New Forge Glitch

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jex Yoyo, Sep 3, 2009.

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  1. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I am glad you posted this it is alot easier. The only problem i have is how long sometimes i have to wait for the object to disappear. But still a really amazing and helpful tip, this could also work really good for making floating objects.
  2. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    I'll have to try this the next time I get on xbox (Friday mebe). This could have sped up the time it took to make my map, but it only looks like your saving time from pushing it out of the way, which takes like 1 second so...
  3. iTzSilverandrew

    iTzSilverandrew Ancient
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    Dunno if someone mentioned but with the dummying method, it works with OLN also
    Just pick up 1 OLN and dummy it, spawn another of the same object to never respawn and dummy that one, then just pick the OLN up and wait for the never to disaper then force spawn it.

    Only drawback to this is you can't prebrace OLN. They no-clip in the direction they were originally saved at.

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    Yeh the no pre-brace thing is kinda a bummer. Perhaps if you brace it before you dummy it then it will retain that angle when you duplicate it. Worth trying I suppose
  5. xPromekx

    xPromekx Ancient
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    I've almost finished making my first map with this glitch.

    I still cant believe that this glitch is real! it's so easy to do and works so well.

    -LIGHTS'S EDIT: not the place for this.
    #305 xPromekx, Sep 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2009
  6. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    Silverandrew, that was how the glitch was originally discovered, with only OLN. This became soon obsoltete when tyryr1 found out a way to do it with items you spawn. This was much more effective because you could pre-brace them and not be limited to the oln.

    Promeck - nice try...
  7. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    Wow, kudos to TYLYR1 for finding the no-clip glitch that works with all items. It's amazingly simple to do once you understand how to do it. I definitely will be using this technique pretty often. Too bad it wasn't discovered before I started work on my previous map :( haha but nice work!
  8. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    You guys have almost tempted me to make a video tutorial describing how to perform the new glitch while still bracing the object. I've seen map after map from my friends where they have said they used the glitch, but the quality of those maps look worse than they would have without the glitch. I've been making about one map every day now since this glitch was discovered. Every time I invite people to my games to test out one of my new maps, they are still amazed.

    The no-clip glitch obviously cannot be taken seriously by some newer forgers, and even some older forgers. When prompted if I used the no-clip glitch, I'm usually put down when the players says that makes making maps too easy. However much it makes forging easy, it still takes a lot of motivation to perform, and if you don't have the motivation to perform the no-clip glitch correctly with bracing involved, then your map is going to be of poor quality. It's the truth, and it always will be until these nubs learn to no-clip correctly.

    Step Required For No-Clip Brace Glitching

    As an example, this tutorial will show you how to brace the object to be perfectly straight, and flat. But the same method works for angles too.
    • Place a Wall-T on a flat surface, making sure it does not move, or tumble
    • Dummy the object you wish to No-Clip glitch by tappying Up on the D-Pad, and X at the same time
    • Dummy another object the same as the one you dummied before, using the same exact method
    • Set one object to Never Respawn
    • Grab the object still set to 30 Second Respawn
    • Press the object up against the Wall-T, and let go of the object
    • Pick up the object and make sure there were no gaps in between it and the Wall-T
    • Set the Run Time Minimum for that object to it's Max
    • Place the object wherever, making sure not to press the right trigger
    It's as easy as it gets. You don't brace it before the dummy, you brace it during the dummy before the run time minimum is set to it's max. I don't get why nobody does it...
    Then while you are waiting, why don't you brace the object!? D:
    #308 Conkerkid11, Sep 17, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2009

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    no ****. Its called pre-bracing. All the cool kids do it. It took me no longer than 30 seconds to realize that principle.

    I said with the OLN objects. Which don't duplicate at the same angle as you have them braced but rather at their original angle

    Objects you spawn yourself can brace perfectly fine, but OLN objects are different.
    #309 LIGHTSOUT225, Sep 17, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2009
  10. CitricGoatsMilk

    CitricGoatsMilk Ancient
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    [- - Tylyr1's New Glitch - -

    i quote none

    It works with turrets to set one to never and one to 10 then dummy the one to 10 and move it then blow up the other turret and rise the run time minimum and there you go
  11. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    O.K. I have a few things to say here. First of all I tried the Up-X combo, it wasn't happening for me, I could not get the timing down. The second I did the Up-A, I got it on my first try. I'm going to stick to that from now on because I'm so used to it.
    Secondly Two new tips 100% from diger44:
    For Color-Coding boxes on legendary maps simply:
    that was from another post but I felt like posting it here just so more people can see it.
    I' using this technique that I came up with in my new map called Post-Bracing. First Pre-Brace your object like you normally would. Another accuracy problem is height or depth in the ground. If your trying to make a perfect line of no-cliped boxes that aren't exactly one-half above the ground, this should work. Taking advantage of the glitch with the glitch in which (lol rymez) the object only goes halfway into the ground, you can "move" the ground up-down or at a slant with objects. Example: No-clip a pre-brace object. But two large stone columns down next to each other, then you will be able to exactly get a perfect height for a merge, same goes for any other combination of objects. Just repeat the same number of objects for each merge and they'll all be perfect!

