My Speech Over Doctor Assisted Suicide

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by EGP, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Doctor Assisted Suicide

    The only way to really take a side on this issue is to decide whether you believe that doctor assisted suicide is an act of mercy or murder. After really taking time and getting into the issue I concluded that, in my opinion, it is an act of murder. In that case, I believe that doctor assisted suicide should be illegal in the United States. In defense, I am going to give you three main reasons expressing my opinion on the matter. The first point will discuss how doctor assisted suicide violates the Hippocratic Oath, the second point will discuss how doctor assisted suicide is against some religions, and the third point will discuss how miracles can occur. I will began my three points with how doctor assisted suicide violates the Hippocratic Oath

    Upon receiving a medical degree, each doctor is required to take a Hippocratic Oath, which says among other thing, "First, do no harm". Assisting in suicides would be a violation of that oath, and it would lead to a weakening of doctor-patient trust. If a doctor assists a patient in suicide, in my eyes killing, they are violating that oath. The oath was created in part so patients could be reassured that doctors only wanted to help them, rather than hurting them. A weakening of that oath may cause patients to wonder.

    To my second point, doctor assisted suicide is against some religions. The most basic commandment is "Thou shall not kill". Virtually all religions have a law against killing. We need to protect the morality of not only the patients but the doctors that must extinguish their lives. According to a survey that took place back in 2007, 79% of citizens of the United States identified themselves as Christians. All forms of Christianity have a law against killing making doctor assisted suicide an offense towards 79% of the population. That is only if the person who claims to be Christian is true to their religion.

    To my third and final point, miracle cures or recoveries can occur. You can never underestimate the power of the human spirit. A cheerful, never-give-up attitude can often overcome the longest of odds and the worst of illnesses. You also have to consider the constant medical and pharmaceutical advances that just might lead to a miracle recovery. If a patient is told that he has, for example, six months left to live with progressively worse pain, he may decide to end things before things start to get worse. This wipes out valuable time that can be spent with family and friends; it also denies the slim chance of a recovery or the possibility of discovering a doctor error. So, if the family decides to choose doctor assisted suicide and 6 months later a cure is found for the patient’s disease, wonder how that family will feel. We should never get to a point where we spend more time looking for a way out of life than for a way to sustain life.

    In conclusion, I believe that doctor assisted suicide should never be legal throughout the United States. Once again, when it comes to the question, “Is doctor assisted suicide an act of mercy or murder” I believe that the answer to that question is, “It is an act of murder” Thank You.

    Our speeches have to be set up in this three point method, personally I do not like it, but whatever.

    I have to have this speech ready by tomorrow. He said if we don't use a notecard, the highest grade we can get is an A. If we do, we get a B.

    What do you think? No flaming please.​
    #1 EGP, Sep 14, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2009
  2. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Is the teacher expecting you to speak your opinions or to prove a point with facts?
  3. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I disagree. However, I am about to eat and don't have time to discuss the absurd and fallacious nature of each of your arguments.
  4. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Pretty poor arguments you have there.

    1) These assisted suicides are done when the patient asks for them. Chances are, these patients would do these when they feel that they will live their life in pain or they feel they have a second class exhistance.

    2) State and Religion should have no relationship. Also, you are somewhat implying that non-religious people have no quelm to killing.

    3) If patients want to wait for this miracle, then let them but also give them the choice to not wait for it.
  5. EGP

    EGP Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's supposed to be more towards facts, I don't think we are allowed to use, in my opinion, I guess I should remove that ;P
  6. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your essay is very obvious. You should take a non-standard viewpoint on the issue (religion, legality, etc) *< -example of obvious overused points*

    Your standalone points are also very weak.

    *An edit occurred here
    #6 Fbu, Sep 15, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2009
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Redundant and unnecessary. Combine the sentences together and remove the introducing bit. My take on it:
    "Doctor-assisted suicide is an act of murder, not mercy, and should be treated as such throughout America."

    Quite a blank sentence now, though. Perhaps it could be spiced up with more evocative imagery and flow, but you need to minimize redundancy in speeches.

