Update: see botom Event WILL BE HELD FRIDAY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv58W3ZF-mcThe MAPS Blue Base On this, the second Forge Spectacular we decided to run TWO parties. Despite some minor issues with who would monitor and needing more people, The second ever Forge Spectacular was hit! Ferretness, G043R and Iversonrocks, hosted one room. While Coyote, Rusty Eagle, and Orangeremi hosted another. Yes. In fact we were privileged with a few honored guests, among them where the famous Shock Theta, Wakko, the aforementioned Orangeremi and Rusty Eagle, and the infamous Sargent Sarcasm. We may may run two rooms again however this will depend mainly on the amount of people that sign up. There will be a roster posted Friday morning in this thread, that will specify who attends which party. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When G043R rocketed me, while I was jumping to capture the flag. Me getting stuck right after I grabbed the flag Orangeremi missiling the unsuspecting Coyote right after he grabbed the flag. Shock Theta and the flag carrier getting pwned by the fusion coil trap. My win of throwing the bubble shield and jumping to narrowly avoid a rocket to the face...again. G043R rocketing our gauze from the entire way across the map Coyote not realizing wakko was right in front of him....no he didn't assassinate him after the pic... teh epic fail...I SWEAR I BEAT HIM DOWN!!! The red team was just epic in general. And the award for the most epic move goes to Rusty Eagle for runnign to the wrong place to return the flag, and giving away the game to teh otehr team 3-2 Simply post your signups like before, you can see the previos posts Here, and Here Edit: sign up following this format: Gamertag: H3Artificer username: Do you have Heroic DLC?: Age: Timezone: Do you have a mic?: Are you attending the whole event?: Major awesomely huge update! Forge Spectacular is switching to FRIDAY! However the times will stay the same You must resubmit your application for Saturday to attend.
Gamertag:kayaman132 H3Artificer username:still no Do you have Heroic DLC?:yes Do you have Legendary DLC:I will Age:14 Timezone:+10gmt Hawai'i time Do you have a Mic?:yes Are you attending the whole event?:hopefully, but Friday is tough for me, i will update my status as soon as I can.
GT: a dumb cat H3 name: n/a Heroic DLC: yes Leg DLC: asap age: 25 TZ: Pacific Microphone: yes Whole event: should be able to... --dc
Gamertag: the other dark H3Artificer username: *none* Do you have Heroic DLC?: yarp Age: 14 Timezone: -5 Do you have a mic?: si Are you attending the whole event?: si
Gamertag: Vicious Vice H3Artificer username: n/a Do you have Heroic DLC?: Yes Will you have Legendary DLC: Yes Age: 24 Timezone: EST Do you have a mic?: Yes Are you attending the whole event?:Wouldn't dream of leaving
u already hve all my info twice and my GT is on both the H3Artificers friends list and yours... ooo, nd im wondering, if u need to ill be a moniter, being there twice ik all the rules and all and can moniter if u need some1, just saying...
Gamertaguderdas H3Artificer username:duderdas Do you have Heroic DLC?:yes Age:16 Timezone:eastern Do you have a mic?:yes Are you attending the whole event?:yes
Gamertag:American10 H3Artificer username:American10 Do you have Heroic DLC?:yes Age:17 Timezone: pacific Do you have a mic?:yes Are you attending the whole event?:hopefully i have school.
Gamertag: Super Solider77 H3 Username: What is this? Have DLC maps: Yes Age: 15 Timezone: Pacific Have mic: Yes Attending whole event: Yes
This is for my buddy his computer is broken so he can't do it himself. Gamertag:VoodooChild78 H3Artificer username:None Do you have Heroic DLC?:Yes and Legendary Age:16 Timezone:eastern Do you have a mic?yes Are you attending the whole event?:yes
i don't think i will be able to attend the event, there has been a bit heat wave here lately and my xbox keeps overheating so.
Forge Spectacular was canceled this week for a variety of personal conflictions with the mods, we hope you will all come next week. The signups will be posted in another thread and will continue until Wednesday. If you singed up here there is no need to make a post in the other thread, I will provide a link when I create it. New thread = Here