Sandbox Nectar

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by makisupa007, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Nectar is is a medium sized, semi-symmetrical map located in the crypt. It was built for game sizes of 6-10 players. The map can be folded symmetrically from left to right, but not front to back. This type of setup supports one sided gametype as well as FFA, and Team Slayer.

    The map is divided into a smaller attacker's base and a much larger enclosed defenders base. The attackers base lies at the the base of a giant crustacean-like shrine behind a semi enclosed firing bunker. Directly to the left and right of attackers spawn are two lift systems located in the corners. These lifts give attackers a much needed higher viewpoint which can be used to get a better view of what's going on inside the defenders base or to take out enemies camping on the bridge. The defenders base can be entered through the main courtyard using one of three arched doorways, or by either the upper or lower entrance located in both back corners. High above the defenders base is a large sloping bridge where the sniper rifle spawns. It's a great vantage point for sniping, but has little in the way of cover so don't get to comfortable up there.

    The rockets spawn in between the two teams under the main arch in the courtyard. This is usually a place that is rushed early by both teams.

    Thank you to all who help test this map. I have made several improvements and changes based on our experiences.

    1. Slayer/Team Slayer
    2. One Flag
    3. One Bomb
    4. KOTH
    5. Oddball
    6. VIP
    7. Territories
    8. Infection

    1. 8 BR's
    2. 2 Brute Shots
    3. 1 Sniper Rifle
    4. 2 Maulers
    5. 2 Needlers
    6. 1 Energy Sword
    7. 2 SMG's

    1. 2 Power Drains
    2. 2 Regenerators
    3. 6 Plasma Grenades
    4. 2 Bubble Shields




















    Please enjoy Nectar. Comments and feedback are appreciated.

    Download Nectar
  2. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    First to post yay! ok now that thats out of the way, I just want you to know that this map is amazing! it deserves a feature(maybe) I think the structures are VERY original but until I play it, I cant tell you if I like the game flow. When I try this map out I will update this post. The only thing I dont care for on your map is your equipment choice. First there are just to many and 2nd, I find that putting regenerators and shield drains on the same map is pointless. They counter ea. other and make the game just to chaotic when you have too of ea. I think you should remove one or the other and one bubble shield on top of it and it would make the game play a bit better
  3. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Love all of your maps, always so imaginitive. I really like this one since it has alot of structures that i have never seen before. I really like those gate like things in the second pic, why didnt i think about doing that with archs... Aynways enough with how awesome the map is, im going to be playing this tommorow for sure!
  4. Pro NZ Assassin

    Pro NZ Assassin Ancient
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    The Layout of the Map looks exacellent!
    But i can't be completely sure on the gameplay though and i can't test it sorry as my xbox is broken and i need to by a new one. but i'l check it out as soon as i can.

    also the ground level looks too open and too low from the next level up , but thats just my opinion.

    Looks great.
    4/5 because im not sure about the gameplay.
  5. Tequilha

    Tequilha Ancient
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    Wow, Aesthetic's are amazing and game play is solid great job 5/5 ^^
  6. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks great, gonna dl in the morning. And to the 1st poster: regens and drains don't cancel each other out, a drain is more powerful and will still drain your shields even with a regen nearby. I find the weapons list is perfectly fine and there is not too much equipment, although I probably would have gone for only one drainer instead of two.
  7. LD

    LD Ancient
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    looks amazing, the only thing i dont like is the "bridge" in the middle, its too steep, granades bounce right back in your face, or am i wrong (havent played it yet)
  8. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    i havent seen a map this aesthetically pleasing in a long time good job i dont think you should have so much equipment on the map though but i havent downloaded yet we'll see
  9. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Love it! I'd give you a 5/5 for crafting, 4.5/5 for designing. THIS IS SQUEAKY CLEAN, and it features new architectural pieces in it never before. Please PM me later to remind me to download this as I am currently full of maps. Good job!
  10. M1:K3

