The Answer to All Your Complaints.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by RedNeck, Sep 15, 2009.

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  1. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    A buddy of mine wrote this insanely long list of answers for all Halo 3 complaints. I am sure all of you who half to sit and listen to every MLG semi-pro complain about how they get killed will benefit from this.

    Here we go:
    So there you guys go.

    #1 RedNeck, Sep 15, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2009
  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    This doesn't seem very updated... Team snipers is a ranked playlist.
  3. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Fixed. Sorry about that.
  4. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Very good.

    The only thing I can complain about not being right, is the ranking system. You have "You probably do" referring to anyone not having a 50 sucking compared to got a legit 50s. Though the system is honestly pretty F'd up, lol. It is stupid to get mad about it, which I couldn't honestly care any less (some people do). Anyway, I at one point played with a team of 50's in MLG A LOT, they were all good but I was clearly better (they all had admit). Us winning 9/10 or more of our games for however long we played (I think about 35 wins out of 40 some games), should show that I deserve my 50 just as much as my friends and the people we played, though I don't have one. I don't personally care all that much but you have to admit that it's sort of bullshit. I know other people that this has happened to as well, so it's not just myself.

    Lol. Well I added my 2 cents. If you talk to the writer often you can tell him I think it is a very good write up though and suggest other complaints that I hear often.

    Second accounts
    people that care too much. lol

    I bet people can think of more.
    #4 Blaze, Sep 15, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2009
  5. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    It'sssss alright. A bit naive. Very naive actually.
  6. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I wouldn't say "naive". The Bungie forums are always nearly clogged with threads filled with complaints like about these topics (or they're nearly empty, look at the other Bnet forums, the ones not about Halo, they are fairly quiet in comparison).

    But I will start to find posts summing up complaints and answering them annoying soon. The majority of us understand these things, the minority floods the forums and doesn't read any thread which may have any chance of showing them their wrong doings.

    Basically, these threads are sort of like people who know they are right, bragging about how right they are.

    I changed my mind - it is a but naive.
  7. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Just because you were being realistic in the way you develop a reply ( save time by only getting the majority to agree with you ) doesn't stop you being naive.

    I don't disagree with you, i just don't think things like these can be summed up in less than a novel.
  8. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    That thing about us kids (I'm 11) being treated like were in the dang kindergarten is so FREAKING annoying. Look, sure some of us may scream over the mic cause they think they're all tough like that, and some of us may plain SUCK. But I have 3 kids on my friends list who are all the same age, and we rule at Halo. Just because of a rating (which doesn't make sense to me... Johnson is the only one who cusses big time, I think, and the blood looks more like somebody spilled sticky cherry flavored stuff all over the floor. The flood are just like the swine flu (joking)) that says that it is INSISTED to be for people over the age, doesn't mean that people younger than that can't play it. Most of Halo 3's population is in the age category of Teens, which ranges from 13-17. A fraction are kids, 12 and under, and a bigger fraction but nontheless a fraction are adults, 18 and above.

    Anyways, breaking away from my rant about kids playing Halo 3, the list is very true, other than the Skill thing. Some of us may be very good at Slayer, and we play custom games just to play on different maps that WE pick. Then in matchmaking we may have a 2 in every slayer gametype. But isn't there already a complaint's about Halo 3 thread?
  9. KsqueaK

    KsqueaK Ancient
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    the rating for 'M' has alot more to do with then just some minor blood effects and a couple swear words, but parents these days are horrible so no kid understands anything the way they should.
  10. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    You're lacking perspective in this. People don't ***** about kids playing Halo because they are "too young," people ***** about kids playing halo because they are annoying as ****, come far too often then not, and using the mute button can and will at times result in death.
  11. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    i agree with most of that. People online are really dumb sometimes, but complaining about stuff is pointless. The only thing I disagree on is the ranking system. It seriously is messed up. I know a lot about it too (I read a massive thread) and I still think it sucks.
    #11 Love Slice, Sep 17, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2009
  12. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Remember. I didn't write this.
  13. FSC Nightmare

    FSC Nightmare Ancient
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    Nice, I was going to make a guide like this exactly, but I guess Archangel beat me to it . . . :cry:
  14. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    You were going to write a guide about the obvious?
  15. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Oh come on, you reposted it. That doesn't make it immune to disagreement or criticism.

    The only server is the one used to match one player up with the others.

    Armor is coded into each map, updating it would require updating ALL of the maps and re-releasing ALL of them as DLC. Nobody wants to spend that much disk space on armor. See? Not that long to explain the reasons that it is "too much work."

    First, don't respond to a griefer by upping the ante and griefing him even more, just ignore him and submit player review. Second, good luck remembering a gamertag to join his parties after he falls out of your recent players list.

    The problem isn't just that they are kids. The problem is when they act like kids. Since they are kids, they act like kids the overwhelming majority of the time. Screaming, swearing in excess just cause mommy's not home, those annoying voices, and just generally not working as a team. All of these things are less common in older age groups.
  16. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Dude. I posted this to help out the FH community. Something you obviously don't realize. Don't expect the time of day from me regarding this thread. Its here to help, not be criticized like ****. Honestly, I would rather not see this be posted on.
  17. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Half of those problems are due to annoying people, not an annoying game... Every game you play, there will always be jackasses... GOW2 has people with temper issues (due to the game fail) COD has people that always make fun of you if you dont have your facts straight/not an addict. Halo 3 just has plain annoying people that insult everyone that loses to them or beats them....
    These all apply to about 70-80% of GOW, 40-50% of COD and about 60-70% of Halo. It isnt the game's fault, its just that people are normally stupid in EVERY game.
  18. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    What he said. Don't forget that in Halo 3 there's people that brag about being a 50 in everything.

    House Geeks...
  19. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Don't expect the time of day from you regarding this thread?? I would ask everyone to not post on this thread then. Your friend rants about stuff that no one here really cares about and you don't want to hear other people responses about the thread. That's too bad.. This thread is a waste of time anyway. It seems really spoiled and childish to bring half this stuff up anyway. Halo 3 is an amazing game. Except it for what it is, or don't play it.. To complain about this small fry stuff is a waste of everyones time. Don't post on this thread. Don't feed this garbage. Lock please.
    #19 x DREAM 76 x, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2009
  20. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    actually. Lemme message a mod.
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