    EDIT: I tested both of my theories and they both work. The Colum undernath a double block creates a perfect 1-bridge height merge into the ground, perfect for protecting stray grenades...
    Here's a pic of it: (left: no-cliped object placed on a column, right: standard block)

    #311 diger44, Sep 17, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2009
  12. xPromekx

    xPromekx Ancient
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    Yeah same here, I dont get how anyone who is smart enough to do the glitch isn't also smart enough to realize this!
  13. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Sweet. I knew something like this was long overdue, to help the people (no names!) who are annoyed when this goes too far into the ground. Added to tips section =)
  14. Cryoraptor

    Cryoraptor Ancient
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    I have already started putting this to work and have seen great accomplishment with it. This glitch shall open the doors to many people to lazy to merge, like me. Geomerging is a pain but this is the answer. YOu can actually see what something will look like before you let go of it. This reduces guessing. I've also noticed that the block behaves like a normal block when still but when u move it it goes through players and vehicals too. So I moved a block over someone and when it stopped moving nothing could kill that person but he could shoot anyone outside. I had him stand on top of it, moved it up and he jumped, repeated until he was high in the air. So then i moved the block and he was floating. Neato. The block kept disappearing everytime I let go of it though with them in there.
  15. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    Thanks Yo Yo, and why didn't you post the color coding glitch. I understand It wasn't so clear but... Here I'll Re-write it:
    Color Coding Legendary Boxes:
    In order to get the same color box on avalanche-type boxes you must do the following:
    No-Clip a box just like you would with any color box. The box will turn a random color after it's no-clipped, and if it's not the right color delete it and no clip again until you have the right color. Once the object is in the final position with the right color, save and quit it. This no-clipped box will remain whatever color you saved it as.
  16. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Now I can understand what you were saying. Soon, you wont ever need another place to learn the little tricks that help you merge. Hurrah for lazyness!
  17. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
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    You sure did something monumental my friend! You have now caused a new age of forging to begin!

    I have been toying around with this glitch and have made some pretty neat things so far! I cannot wait to see what people will start making once this glitch gets more popular. Right now, I have only seen about 3 maps around the forums that has used the Ghost Merging glitch. You are a god to me my friend, you have made our lives 10 times easier. I feel like jesus everytime I ghost merge haha!

    You have my respect and thanks


    P.S.- I have made a thread that has a list of all maps that have been posted that have used Ghost Merging. Check the Forge Discussion.
  18. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    I have three more things to say:

    1.Ugh, I hate the term "Ghost Merging" It sounds so, so, unprofessional and it doesn't fit with the other glitches:
    Ghost Merging???? No.
    No-clipping. Much better. Plus you don't just merge with this glitch, you also "lock" with it, so Ghost Merging doesn't work either. No-Clipping. New glitch. New name. That's my view on it.
    2. Thanks YoYo for adding it to the tips. I have a tip for the Original Post too. You need to organize it much better:
    -Take off the link to video.
    -Take off the text about capturing the method.
    -Show the Non-OLN video before the OLN one. (take off the huge font about Tylryr1's new glitch.)
    -Take off the spoiler and just make standard text.
    -Take off the "Wall of text" crap, it's stupid.
    -Add the written tutorial after the videos.
    -Rename the title of the thread to "New No-Clip Forge Glitch" or something like that.

    This will make the thread much more professional and easier to understand instead of some random post......

    3.I have a capture card and it's a Saturday and I'm bored and I was thinking about making an ultimate No-clip Guide. What do you say?
  19. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Sorry, I've tried this over and over again and it doesn't work. When you come back after saving the game and quiting, the object is a random color. I guess you have a 1 in 3 chance that it will work, so sometimes it works, but this method is not doing what you claimed.
  20. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    EDIT: Disregard what was here before. It is random. The box will turn a random color after it is saved and quited. HOWEVER, that color will remain game after game. so it sorta-of works. Just keep no-clipping and deleting if it's not the right color...
    #320 diger44, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2009
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