Foundry Grifter 09

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by B3NW, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Grifter 09
    Created by B3NW

    Base: - Foundry

    Supported Gametypes:

    • Griffball

    I decided to make Grifter after I was fed up of regular old griffball maps with their annoying little host advantage at the start (obv cant be fixed for running round killing but I fixed for the opening) and the regular wall with bridges covering the top, so I made Grifter 09.


    Grifter 09 is a griffball map made for gameplay and to also look good.

    First off the huge wall is now a huge double box only wall (with a few singles because I ran out of doubles and opens :p)

    Secondly the bomb spawn is raised to allow people to use more tatical approaches to the ball.

    Thirdly the bomb plant points are underneath a wall double geomerged to protect from lucky launches were a ball carrier should die and normally gets an instant point.

    Forging 101:

    [ YES ] Floating Objects
    [ ___ ] Instant Respawn
    [ YES ] Immovable Objects
    [ ___ ] Timed Map Events
    [ YES ] Effective Spawn Placement
    [ ___ ] Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ ___ ] Objects Placed in Water
    [ ___ ] Used Symmetry Option
    [ YES ] Interlocking Objects
    [ YES ] Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ ___ ] Unlimited Budget Glitch
    [ YES ] Awesome ass wall

    #1 B3NW, Sep 18, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
  2. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    I'm not the biggest grifball fan, but this does impress me. It looks far more fair and enjoyable than the plain canvas map :)
  3. Yoshiodo

    Yoshiodo Ancient
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    Both of you need to chill out. You're acting immature. Fruitista, first off. Don't flame. You don't have to make his map sound like a useless piece of crap. If you don't like it tell him where he can improve, or at least give him constructive criticism. All you did was say his map sucks. Quit flaming for no reason! You've done this to every map you've looked at practically. REPORTED.

    As for you, map maker, even if he does say those things, all you have to do is report him. It doesn't look good on you if you swear in every sentence of your post. People aren't going to DL you're map like that.

    About the map. I didn't exactly get the map idea, I feel you should explain that better. However your map does look like it could use improvement in some places. It looks like there are some ledges for the ball to land on and people to camp on. It's not hard for that to happen when everyone has a hammer. If I were you I would make an edited V2. Shouldn't take long. Overall, fairly nice post.
    #3 Yoshiodo, Sep 18, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
  4. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Sorry about swearing too much lol but when **** heads just flame pretending theyve downloaded a map then I get pissed off.

    But how can you say there is ledges you can land on when you actually havnt downloaded the map. You cant land on anything.

    There is one small ledge you can get on but it is millimeters from the floor and a hammer or sword will take them out in one.
  5. Yoshiodo

    Yoshiodo Ancient
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    *Edit* A ledge. I think. It looks like you could swing a hammer and land on top of those bridges covering the roof of the fence box.
  6. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Nope. Downloaded it, and tested it. You cant stay on those ledges. They bump you when you fall down, but thats it. However, I do think the box is interesting. I cant imagine how it would work in a real game, but if I can get one together...
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    You mean the single box in the middle?
    It's just to add a bit more gameplay as you have 4 choices to go for, 4 teamates, 1 choice each. Over, under, left and right.

    Add me. GT: B3NW
    Ill get a game started up with you.

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