Gollygeeanelite, Sep 18, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
  16. xItZ JENKiNSx

    xItZ JENKiNSx Ancient
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    OMG this map is epic (hey I should know)! I know Im picky and all but I HELPED with some parts lol! The one thing I dont understand is why people cant see the difference between V1 and V2. Are they blind as bats? Anyways even though gameplay is that same old king of the castle style where height is the advantage, its still pretty fun(Even though I lost >:/ ). I love the map and keep them cummin!
    #16 xItZ JENKiNSx, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  17. ShotRangE

    ShotRangE Ancient
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    Hey golly, awesome map you've got here. I really like the center piece and that clock thing you made there. Really good use of wall slits on the 5th picture, Instead of the wall slits on the higher level of the map I would replace that with normal walls just so that the higher part of the map won't be that much of an advantage. I can really tell that you've put alot of effort into your map. Just my opinion, but I think that the red cave looks alot more better than the blue cave. Good map overall, I think that the map would work best for 2v2 :)
  18. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Thanks bro! I played one of your maps and loved it as well. The wall slits aren't too OP in the top area due to the halls being enclosed and all. Noone normally looks down into the middle because there isn't too much to see and the slits are mainly there for aesthetics. The map does work best for 2v2. It plays better with grenades off during spawns, but I decided against making a gametype for the map. Blue cave is all right and I agree that red tunnel looks better, mainly because I started the map at that area.

    I hope you get a chance to play the map. Good luck forging in the future!

    You did more than help, you made this map possible. Sorry for killing you during testing. We'll get together for ODST. See you soon!!!
    #18 Gollygeeanelite, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  19. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    This looks like its epic. The layout is really good, and so is your post (easy to understand.) But some of your names are funky. Like what you called red cave should be called aqumarine ladder. Just a suggestion. Anyway, I reall love the teleporter thing, because it gives something that will distract those oppenents with ADHD. And the forging is really awesome. Overall, I say this map is about a nine out of ten, simply because in some areas its a little too crowded. And thanks for removing the collumns.
  20. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    I wanted an easy to understand post, and I'm glad that's how it came across. I agree, the names are a little funky and confusing :p but I couldn't think of better names so thanks for the suggestion. I guess aesthetics are al abould distracting people with ADHD, so I get what your saying. I tried to open up things and allow for short- mid range battles, but I guess some people could have your claustrophobia.

    And your welcomed. Thank my friend for changing my attitude about the map. CC FTW!

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