Hey, remember me? Or Winston? Oh well, I've decided to post my escapades from breaking out of maps here. Here's a nice screenie of valhalla from my secret cottage. If this thread breaks the rules by any degree, please lock in advance.
Your title is "Nice Views" with an S. I only see one pic Anyways, a nice view indeed. Not much else to say.
Haha, well I hope to update thie frequently. I've almost cracked high Ground, so it shouldn't be too long... EDIT: I've found my screenie from cracking Snowbound! Shame about the blue line (invisible wall :3)...
Like hell it's not... didn't get the whole station in, because i couldn't get the camera to a cool angle. That, and that big blue marble down there is much cooler.
it is impossible to get one of the whole station. i believe. ive gotten out in a couple places, including that one ^. but i cant get out very far.
Eh, that feels like hacking a game instead of just cracking it. Not my style. Also, ITS THE ARRRRK. Happy pirate day.