Competitive Maps: I Demand CHANGE!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Monolith, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Okay, so I've seen the competitive maps, I've played them, but they've all got one thing in common: They aren't original.

    Sure, there are many incredibly aesthetically pleasing maps and jaw dropping geomerged/interlocked maps, but does the gameplay truly change when you've geomerged 20 blocks into the ground? You don't necessarily need interlocking/geomerging/aesthetics to make a map fun.

    What I'd like to see (not that my views are significant or anything) are competitive maps that include moving doors, exploding booby traps, killer teleporters, turrets mounted into objects so you can only die from explosions not gunshots, etc.. It's these crazy ideas that actually change gameplay, and if our community can't except crazy ideas in a positive way, then we aren't being very adventurous, now are we?

    Lately, particularly in competitive maps, the outcome of such styles as Swat and Conquest has lead many to believe that there isn't much else out there. Come on! Where's the new style? Since when do competitive style maps ONLY rely on old designs? What's the harm in trying to make players spawn with double health? What's the harm in adding distinct, and seemingly crazy ideas to competitive maps?

    Really, Swat and Conquest should have inspired people to create new ideas, gameplay-wise.. What ever happened to that?

    I'm just sick of going into Competitive maps and seeing the same, bland styles that I've seen since the beginning of Halo 3. I mean, where's TDF's style competitive maps when you need 'em? Where's the pride in trying to create something you aren't used to?

    Yea, you see this ALL the time in the Casual, Mini-Game, and Aesthetic categories (not so much in the Race category), but, to be ultra-redundant, where is it in the competitive maps section?


    Sorry for the despicable, sobbing, terrible rant, as some see it, but when I see room for improvement, I like to tell people that there's room for improvement. Don't expect me to sit aside and follow the flow.
    #1 Monolith, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  2. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
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    I hear your cries fellow forger.

    Every maps seems to have the game excact gameplay as the last one. The only difference being weapons and either floating or on the ground.. Not much difference.

    But on the other hand, alot of maps still have their own style of gameplay, some maps may be moving all the time, and another might be defending a certain spot.

    But I hear you man.. People need to start thinking of more things to do instead of geomerging or interlocking

  3. Khala Warrior55

    Khala Warrior55 Ancient
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    yea idk bungie could do that, but it would be cool. in timespliters 2 theres a thing like forge it has moving doors but you cant get the aesthentics.
  4. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Try out mine and Jared's newest map. It's meant to be a little different and has great gameplay. The gametype that goes with it you may find interesting as well, called mosh pit exterm. It's a KOTH game forcing you to exterminate the whole team before allowing you to get any points. Not quite as hard as it sounds. Give it a try.
    #4 Blaze, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2009
  5. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Well, technically this stuff would be work of an Artificer. Not to advertise, but on there is exactly this. Switch maps. Switches doesn't just mean push buttons either. Flow switches are one of the bigger switches forums and as well, there is a forum entirely for Maps made with switches. I suggest you check them out and see if you like what they have.

    But yeah, otherwise I'll try to incorporate something in the next map of mine to your wishes. I actually have quite a good idea that would use Custom Powerups.
  6. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    I here you bud.

    I have been looking for a great idea for a new competitive map that I could forge. This may have inspired me to try something behond that of a normal competitive. The problem arises with balance when adding that custom power up that allows you to jump half way across the map gab the rockets and blow away half the enemy team. But, through regorus gameplay testing and a lot of time, i think something creative can come.

    Thanks for the inspiration :)

  7. O Blarg 0

    O Blarg 0 Ancient
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    I made a competive map with a switch door in it awhile ago. However, the spwans, objective points, and weapon placement in it probably sucks. If anyone wants to go back and redo that and any messy areas feel free. : Halo 3 File Details

