The Lost Chamber

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by rusty eagle, Apr 13, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

    13 vote(s)
  2. Ok

    6 vote(s)
  3. Average

    13 vote(s)
  4. Good

    41 vote(s)
  5. Great

    86 vote(s)

    Senior Member

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    Yeh those maps suck... it amazes me that you can even find ways in random other threads to bash me. wow.

    As for the map, Cosmic's right. But I'm sure it is alot of fun though. Although most maps like this are. I'm just not entirely sure that this "sticks out in a crowd," if you will.
  2. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Yes, that's exactly what I meant when I said that this map shouldn't of been featured Lights. It doesn't stand out at all. Nowadays people are adding crazy aesthetics to their maps, doing some really interesting stuff with teleporter lights, custom powerups, interesting architecture and pallet conveyor belts. This map has nothing. From the pictures I'm seeing all there is to this map is some barrels, and 90 degree angled walls in a simple, one story maze.

    And I also think it's a little messed up that before I posted no one was really questioning the originality of this, when I have seen decent maps on here be chastised for not being original. It's a bit of a double standard.
    And I also thought that getting rid of Guilder ranks also meant getting rid of the auto-feature priveliges.

    I'll be playing a game on this today with Cosmic though. So I'll see how it plays at least.

    Senior Member

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    On the other hand though, if featured maps are judged according to map category (among other things), then this has to be featured.. because it does seem to be the best of its kind.
  4. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    The auto-feature of guild maps are over. I don't know if you have noticed, but this map has been in the mini-game map forums for about two weeks. There is no kissing butt either, TDF has no control of what gets featured anymore.

    No the reason this was featured was because of gameplay. The theme of the mintaur is original, the disorentation at spawn is original, and the minotaur random spawn location is original. This map would never have been featured if the gameplay was amazing, which it is. As far as infection games go this one takes skill, intelligence, and ingenuity to kill the zombie. Do you honestly think I would ever feature something without actually testing it out first?

    I know we haven't been up to date on the features and we apologize, but look towards the future. Yes you are missing something, if you haven't noticed many FHubbers like these kinds of games. This honestly is the best infection game besides in the shadows I have ever played. I would have actually played the living dead playlist in MM if this were in it.

    That is just an ignorant statement, I personally download many maps and check them out, so never think that we don't. Also, the staff has many tastes, featurable maps are not restricted to one person, so don't attack people. And about making another website, well you can go proforge yourself. That is a joke by the way. It is the community that makes this site great not a news post that lasts one day, so be way less offensive in your opinions. That is almost like saying "Hey I don't like melee, well I'll just go and make another Halo 3."

    Yes we are in the process of setting up a voting system where the community gets to vote. While the front-page does not speak for the whole community, guess what it only lasts one day, so instead of flaming, just don't say anything at all and wait the next day when there will be a new feature that you may like.
  5. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Some of these comments are the reason I don't bother with forge anymore.

    Here's some of what I'm seeing.


    My response:
    Who gives a crap? Sure it's been thought of but all of those who tried to execute it failed miserably. We managed to take the dead horse that has been beaten past death and make it into something successfully. Sure it's a simple map, but that isn't what always matters, it's the game play. Don't like it? Well then don't play it.

    "It's Just Leprechaun reversed!"

    That is indeed true, but this was built before Leprechaun. Leprechaun was the last map that I built when considering date (it wasn't the last I released though *hint*). It was literally built and tested 1 day before St. Patrick's day. It was done in an utter rush, but we felt devoted to release some holiday content. Sure it sucked, but it was fun for a few games yes?

    "Everyone loves TDF and is sucking up to him! His maps shouldn't be featured to let more community members get their maps out!"

    Lawl. I did found the site after all, although some of you may not know this. While I may not be actively Forging & posting anymore I am still here, like a ninja. I am watching and helping the staff out with certain decisions. Effectively sucking up to me does nothing. Oh and I was the one who started to implement systems to really focus on the community aspect of Forging and phasing out the guilders. I put the guilders in place and I took them out with the help of my right hand and ever so sexy man, Nitrous.

    "This is unoriginal!"

  6. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    Hey rusty, dissect some other statements. I said the exact same thing Neverless said but without the pleasantries.

    This was, and remains, a horrible feature choice and you can not deny that you guys collaborate to show a majority of your own maps while leaving the rest of the community in the cold. It is a provable fact.

    The maps I mentioned are just a few that have gained loyal followings by your community that you claim to be so well represented here. They have been around for quite some time so claiming that there is some kind of crossover or lag between release and featuring is bogus.

    Speaking to your auto-feature feature that is supposedly null now; that is simply wrong. Granted Forge Hub has had some other featured maps released that were not associated with guilders, groups or cliques in any way. These maps are simply far better than the majority of crap here, thus deserved featuring. (Gradient being a prime example) Please do not expect us to believe, however, that you orange folks do not prefer each others’ maps, that you do not spend much more time connecting with each other and reviewing and promoting from within. Its bull if you say otherwise and few of us who actually read the threads from outside your groups are fooled.

    For a representative of this site to bash another site is probably a slippery slope. Inter-site slander is probably something that the company being represented would not like. This entire debacle goes to show that you are in fact not in touch with your community, which is larger than merely 15 people, since you are arguing with it and attempting to tell it what to think. Your groups shoot down any outside opinions.

    Offering an opinion that you and your buds do not agree with is not flaming; deal with it.

