Well it's actually called the Zune HD, but who cares. Anyway, here's a video, it explains everything. YouTube - Zune HD Grand Tour http://www.techtree.com/India/News/Microsoft_Zune_HD_Arrives_Gets_Dismantled_Too/551-106375-615.html I personally am excited about this. I've had my 8G Zune for about a two years now, and, I guess it's just getting old. There's a little scratch on the screen, and for some reason whenever I click up on it, it's been going down for the past few days. I don't why the **** it's doing that. I've had to use the touch function, which I'm not used to. Anywho, I like that there is finally a touch version. The only problem I have with it, is the fact that they used internet explorer as the browser. However, as long as there is a browser I'm happy. I also wish there were speakers, but I really don't care. I'm REALLY happy with the radio function. I always thought that the radio was wasted because it had such crappy quality. Now it's hd. I also like the Newly Added function because I've always just thought to myself, why the hell ISNT there one? Really, we've had that function on stereos for a while now. I honestly don't think it will take the Ipod down, but, I'm still going to buy it, because I've had a zune, and I have an xbox to sync it with, and they're saying it has a better screen and may be less expensive. EDIT: Facebook and twitter apps confirmed. I forgot something else I wanted though; I hope they make a way to plug your zune into your car easily now. All I can find are ipod to car stereo converters.
Nope... Your wrong, they do indeed have an app store. If you have the new Zune software 4.0 they have a new tab for apps. Although since it's still really new there are not many new apps for it yet. They got a few games and like this little weather app so far. Not a whole lot. I wish it worked my 80 gig Zune. I really want to get this but I already still got plenty of space on my old 80 gig Zune which still works fine. It wouldn't make a whole lot of sense if I got this but if they make a larger one with more space, and I have some extra money I may think about getting it.
Yeah, some guy I watched corrected his information saying that there was an app store when at first he stated there wasnt. I guess I missed that. But all the better right!? They said there is going to be a myspace and twitter app, but I want a myspace app. I don't want to shift over to facebook just yet. I know I'm going to have to do it, because everyone else is, but I like myspace, and I'm lazy.