    Minimize the use of yourself; that is, the use of the first-person pronoun. The more personal you make your piece, the far more subjective it seems, and the end result of that usually ends up detracting from your essay.

    Also, you'll need to preface your speech before hammering out your stance. Perhaps you could talk about the rates of doctor-assisted suicide in the USA, or the current popular moral stance on the issue.

    Here, you're telling the audience what you're going to talk about. This is basically like a movie trailer showing every plot twist in the movie. When you're outlining your points, do it vaguely enough that it's not completely spoiling your speech before hand. Obviously, you still need to somewhat sketch upon your ideas to preface your points. But please, just don’t use your original.

    Change “each” to "every"; change “a” to "the". Small changes, but when you're speaking, it shows. “Every” helps to establish that all doctors are taking the oath, while “the” frames the Hippocratic oath as the Hippocratic oath.

    What are the cons of having the patient not trusting the doctor? Establish this firmly with examples. “In my eyes killing” pretty much killed any hope the sentence it was contained in had. And again with the ‘weakening of the oath’, followed by more ambiguous problems. Reduce repetitiveness unless you’re intending it, and then only when you’re absolutely certain it will help your argument by emphasizing.

    Unless your debate is over religion itself, try not to bring up religion as a point. It’s too subjective and causes too much unnecessary troubles for your essay, one of them being controversy over religion itself. For an example, your last line. “That is only if the person who claims to be Christian is true to their religion.” I can guarantee that you will piss people off with that line, whether you intended to or not, and in any case, it will leave a black mark against your paper for the remainder of it. Avoid bringing religion up in your paper. Suggestion? Bring up morality and ethics instead. Your paper is clean so far, and it’s not necessary to dirty it up by bringing up a religion debate into your essay.

    Don’t start off your points by saying that they are points. Generally, it should be obvious to the reader.
    Don’t tell the reader what to do. Suggest and try to persuade him/her, but don’t tell them.
    Stylistically, there’s nothing wrong with this sentence. However, it’s very weak and too subjective. You need to prove things, not make a general statement and hope that it sounds catchy enough that people won’t think about it.
    Incidentally, I thought the whole point of a miracle recovery was that it was a miracle.
    I have to consider it? I do? Really?
    I thought this was an example in of itself. No need to reiterate it.
    Another argument thing, but if it’s a slim chance, I’m assuming that it’s very unlikely to happen, and if I was the patient suffering, I want to go, and not suffer so that I can comfort my living relatives. I’m the one suffering most, right?
    No, I guess we shouldn’t.

    It isn’t necessary to inform the audience that you’re concluding.
    Don’t tell them your belief. Say that it shouldn’t be illegal. Outline your points to reconfirm that.
    “Once again” is unnecessary.
    You don’t need to thank the audience for bearing with your speech. Finish off strongly and end by leaving a strong feeling in them. It would work very well if you ended by saying, “When it comes to the question of the implications of doctor-assisted suicide, the answer to that question is, ‘it is an act of murder’”. It’ll depend on how you’re saying it as well, but that depends on your tone.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Those arguments were horrible.

    1. This one is based on tradition. If a doctor must do no harm then the following treatments would no longer be used: Chemotherapy, Bone marrow transfers, even small things like braces. Doctor assisted suicide is painless.

    2. I don't really even need to address this. Religion is a personal thing, it is up to the patient not religious 'morals'. Doesn't make sense at all.

    3. It is up to the patient whether they want to go through 6 months of pain (I personally wouldn't). No one is forcing them. This point is invalid because it is not based on facts.

    Overall you sound like a naive Christian kid, which is all you are.
  9. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    Also, this may be helpful. Note the key difference in the following terms:

    Voluntary Euthanasia: A doctor takes steps to end a patient's life, essentially killing the patient

    Assisted Suicide: A doctor prepares steps to end a patient's life, but the final step is taken by the patient himself / herself
    #9 Indie Anthias, Sep 16, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2009
  10. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I forgot about this completely

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