Mudkip Farm (Updated 10/2/09) I've made some significant updates of Mudkip Farm since the original posting of this thread. I put the original post in the spoiler at the bottom of this post. Changes: -Ghost has been removed and replaced with a Plasma Pistol. Another Plasma Pistol is now located over by the end of Red Sides catwalk. -Chopper has been removed and replaced with a Warthog. -Tubes in the dunes have been removed, as well as two of the double blocks by the now-Warthog spawn. -Redid the obelisk's by Red Sides catwalk and added two under Blues catwalk. -Bubble Shield and Power Drain spawns have been switched. -Beam Rifle has been removed and replaced by the Splaser, Gravity Hammer now spawns at former Splaser spawn. -Edited the now-Splaser spawn. -Removed colured columns in the courtyards. -Added an Overshield by the Camo spawn. It does not spawn at start and it is set to 180 seconds. The Camo is currently unchanged. -Removed the Warthogs from each base and added another Mongoose in their place. -Missle Pods have been removed. -Rockets are now at 120 seconds with 0 clips and the Regen has been bumped up to 150 seconds. -Removed stone bridges on catwalks with a different form of cover to alter sight lines. -Lights have been moved around. -Adjusted flag spawn locations and capture points. -Added a ledge by the now-Splaser spawn opening to allow easier acess from the ground floor. -Adjust some spawn points. -Added obelisks by Blue Rockets. -Brute Shots now float on weapon holders. -Removed a few wall half's on Blue Base to promote better movement. -Now compatible with King of the Hill. New pictures. (Click the spoilers.) Blue Overview Spoiler Blue Rockets Spoiler Blue Power Drain Spoiler Red Overview Spoiler Red Rockets Spoiler Red Catwalk Spoiler Red Power Drain Spoiler Overshield & Camo Spoiler I will possibly be needing testers to test this version soon. If anybody would like to help out, add me on Xbox Live saying you would like to help test. Original post (in the spoiler) Spoiler A map I have been working on for about a month. It's gone through a lot of changes and testing and tweaking will continue once I get my Xbox back. Everything done was done before the discovery of Ghost Merging and everything that needs to be interlocked is interlocked. The main overview of the map so far: The main weapons/vehicles/equipment: Please not that not all weapon/equipment locations have been listed. Only the once mainly used. When I began this map, I wanted to make a map that has an open ground area for vehicles and a network of walkways for pedestrians. I also aimed to try and prevent any centralization among power weapons and have a relatively asymmetrical power weapon layout. Simply put, Red team spawns closer to the Beam Rifle and Chopper, whereas, the Blue team spawns closer to the Splaser, Ghost, and Camo. However, the distance walking from Blue starting spawn to the Splaser takes practically the exact amount of time as it would take for Red team to get to the Beam Rifle. The Beam Rifle, from its spawn, can control the walkway used to get to the Ghost from blue side to prevent it's use. On the other hand, the Splaser can be used to eliminate the Chopper, which spawns closer to the Red side and is used often by them. Each side also contains a Brute Shot on each walkway and a Bubble Shield beneath it, as well as a Rocket Launcher and Regen in each sides side-bunker. They also each get a Warthog and Missle Pod, which is pretty dope I guess. Anyway, nothing is definite as of right now. There will be a lot more tweaks in the future. The one game that I foresee playing well on this map (meaning I've yet to test, but have high hopes for) is Territories. Yes, you heard me right. Territory locations: As you can see with the linear design, I aim for Territories on this map to hold a tug-of-war-style of gameplay. Unfortunately, I don't currently have my Xbox, so I've yet to test this, however if anybody would like to host a test session for me, PM me and let me know. I would greatly appreciate it. Anyways, I apologize for the lack of screens. I had to get Dow to take an overview for me so I can actually make this post (thanks again, dude) and if anybody has any suggestions or questions, feel free to post and discuss them.
This looks really awesome man, it looks very well merged, and placed. I'd love to help test when ever you have the time too. Territories looks like it would be amazingly fun.
You might consider testing my gametype, trouble. It plays like a nonlinear btb version of conquest. otherwise this map looks pretty great, although the name makes no sense.
A name is just a name. It doesn't need to make sense because the map itself is whats important. I'll be sure to try out your gametype too.
I tend to disagree, just because your map has mudkip in it, I will never download it. Thats just stupid. Even though your map looks like it is solid, I wouldn't ever download.
