Map outside sandbox border?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by gnurdbn, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. gnurdbn

    gnurdbn Ancient
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    Has it been done? Have anyone ever done a serious map entirely outside the borders of sandbox?

    Im working on such a map. It's an "indoor" (so guardians won't kill you)map out in nowhere of sandbox, and im just wondering if i am the first one to do it, or if it has been done?

    Im basically merging everything togeather and into the sand. It's inspired from guardian and cold storage. The guardian part is that there are several corridors bending around a round-ish center, and the cold storage part is that you can't see from one side of the map to the other as you can on guardian as there's walls and roof on my map.

    It's nearly done, I promise i'll post it when it is :)

    Edit: Map is ready for it's preview, check it out at
    #1 gnurdbn, Sep 14, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2009
  2. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I believe there has never been a largely out side in the dunes map.
  3. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Its possible but they're not that common. I think the main reason was it was hard to build on te uneven terrain, but thats a thing of the past now!
    So the only real problem is the gaurdians will be constantly shooting from 7 seconds into the game until the end.

    I have had a few ideas though. The first was o have a part of the map open to one of the tower's fire to make something like the train on terminal, to have a path which could sometimes cross if you were lucky.
    My other idea was wehn I put a tube piece in the dunes and a red light next to it. It looked like a red room, you stepped inside and the screen starts to flash and it looks like some sort of security alarm which has been activated by you entering the room!

    Unfortunatly, both of these ideas would have had the guardians constantly firing at players but not killing them, its just really annoying.
  4. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    I think it's a very unique effect, having a flashing corridor/room, also large explosions in the distance (laser hitting walls). You could combine this with the FX objects for a different "atmosphere".

    Also, you might want to make a risky short cut with bubble shields, so you throw bubble shields that spawn rarely and you can make a bridge towards the other end of the short cut, but if you're caught outside a shield and within reach of a guardian shot, you'll die.
  5. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    on phone so i cant link but a created a thread oo this this week. Try second page. While your at it, bump it
  6. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    It has been done before. I made an infection map outside the border but as far as I know no onmes made a competitive map there so good luck. Is there an annoying sound of the guadiana firing?
  7. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    That's an original idea from what I've seen. But that's the hole point of the Sky bubble doncha think.
  8. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I like the idea of having 2 bases almost completely enclosed then having an open bridge where you might but might not get killed by the guardians lol. It would be really cool but you would have to mute your tv lol.
  9. Mistaken5363

    Mistaken5363 Ancient
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    to answer your question yes it has been done as far as i Know cause ive played an infection map that used the natural darkness of the area along with gloomy to create a darkness that you could barley even see an energy sword through ive played the game bu tdont remember the name but it was an infection map basses around surrviving a buffed up zombie in the dark when you have a marker over you head. its real scary when you throw a flare and hes right there in your face like its nothin.
  10. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    Isn't there desert mice? That is largley outside of the map and blocked guardians with little in the center

    I have made the above map in the above post
    #10 Orange, Sep 14, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2009
  11. gnurdbn

    gnurdbn Ancient
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    That thing about flashing yellow light is what i have in a small part of the map. it looks really cool, and it gives grenades a whole new effect. they explode almost instantly if you throw them too near the flashes. I also have an area where you would be killed if you walk too far out, but i have the poles of wall half coming out of the sand so make a border. the sound is only a "problem" or in my opinion, a cool effect in one small part of the map as i have put stuff in the way of the guardian beams on other parts, which means they will hit the "stuff" and not the outside of the wall.

    One problem i have is that if you stand in the flashing yellow light, the other lights will fade (red and blue lights) but they will come back if you step out of there.

    There is one more problem, and that is, that when im making the map (im using 2 controllers for a second point of view), there are 2-3 towers shooting at once, but sometimes they shoot on the same player, which allows the other player to move outside without being hit. then again, one of the towers usually shoot like one or two shots randomly to that free player and then goes back to the first player, even if they miss.
  12. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    You could just use one of the canvas maps that have all the towers' lasers blocked off.

    Then, if for some reason you want those towers blasting at you, just delete the walls blocking the towers when you're finished building the map.

    Good luck!
    #12 buddhacrane, Sep 15, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2009
  13. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    That sound of lasers blasting and the beeping noise could be realllyyyyy annoying.
  14. gnurdbn

    gnurdbn Ancient
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    When im working I just overload the map, that solves it :)

    And i take back what i said about that the sound is only at one area of the map, it is at the whole map. I must have been listening to too loud music when i got the false info :p

    Anyhow, the map is ready for a preview, i'll write it now, check it out!

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