    M1:K3 Ancient
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    DUDE THIS MAP IS EPIC!!! i love the bridge.. it must have been hard to make :/ but the maps looks AMAZING!!! all the merging is soooo... Perfect i already DLed and cant wait to play asap XD.. keep up the good work, man :)
  11. shinanagins

    shinanagins Ancient
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    WOW! This map looks great. the structures are original and unrealistilcly smooth. the asthetics are beautiful. it all depends on the gameplay, it looks a little open in some places. I suggest adding cover, but then again, i may just be insane. ;)
  12. gnurdbn

    gnurdbn Ancient
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    This is a work of art in my eyes, allthough, I kinda agree with the others who said that there's too many equipments. I love the bridge, I've always wanted to do one, I just havn't been arsed ;)
    It feels like the area that's not between the bases is kinda empty (the right side of pic 5). It also feels like it's not gonna be used very much compared to the area between the bases, as that's where everything happens, if you know what i mean. My point is that it's a huge detour to go out there, especially when you've got less protection and don't haveas good view from there. This is obviously just for some gametypes. For other gametypes such as slayer It's kinda nice to have a larger area to move on though.

    I like how you experimented with the coloured columns, and the merging is perfectly smooth of what I can see. There are many structures that are there just to look good, and it gives the map a whole new perspective.

    It looks like a great map, I love the forging. What you could do is to give the right side of pic 5 some more hights if you know what i mean, it seems like you're basically spending a lot of time on the floor in that area.

    Then again, I havn't tried this map, I've only been looking at the pics and reading your post, but generally, this is sooo much better than many of the other maps I've seen. It's a big 4/5.

    I'm a little curious when it comes to the name of the map :) Is there any symbolism or something to refer to?
    #12 gnurdbn, Sep 14, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2009
  13. onmelc1

    onmelc1 Ancient
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    Fanstastic map. the aesthetics are amazing. 5/5 and a download from me.
  14. Loud

    Loud Ancient
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    holy crap. this is the most aesthetically pleasing map i have yet to see. This looks amazing. Im going to DL it and get back to you on the Gameplay!
  15. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Wow, you must've posted this right after we tested it last night... I hope you had time to get rid of that floating obelisk.
    Anyway, the aesthetics are great and the gameplay is amazing. 5/5 man. Keep it up.
  16. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I remember testing this for FFA, CTF, and TS... I think. Anyway, it's an amazing map, my first game on it was just me running around checking out all of the structures. After I was in awe for a while, I found out this map's gameplay was amazing, my favorite being FFA. I may nominate this for a feature ;)
  17. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Yay, my favorite forger is back!!! =)

    This map looks really epic aesthetically, and Im just wondering how long it took you to make the awesome structure that you have in your title picture. It looks like hours. What I originally posted was epic fail. Only about half of the pictures loaded the first time, and I really love your bridge, and some of the other little details I didnt get to notice. The gameplay features it adds is absolutely amazing. This definately gets my 5/5, and deserves a feature.
    #17 Jex Yoyo, Sep 14, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2009
  18. johnlmonkey

    johnlmonkey Ancient
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    Wow Not only does this map flow well gameplay wise but it's amazingly pleasing Astheticly. Amazing job
  19. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Nectar has the same equipment count as default Sandbox minus the overshield. The respawn times on the regens and power drains is set at 180. Give it a try, I haven't noticed equipment dominating play.

    The arch gates were the part of the map I spent the most time on. Getting the half walls to line up perfectly with the arches from the front, so that you could see the wall pattern through the arch, took a very long time.

    I suppose if you threw a grenade straight into the bridge it might bounce back at you. You just have to aim upward a little bit. The bridge is not as steep as it looks in a couple of the pics.

    The bridge is not actually that hard to create. It is time consuming though, as you have to repeat the same couple of steps over and over again until it's complete.

    The title picture is where I started the map. The column bunker is the first thing that was built followed by the large structure behind it. The map took me about 3-4 weeks to complete all together.

    Thanks for all of the great feedback guys. Keep it coming!
    #19 makisupa007, Sep 15, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2009
  20. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    looks reall nice, for some reason i expected to be in the skybubble...? the forging looks very neat and professional, but then again, i would expect that from the guy who made, dunescape, venom, and attic. good job

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