I want someones opinion on instantly respawning weapons. I love making team objective maps, and I would like to have instant weapon respawns for certain weapons. That way there are plenty of weapons to go around. (hey what can I say? I'm an equal opportunity guy). Mainly on the Aussalt Rifles and Battle Rifles(I don't care how 'nooby' the AR is, because I make it non-noob). It seems those weapons are always running out of ammo. I just wanted some opinions on this. Thanks :happy:
unfortunately, weapons cannot be truly instant respawn. the best I have been able to come up with is a mass of them in one weapon holder set to instant respawn.
Hold your item above ground, set it for respawn rate: 10. Press X again and set the Item Max to as high as it'll go. Then save and quit it while it's still floating. This way it'll spawn every 10 seconds...might lag up the game, but that'll fix your problem.
Wait I know you can raise the run time max higher then what you have on the map but I didn't know it affects the spawn. One would spawn every 10sec until the max is reached? Raising runtime max counts toward your total total object limit doesn't it?
You can set the minimum respawn to the max, which'll respawn the wep instantly as soon as its picked up. So you pick it up and then it respawns immediately.
Thanks. Mostly though I wanted to know if anyone thought it was a good idea. But I suppose it would depend on the map being casual or professional.