I don't know about you guys but it seems bungie takes a long time to make games For instance did you know that the time between Halo 3's and ODST's opening and becoming availible to the public is enough time for a can of Halo 3 Mountain Dew to EAT through its can, TRUST ME I have two twelve packs here to prove it, if you've saved any for yourself you probably want to check them, now if you will excuse me I need to mop the floor and get sugar high on whats left
i heard that it took around 1 year to make ODST "which is short for a halo game" i think statin* said that i read that in a magazine called EDGE
ODST was a 14 month project. Halo 2 and 3 were around 30 month projects. I believe the average development time for a game is around 24 months. Bungie may take longer to make games but they are damned good games.
They also said that they started Halo 3 right after Halo 2's release... They take the time to make the game good though. Also, why would you save that Mt Dew? It would have been terrible after 2 years... Perhaps keeping the Can, but the drink too?
Blame teh Microsofts! ODST could have been released a while back, at all the conventions they've been promoting ODST and Firefight as in its final build and the demos available there were variations of the final build. Plus they were going to announce it back at last year's E3 but Microsoft stopped them, ruining the SI ARG. Perhaps that also explains why they let us look for the non-existant Secret of Sandtrap for months! Maybe they thought the Mythic Maps would be released sooner but ODST's delay meant they maps were also delayed. Maybe.
Yeah that was not funny btw, but it is ture ODST is having a really short production time compared to halo 2 and halo 3, btw how long did it take for halo ce???
This. Who honestly cares about how long it takes companies to make games? Sure, it's unlike Valve with Team Fortress 2 and it's 7 years, however, they are great games. More development time = better games.
Just think how long it took for TF2 to come out. Valve, take yo time. At least we had multiplayer and map packs to keep us busy between Halo 2 and Halo 3, then to ODST. Halo 1 had nothing. Except for maybe Halo PC.
They revealed it in 1999 and released it in 2002 was it, i can't remember. So i guessing 4 years? maybe 5.
But Halo 1 had a lot of factors contributing to why it had only campaign and LAN. The main reason being that Halo 1 was released at the same time the xbox was, and xbox live had not been finished yet meaning that Halo 1 couldn't have live.If xbox had online at the time, I'm sure bungie would put matchmaking in. And while we're on the subject of rushing games, I think they actually took out several levels from the Halo 2 campaign to meet the deadline, and also notice how there were lots of graphical glitches in the game.
Bethesda take about 4 years to make a game, and their last two releases have both got game of the year. Hold on, i see a pattern! Nice fact about the drink though.
Use your brain OP, the longer a games company take developing the game, the better it will be. The same applies for forge, the more time and effort you put into it, the better it turns out.
2 words - Duke Nukem. The only way they could improve it would be by adding Xbox Live multiplayer. I love Halo CE, I downloaded the trial years ago, I even bought my first 360 controller before getting an Xbox (I was thinking of buying the full Halo PC, but ended up getting a 360 and and Xbox copy of Halo). The trial was awesome, just Blood Gulch for multiplayer but Big Team Tank battles were great fun! I tried Xlink with my Xbox and Halo CE but my router didn't allow me to see the few people who had games set up or for me to set up my own. Does anyone play Halo PC online? The trial always had loads of games set up in the lobby, is it still like that or has the online population dwindled?
agreed. i'm also really psyched for Starcraft 2, because Blizzard is taking all the time in the world for it and it has some features that are going to blow your ****ing mind. I wish Halo 3 had more time spent on it, especially the campaign. They were going to have a forest mission with a giant forerunner guardian whose eye you could rip out and use as an ultimate laser.