How is this THAT similar to my other work? I focused on doing something a bit different with all the abstract C4Ds desaturated and stuff...
It's quite different, and believe me Donii, I've been shoutin' that at this guy for a month now, but this is a great improvement. The clarity is what really sets it apart from your other sigs. Now I'd concentrate on doing things other than abstract bgs.
lol Donii cncphail Anywhoozle, I like how the c4ds go out on the right and left, but I think you should have picked a better stock. The one you used seems somewhat LQ. It looks like you tried to sharpen it, but that doesn't work very well when stocks are already pretty LQ.
Same lighting.. Same Style, Same Colour scheme. Its the same **** with a bunch of c4d thrown overtop IMO If you dont notice that, Were the **** have you been?
I agree with you all the way. I too have been trying to convince him to change his style. Nevertheless, this is quite different from your other sigs. As stated, great improvement. I don't like that little red light on the text. Work on your flow.
Donii, chill. Let's focus on helping him and recommending improvements instead of bitching about his artwork.