I've done a few searches through the forums but I'm still a little confused about the best processes for color coding objects, namely for forging on Avalanche and Blackout. Specifically, I am trying to find the best way to color code geomerged objects. The methods I've seen involve bracing and tap grabbing, but that would be nearly impossible for the merges I want to do using the Ghost Glitch. Does anyone have ideas for a step by step process that incorporates the arts of Color Coding with the newly discovered method of Ghost Merging?
From what i understand you create a box and if its the color that you want, you save and quit. Then for the second box you keep on making and deleting boxes until it is the same color, then you save and quit again. After they are all the right color, you ghost merge them. Im not quite sure if thats right, but from what ive gathered i think thats what you do. Hopefully someone else will post and help you out a little more
It won't work i tried and every time you ghost it the box it gives you is a different color, but there has to be a pattern to them. Idk im trying an avalanche map as well so i think tonight im going to play with it and c. Either that or im just a dumb ars and didn't do it correctly.
Simply no-clip it (i hate the term ghost merge rrrrrrgh.) the box will turn a random color, if it's not the right color, delete it, then no-clip again untill you have the right colored box, then save and quit in the position. simple.
I had to settle for grabbing and save-quitting as quickly as possible, or in some places completely redoing the ghost merge on my Avalanche map(which has been on again off again since about this time last year, ghost merging is making it quick to finish up). Edit: For the grab&save method, I should add that you have to brace every possible side, and if you can get outside the map, brace there too.
Once you have the box in the exact spot you want, brace it with teleporters like you would with any geomerge, then pick it up (it won't move) and then save and quit. The color should change. Repeat as necessary.
I had been wondering this myself, thankyou for the good answers everyone! I assume they have actually been tested and they aren't just theories.
Yes, I should have mentinoed in my reply above that you have to brace every possible side before trying a grab+saave&quit to color change. Some merges are just too deep or at too strange angles to get this to work though.
Did you color code the boxes this way on your Black Out map? When you return after saving and quiting is the no-clipped box the same color as when you saved? I was under the impression that it still changed after the save and quit. If I'm wrong then your method is sweet and is definitely what I will use. Grabbing the items after bracing them would be impossible on a map like the one you created. Can anyone confirm the: 1. No-Clip the object(deleting and recreating until the desired color is achieved) 2. Holding the object where you want it merged 3. Saving and Quiting Also I just want to confirm that you don't let go of the object before saving and quitting.