Installation 6, The lost and forgotten ring. Aged for many Eons in the deep pocket of space. The Forunners knew that 16,807 Shameful Matrix with his habits of being in charge and being rude was to put him in the perfect place. They pushed him into the forgotten realm of space which even the Forunners could forget him. Shameful Matrix left to hold the smallest of the Halo rings called Zeta. This was true for many years till the war of the Reds vs. the Blues Span outward and this poor Monitor was dragged into there conflict... The Monitor, with his black light seemed all but bored in there conflict. Alright once we have the intro done... This map is the rebuild of the halos' Control rooms. I took idea's from each control room and mixed it up to get what I wanted and what could be done. The main set up of the map is Conquest. Conquest games but the weapons are flipped upside down. What I mean is, that all the weapons are covy. There is a beam rifle instead of a Sniper Rifle to show an example of flips. Now there is a few different things about this conquest as to others, This isn't tunnel fights.. and in truth...there isn't a celling...or a true floor to most of this map... your on a ledge and if you fall off you die. Its a new idea just wanting to see how the community likes it..
haha yes the second one looks like your shooting me =] great map, but check up on your typing and grammar a bit.
I remeber testing this yesterday, it was a blast! If you look hard at the 6th pic you can see me, I have a sword on my back. Anyway this is great for conquest, especially the death pit..
I remember testing this out for conquest and it was a straight up blast I love the asthetics involved in this creation The sniper box thing got annoying but you countered that by making fusion coils in there The overall layout of the map is funky but it is amazing at the same time Great map Great job
its a really good idea. The pics and story are top of the line dude. love them all, It gets a DL just for that. I have never played conquest B4, Ill give it a shot.
great map go4er, probably the most creative and original conquest map that I have ever seen, I see that you changed the name of it... I didn't recognize it at first, but this map is a must download...
I deleted the Furious Review of mine since I epically failed apparently. . . however this is going to stay on my hardrive forever, it was frankly THE best conquest map I have ever played and definitely one of the most fun in general, great job.
Thanks for rounding out the conquest playlist with yet another interesting geometry change. The aesthetic touches are quite nice, and I think the gameplay is even better. Nice addition for the community. And the last two screenshots = win.
I don't think anyone killed me when I played on this, I just died about 10 times from falling off the edge capping the territories, lol