    I hope some people actually listen to you though. Matchmaking on halo got very boring, very fast. Forged minigames made up for it though.
  8. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Making good competitive maps is a very hard challenge. I've tried multiple times to make good competitive maps, but they all seem to slide down the threads like all other posts do. I once tried to make a new gametype that used three basic weapons: Needler, Spiker, and Plasma Rifle. But I changed the setting so the spikers and PRs killed faster than the needlers. It was a good concept, but didn't play out all that fun.
  9. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    Meh, you're complaint in itself is old an original, you're telling us to be original you Hypocrite. Lemme break this down. You don't judge a good forger on how good his maps reveals gameplay since it's on the fickle side and unpredictable. Sure as hell you can skip to it Roger when you can sum up an estimation on how all the good deeds you've forged will all wind together in the end picture, but never prehand which is the exact purpose testing lives and thrives thoroughly in ever forger's heart. You'd be more precise to judge someone on their forging talent by observing their works of art through aesthetics and excectution since those are the things in the map taking the larger half. When someone is to come up with a map idea their first impulse isn't thinking of gameplay but something architecturally related and whatnot. Gameplay is perfected by tweaking, so it's not particularly any forgers problem whether or not it comes out as if he wishes since excecution is the breaker. Now with the newly discovered auto merging that throws a rock at the rib of aesthetics on the other hand which leaves us with originality alone. Which to throw everything together, the only way to accurately judge how good someone is at forging, is to look at their excecution and/or originality. Competitive maps have redundancy in the sense you're looking at it, as their's nothing wrong with as they currently lie. Forging at the current times is as I put it fine as is, no reason to ***** about something not worth bitching, am I right laddy? Adda' boy, skip to it now.
  10. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Honestly, putting switches and things into competitive maps aren't that easy to do and usually just hold the map back. The way I see it, the way you can honesty change gameplay a little and make it unique is by putting underused weapons like the Sentinel Beam or the Fuel Rod on maps and balancing them out. Same with underused vehicles on Sandbox maps like the Scorpion and the Prowler (Flexure does a good job of using the latter.) Even changing up the way a weapon layout is because a majority of all competitive maps have the same base - power weapon - base set up.

    Besides, the way most competitive maps play is perfectly fine. After all, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  11. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    "Sometimes you need to run in order to walk."
    -Coming from a member who joined in April, 2009. Believe me, it gets old after seeing (generally) the same old gameplay style since 2007.
  12. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Just because I joined the site in 2009 doesn't mean I haven't been here since before then. Don't say that I don't know anything about the subject just because of my assumed time from being here. Besides, it's all a matter of personal preference anyway, so just because you don't like the gameplay of competitive maps doesn't mean everyone else feel the same. If you really want there to be different gameplay on competitive maps, then get off your ass and actually go attempt to do it yourself. Bitching about it and telling people to do it for you won't necessarily change things.
  13. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Tell me, how many of my competitive maps have you actually seen?
    How is it unpredictable? You can play the map with a group of 2-16 players and base whether it has good gameplay or not off of that.
    I don't exactly follow.. Could you be more clear, please?
    No, not a at all. The main reason you get a feature is because the gameplay is unique, not the aesthetics.
    That's not how every forger does it, but sure, many ideas come from this.
    True, you tweak your own map, AFTER it's been made. I'm talking about making large tweaks BEFORE you start building your map, which is perfectly acceptable.
    Aesthetics are a part of originality. So is gameplay.
    ...And originality is mostly (not fully) based on gameplay.
    -According to you.
    Apparently, according to you, competitive styles are judged based on how well the final product looks.

    ...And it's these types of people that make me worry how our site will ever be adventurous.

    First off, resorting to swearing and anger won't help this thread.

    Secondly, you have absolutely no proof behind when you started lurking about this site before April, 2009. So, you can't blame things solely on me if I'd rather believe in probability over your anonymous statements.

    Third, I've experienced more of this site than you, so I, in a sense, should know more about this site, than you do. It's not fact, but it's probability.

    Fourthly, me making two or three maps that are seemingly out of the ordinary in a list full of 6,892 threads, will accomplish close to nothing. It's much more easier to just explain how I feel, rather than spend 2 months on 3 maps that indirectly explain, in a wrongful, unclear manner, how I feel.

    Fifth, I try to respect your opinions, but it seems that your experience has gotten in the way. I'll try not to make things personal, but things don't always happen as I plan.
    #13 Monolith, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  14. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    The problem with implementing switches is most of the time, they only work a percentage of the time and it is very rarely 100% or even in the 90%s. In a competitive map, they have to work 100% of the time or it becomes unfair if it works for one person and not another.

    Its sort of like saying "When going off the lift near blue room on guardian to lift over to sniper side, you make it 90% of the time. The other 10% you fall to your death." That would just be unfair.
  15. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Sums up my thoughts on this matter.

    Resorting to anger and being blunt are not necessarily the same thing.

    You have no proof that I haven't either. Therefore, this statement is irrelevant.


    Start a trend, people follow.

    I try to respect your opinions too, but it seems that your hypocrisy has gotten in the way. Therefore, you opinions are rendered invalid to me.
    #15 Scobra, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  16. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I see what you're saying, but it's these seemingly crazy ideas that bounce off of one another.

    Once you've made a lift that doesn't work very well, you have another chance on a new map to improve it. See where I'm going?

