Can you make me a signature? Now I know what your thinking, great another request, it's not a request, it's an opportunity, to join me and some of the most talented template,website, and signature designs in the country, think about this very hard, it's an easy way to earn some cash, sort of like a job, actually it is a job, you will get payed for just making signatures, if you'd like an opportunity to join us, please respond saying so, if not, well please at least respond so I'm not waiting all night, also just so you know, if you do this, What we would do is start off small, and work are way up. So we would start by starting a signature shop on, and then (this is the part you do not tell ANYONE) if me and my "people" (I'll explain so enough) like your work and think your worthy, you'll move your way up to the best division (*Hint*) Flame head (*Hint*) If you know what the hint means, its not a guarantee, but if we like your work and think your good enough, it's likely. AND I DON'T WORK FOR BUNGIE, I HAVE CONNECTIONS WITH ONE OF THERE GRAPHIC DESIGNERS, SO DON'T SPAM ME ABOUT THAT! Please pm me for any questions or concerns or if you want details on what to make. Thanks for reading, MLG Also for clarification, I'm not a talented signature maker at all, I'm the manager and supervisor.
never mind, I don't want to be a part of something where someone with minimal experience in the area that I'm working in is above me, sorry.
Wow. I make a sig and get to work for Bungie?! Amazing! ... ... .. Oh, sorry. My account was struck by a large burst of sarcasm. There are jobs that require graphic art, and some stupid people who will pay for sigs, when people make them for free anyway. Me? I'm sticking on the first path, getting a qualification in it.
hm.. for some reason your contest and this seems like a scam to me. I can't trust you, knowing your records on this forum, you have been banned a lot.
Um, for some reason that doesnt make sense to me, I'm employing people for my shops and design centers, and I have connections with the senior graphic designer for Bungie Studios, if he likes you enough it's a gig, if not you stay with me, and still get payed pretty well, Besides I'm paying so what does it matter?
see, now I'm agreeing with Miraj, show us some proof of your "connections" or something, because even if I don't want to enter into a contract or agreement with you, I don't want anyone else getting scammed into something.
well if you communicate by e-mail, a screen of that. If not you could just show us your credentials, if you really are the supervisor you should have those.
Summary Award-winning graphic designer and art director experienced with corporate identity, packaging, print collateral, advertising, annual reports, web and multimedia. Special emphasis on conceptual design and communication goals, high attention to detail. Comfortable with information architecture, project management and business development. Recent Web Design Gourmet Chocolate Truffle Kits - Just Specialties Fine Food Business Improvement, Leadership and Process Design - J. G. Richards Consulting San Francisco Bay Area Party and Event Rentals - Abbey Party Rents SF San Francisco Dry Cleaning, Wash & Fold - Alabaster Cleaners High-Speed Internet for San Benito, Monterey and Santa Cruz counties - Razzolink Classic and Modern Design in Marin - Susanna Larkspur Marin Designer Fabric and Interior Design - Collure Northern California Solar Energy Design, Installation and Financing - Kashong Energy Partners San Francisco Bay Area Pet Photographer - Kendra Luck, Dogumentarian Atlanta Editorial Photographer - Ann States Photography Photographs of Greece - Natalie Kulukundis Photography San Francisco Photographer - Kim Kulish Photography New York Photographer - Najlah Feanny Photography Experience 1/02 to present Graphic Designer and Art Director Sara Waters Design Walnut Creek, California Full-time, freelance design for corporate identity, print design and web sites. 4/97 to 12/99 Graphic Designer 1/00 to 7/01 Senior Designer 8/01 to 12/01 Art Director Visicom Design Group Palo Alto, California + Performed lead role in the design and production of print, identity, packaging, multimedia, web design and web applications + Developed business, managed vendors, served as client liaison + Managed press checks, art directed photos, supervised team design efforts + Maintained production schedules and budgets + Trained, supervised and provided art direction for junior designers + Managed multiple, concurrent projects in different stages + Designed information architecture and user interface for on-screen applications + Demonstrated ability to learn and use new technology 1/92 to 4/97 Graphic Designer Lesher Communications Pleasanton, California + Designed and produced ads and promotional collateral + Juggled short-turnaround jobs with longer, more complex projects + Attended press checks and coordinated projects with outside vendors + Trained designers in use of Photoshop and QuarkXPress Education 5/90 California State University, Chico Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication, Minor in Art Recognition 2004 Silver Addy Award Portfolio Pros Logo 1998 Graphis Logo Design 4 Visual Matter logo 1998 Print Regional Design Annual Visual Matter stationery 1994 Employee of the Year Award Lesher Communications Computer Skills Excellent skills in Photoshop, Illustrator, QuarkXPress and Dreamweaver. Experienced with HTML, CSS, server side scripting, Flash and Director. Strong troubleshooting skills, familiar with cross-browser and cross-platform issues, comfortable with Mac or PC. Memberships American Institute of Graphic Artists Women in Consulting San Francisco Women on the Web CommArt Communication Arts Network
Exactly, if u are who you say you are then it is easy to find evidence. Its just you can't trust people on the internet, especially if it involves money and art that has no physical value.
says you were working in 92 and your 19 now...ah, so your 33, guess I have no problem with this then.
And you're the MLG Pro Xena too? Hm, busy life. Also, your profiles says your name is Bonnie, yet the web designer for those websites go by the name of "Sara Waters." Not making any accusations, but don't scam people. Its not cool.
There is more than one people using this account, my sister and two brothers, and me, I dont mess around with info stuff, I just go on the forums, I could care less about the profile stuff, and I'm not Xena, sister is.