Umm... ok? That's a pretty ignorant thing to say. Thats like if I were to say "I refuse to drink Sierra Mist... I like the taste, but the word Mist is so ****ing stupid and has nothing to do with soda"
Wow, really? So you're saying that if a great map like Chromatic was called Yu-Gi-Oh Super Stadium, you wouldn't download it just because it has a dumb name? That's pretty retarded. I have only played this once and that game was fun. I really liked how the chopper maneuvered around the map. It looks like you changed it up a little bit. When do you get your xbox back?
^ terrible analogy. Why people enjoy this slowpoke craze, and mudkip craze, I fail to understand, and I believe it is ridiculous, and stupid. Its like Moonwaffle, I never downloaded it, because the name was nowhere near the standards of the map. Map creation is one thing, a gametype is another, and naming it something creative is the final thing. I guarantee you I am not the only one that decides on whether to view a map, or download it, based on its name. And sierra mist is actually a good name. Mudkips dont relate in any way shape or form to halo. I don't care if I sound ignorant, thats just how it is. "Wow, really? So you're saying that if a great map like Chromatic was called Yu-Gi-Oh Super Stadium, you wouldn't download it just because it has a dumb name? That's pretty retarded." Yep it is pretty retarded, thats why i wouldnt view it to download it.
I never said I was right or wrong, just that I wouldn't download it, because its name is dumb. Calling me ignorant? haha okay edit: I dont want to spam this persons thread with stuff that doesnt relate to the map, so if you have a problem regarding whether to flame just for something to do, pm me, because I don't care what the hell you want to argue about.
Your name is DieHardAssassin. I don't like your name so I'm never going to talk to you because it's stupid even though you should only like someone not based off of their name or race but by who they are. The same thing applies with a map. You don't play a map because you like the name, you play with it because it's fun to play on and such. You're very ignorant if you think otherwise. Besides, I like the name. That's all that matters to me because I generally make maps that I would want to play. The names I give my maps add, in my opinion, a little of my personality to it. Also, I want my maps to hold unique gameplay and qualities. Part of that being the names. Great analogy. Thanks for the compliments, Ace. I'm not sure when I get my Xbox back as of right now but once I do, I'm more than likely going to immediately gather up a group of people to run more tests on this considering the current version has yet to be tested. You say that naming something creative is the final thing. Tell me right now that the name 'Mudkip Farm' has absolutely no creative traits in it what so ever. It doesn't matter if Mudkips relate to Halo or not, what matters is the map plays well and is fun to play on, hence the fun name. Whether you know it or not, people usually name there maps something because it sounds cool and then make up some stupid backstory to give the name a sense of meaning. If you want me to make up some **** poor back story for you so the name actually holds some degree of sense to it, I'll be more than happy to.
Then you sir, fail. Sorry, but that was the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Ontop the map. Like Ace, I played this once, joining 5 minutes left into the game while lagging and still enjoyed it. Nice solid layout, I wish I got to see more of the map, it's looking great from the overview. I'm glad you took out the annoying blocks floating in mid air... they bothered me a bit just because of how they looked. EDIT: My parents have stupid names so I hate them.
Hey look, it's the resident internet tough guy! Anyway, this map looks fun. That's all that matters. I WILL download, because of the name. I'll help you test if you need me to, just shoot me a message.
Yeah, I realized how much they hurt gameplay so Chaotic gave me the idea of having the columns and statue mirrored on the red side as well. It looks better and I feel it contributes more to the gameplay.
You should totally make your map description something about Mudkips... Anyways, the map looks phenomenal. I'd be happy to help test if you ever find yourself in need of testers. It seems like the layout is pretty solid, and it would work for a lot of gametypes. When i first saw it Territories didn't originally come to mind. I'd really have to play on it though.
It looks excellent, but you see those tunnels over by the chopper? I can haz see lip showing that would cause it to be difficult to accesss! Also... I don't think you guys actually get it. If a map has an unappealing name, it's not that people won't download it. Hell, if I saw a map on Bungie Favorites named Mudkip Farm, I would totally download it! But if I'm looking through the competitive maps section and see a map named Mudkip Farm, why the hell would I bother looking at the thread when I could be looking at something named Tymbleablendjaudasz? Hehe... Your map name needz moar Slowpokes, and less Mudkipz. Get with the times dude! Mudkiperz is extinct...
I do not play halo, nor do I ever go through the halo section of the forum. Mudkip. I see what you were going for, but honestly, you can't tell how sierra mist relates to soda?