    All you have to do before replying to this is look at the general reception of this featured map. Now go to any number of maps that have been very popular among us ‘common folk.’ Compare the receptions.

    You can PM me if you would like to discuss further.
    #46 Atheos23, Apr 14, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2008
  7. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    I apologize for 'lighting the match' in this argument here. Maybe we all just have different ideas in what kinds of things should be featured. I think there is also a lot of ignorance in how things are run around here, and I think that is why we're seeing comments like "the only reason this was featured is because TDF made it."
    Hopefully there will be an announcement soon to clear up all the ignorance and mystery and let people know what's going on.

    I also want to point out that my biggest problem was not that it was featured. As I said earlier, I'm sure it may be the best of it's genre. My problem, was that despite getting rid of Guilder ranks, people were still giving special treatment to something un-original because of who made it. I have seen good maps, using ideas that are not as common as this one, and they have been mistreated by even some of our more well-known members around here just because their idea wasn't completely original.

    One last minor note: Not a big deal rusty, but the minotaur game is not original. I've played a few different variants of this like 3 or 4 months ago with one of my old xboxlive friends. It was pretty soon after Foundry came out. And it was also called Minotaur's Maze, or something like that.
  8. l WILSHIRE l

    l WILSHIRE l Ancient
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    Woooo! we just learned about this in school today and I was like "this would make a great halo game.:surprise:" well any way you got my down load. Looks Good
  9. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    It was featured already...

    Trust me I have seen a long list of community maps to be featured. Besides we have something much more interesting to be announced.
  10. bdog99049

    bdog99049 Ancient
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  11. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    Its not so much a lack of understanding of how things work--a perspective from your side--but the perception of how things work--the perspective of our side. You have moderators roaming around with “Silent Guilder” in their sigs talking about they don’t prefer any certain person’s maps; you guys don’t promote your own. Come oooon…seriously?

    TDF...I know Gradient was featured already.

    Hopefully the announcement is something that includes the majority of your community (that is now speaking up, in case no one has noticed) and not just a few.
  12. bdog99049

    bdog99049 Ancient
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  13. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Uh, you said the same thing twice. You don't have to post the same message twice, we already know what you said first. It's not a rule or any guideline, but it isn't necessary.

    As for the giant ball of flaming, demeaning and idiotic statements, confusion of the existance of Guilders, etc. going on in this thread, drop it. This thread isn't really about the recongnization of certain people who make certain maps that are featured instantly or who happen to have a higher link in the chain that is called Forge Hub, the rumor/myth that Guilders exist, or just plain flaming and statements with no meaning but to make someone down, its about the recognization of the map and its gameplay ,and somewhat lesser of the people who made it, also any CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, or statements that include "great map I'll download it" or "there's a problem with this certain part of the map" (the latter example of good statements is also an example of CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM), etc.

    Thought I would like to share that with you.
    TrueDarkFusion likes this.
  14. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    I am a Latin Scholar (hence the name) and am greatly pleased to see this! So, the person who kills the minotaur is proclaimed as Theseus? By the way, they weren't peasents, they were those people found "unfavorable" by the king (King Minos)
  15. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    A) People need to stop spamming in the wrong threads, this is a thread that was made to comment on the map, and for some odd reason this comment has absoultely nothing to do with the map.
    B) Please tell me, after arguing so much did you even play the map? This is like the highlight of a good custom party, and usually you get 5 games of this in a row before anyone can even think of playing anything else...I dont know about you but that is 5 times better than any other map
    C) The Majority of the community likes this map so what are we not noticing? 6 pages of grats, and good map, and awesomes?
    D) You mentioned earlier that the ex-guilders prefer other ex-guilders maps? Well of course they do. They have a reputation for making good maps (even though some arent that great) and they have known one-another for a while and know how good the others are at forging.
    E) great map guys, i've loved this for a while, and have been playing the old versions since I first saw it.
  16. NinjaKiwi621

    NinjaKiwi621 Ancient
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    there is a roof on it
  17. Metroshell

    Metroshell Ancient
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    Meh... :confused:
    I don't believe maze maps should be featured, but who am I? :squirrel_rant:

    Anyways, I'll just look at comments and see if the forum likes the map. No DL'ing for me.
  18. marquis madness

    marquis madness Ancient
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    I think that the name doesnt reflect the gameplay, but I love the idea.
    And if you have spare money, maybe add some ceilings to some areas for dark effect.

    Nice map, 5/5!
  19. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Yea... he's Theseus (unofficially, I dunno why lol)

    anywho, I'm aware of the original myth, but there also wasn't a giant chute in the original story, they merely walked in and were enclosed

    artistic freedom if you will

    and im glad someone actually pointed that out, kudos to you
  20. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
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    I'd like to take this moment to personally apologise for fixing the formatting on hundreds of sigs and posts; for staying up all night to respond to requests for help restoring accounts, tweaking permissions and fixing bugs; for setting up a system to alleviate spam and monitor the site more effectively - when what I should have been doing is acting autocratically and featuring community maps left right and centre.

    However, whilst doing all that we have also been compiling a list of such maps to feature and we have a large backlog. The problem is that it is difficult to decide which should go first as this attributes it a perceived superiority. The depressing thought is that when these maps get featured people might think bitching and making inclusive statements about those who play a part in running this site will get you results. Well all it does is piss me off. The difference between Neverless's comments and your own is wide.

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