Well it just so happens I have a friend who downloaded a pirated torrent of ODST and played the campaign on a modded box. (For the record I do not support this illegal activity. Nor does this site in case the eyes are watching...)(No its not me, it is seriously a friend who did this, Grif is currently angry at him (or jealous)) Spoiler Turns out, the Vidmaster Achievement "Classic", which requires you to complete a level on Legendary without firing a shot or using a grenade, is quite easier than you might think. There is a ghost on the third level that you can use throughout the entire level. Just a little tid bit of info I thought ya'll might like to know. If I'm not supposed to post this due to legal issues, feel free to lock and remove this.
You can remove the word *supposedly.* My cousin has a modded box and a pirated ODST, which he brought over a few nights ago so I can back this up. Plus, there is leaked campaign footage on youtube so if you don't believe me, you can go right ahead and look it up.
Erm... so? Bungie has already posted the full list of 47 achievements. Have people even bothered to look at Bnet recenetly? 47 achievements, 1000 gamerscore, no mods.
erm... did you read the post? i dont think bungie has stated an easy way to exploit a level to unlock that achievement with minimal effort.
But isn't it already obvious that some levels will have vehicles and that driving them is an easy way of proceeding through the campaign without shooting?
There is also a mission in which all you have to do is detonate the charges on the bridge, and then blow the bridge up. That is the one that I am probably going to do.
this. I was mostly saying how the ones that look terribly hard are actually quite simple. Now it still won't be too easy, seeing as you gotta still have a legendary amount of troops in your way, but yeah.
I had a feeling that it wasn't the whole mission. It says it on bungie.net, but I'll just tell you what it says "Finish any level solo on Legendary, on LIVE, with no shots fired or grenades thrown."
wow, this is interesting. I'm actually glad to see that there is an easier way to get a difficult achievement. I still will play the heck out of this game til i get a bunch of achievements anyways, lol.
I'm still going to try it anyways normally. I wish a game company, since you can only have 1k points, would make a **** load of 0 GSP achievements just to set goals for yourself, you know?