YouTube - Brand new mw2 multioplayer gameplay on the new map afghanastan part 1 sorry about another thread for the game, but I think this is a good video. Notice how this guy gets bonus points for his headshots. (hooray!) He also uses one of the new kill streaks and it is ****ing sick. Its the missile thing from cod4, he zooms all the way in on his enemies.
So there are vehicles in mp, there's one part where he passed by the humvee at spawn. I wanna see what that does
I'm pretty sure that's just scenery (like the ones on Ambush) because if I recall correctly, IW confirmed that vehicles were only going to be present in single player.
Sweet, i cant wait till this game comes out COD4 was great but COD5 just sucked terribley. And i hope they dont have vehicles in multiplayer, or at least not as annoying as tanks were