    Care to explain?
    Blunt - slow in perception or understanding.

    True, but now you're saying you're slow.
    I have proof of a point in time that you once joined this group. So, I'd rather rely on proof, than your anonymous statements.
    It's a matter of probability, not arrogance. The probability is a lot higher that someone who joined a site in January, 2008 knows more than someone who joined a site in April, 2009.

    It's simple.
    It's not that easy. Did you know Van Gogh didn't even begin to become famous until two years after his death?

    It really isn't as easy as it sounds.
    How the heck did you manage out that I'm a hypocrite in all of this?!

    You have ABSOLUTELY NO evidence behind this. NONE. Plus, if you were to find one of my maps, you would be basing my entire style off of one map, which would be rather stupid of you.

    Plus, your views on me being a hypocrite would mean you're using opinions to form an argument. I use probability and personal experience, not anonymous, incredible findings, like you.

    I'll really try not to make this personal, just as long as you don't make it personal.
  17. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    I know what you mean. When I get my xbox back from repair I will be making an infection/ffa map where theres tons of rooms that are connected by doors that open/close every 10 seconds. Ill send it to you when im done.

    Also if your so upset that none makes exciting maps why dont you be the first to make something different and unique.
    #17 BraveDave, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  18. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Wait, I thought you quit forging.
  19. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    You are doing nothing except complaining and crying and not actually going out and forging a map that implements new gameplay ideas. If you were to take more action instead of just simply posting a thread saying 'k guise plz maek diffrent mapzz plz' you would have a much better chance of meeting your goal.

    Wrong definition.

    Blunt - abrupt in address or manner.

    Firstly, there are hundreds of things wrong with these statements. It is like saying someone who is born in 1991 is smarter than someone born in 1993, which is generally false. Post count and date of registration don't determine ones Forge knowledge and intelligence, neither does age. Also, don't be so quick to judge someone by something so pointless.

    And yes, it can be viewed as arrogance.

    And did you know that barely a day after Kanye West did what he did at the VMA's, the Kanye Interrupt meme became instantly popular? Hmm, I guess all trends don't take two years to catch on. What you're trying to achieve wont necessarily happen overnight, but by sticking to it and continuing to pump out maps with the little things you're saying you want in them could eventually achieve what you're aiming to achieve. Also, I never said it was easy.

    Roughly all your competitive maps are forgettable and have generally the same gameplay (as far as I remember)

    You made Alteration correct? I played it, but all it felt like was a rip off of Distortion, same goes with Focus. Sure they played okay but the ideas didn't really seem all that original. You're being hypocritical by making forgettable map that feel like they have the same gameplay like every other map, which isn't what you want. Therefore, you're stating that you want people to make maps with unique gameplay when about every competitive map I've seen from you tends to have relatively the same gameplay as well. Earthquake, which is one of my favorite maps (and ironically, by you) is a neat idea and plays very nice. However, the only unique gameplay mechanic added to it is basically the Scorpion and destroyed building. Even with those things, it still feels generic as far as gameplay those, which I is what I like.

    And go ahead. You can make this personal. I could make it personal and tell you that I think you're stupid for believing in a non-existent person who supposedly half ass-edly created everything in existence and then magically impregnated a virgin with a son who had super powers and supposedly was nailed to a lowercase 't' and then became a zombie three days later. I could say that, but I wont.

    I was literally just about to bring this up.
  20. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Believe me when I say this, I will post again in this thread why you are wrong in a sense ER1C0. Please notice that I say you are only wrong in a sense. For now I leave you with this.
    Halo is a competitive first person shooter. It has a very unspecific type of way a competitive game should be played. But even so, it should always be balanced. Think of what you are saying when you say that there should be a type of competitive game where people with a custom powerup giving them 2 minutes of super speed and invisibility. Don't you think that any game like this that was played competitive would and should be categorized under a casual game? That's the beauty of Halo's capabilities and flexibility. You can't just demand that there be a competitive game and/or map that involves things like unbalanced gameplay. When you think of a competitive map or a game, you think of a balanced game where people devise strategy to outdo the opposition. When you play a casual game on the other hand, you think of a game entirely new, fun, and replayable in large parties. Judging by these examples, I think you see where I am coming from and that I am correct in most aspects of my counterargument.

    Edit: I am also suggesting you guys please discuss this civilly instead of resorting to name calling. Whether you joined in '07 or '09, it doesn't mean that one of you are more correct than the other. You guys need to cool it or this will be locked or moved.
    #20 Phreakie, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009

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