Alright, so here's the situation: I'm in Honors English atm, and have a **** of a teacher. She gave us a structured essay and a 400 page book assignment due within a week on the second day. My friends who've had her say its impossible to do good in the class, and they're smart kids with a D on their report card to prove it. You get the point. Now, I want to stay in the Honors level, so I just want a teacher transfer. Its been done before, and I really just need to send in an email that would convince my guidance councilor to let me switch teachers. I just don't know what excuse to use. If I say the class is too hard, she's going to move me to CP, which I don't want. Should I say I'm uncomfortable with my teacher's style? Any ideas? Thanks guys
Seems to me like thats a pretty good excuse already, however saying 'My teacher won't give good grades to me even though I'm clever' isn't the best approach. I'd start by saying that your not learning aswell as you could in her class, whether thats because her teaching style isn't your preferred way of learning or because she goes too fast/slow, whatever. Tell them that you want to stay at that high level ( honours? I'm british so.. ) but your not benfitting from it as much as you could with another teacher and therefore won't recieve the high grades your possible of. Your either going to have to come up with a hundred and one reasons or saying something which is a bit outrageous.. because i'm guessing they won't swap teachers for trivial reasons, especially in a top class. Keep reminding them about grades and how you will get better marks if you swap teachers, thats all these people are bothered about.
Dear Ms. [censored], I am currently taking 1-2 Honors English taught by Mrs. [censored], and I was wondering if it was at all possible to switch to another Honors English class. I feel generally uncomfortable with the style of teaching, and I feel that I'm not learning as well as I could. The teaching doesn't feel friendly towards my learning structure. If needed, I would be more than happy to switch out my Ceramics class if needed, and make the 1-2 a study hall. I can come in mod 8 on Tuesday if you'd rather discuss this in person, and I can bring in a parent signature accordingly. Much appreciated, [censored] Think this'll do the job?
You've put 'if needed' twice. Aside from that it looks pretty good, maybe a sentence about wanting to achieve the best grades possible and you not being able to do so in your current class. My sis had to transfer teachers because shes a little hard of hearing and couldn't hear this one teacher. She just said that there was no way she was going to get good grades if she couldn't hear the teacher.
Wouldn't other teachers be assigning the same work? Why would your school allow this teacher to stray so far off from the curriculum?
Say that her class room is to hard to get to within the time limit between classes. And that she has no reasoning when you're late.
Fail attempt was fail. Talked to her in person, she said some freshmen got half his class to transfer out, and our school no longer permits switching classes in the same level. Thanks anyway doods
That sucks Raynne. I currently stand in an AP English class with the option to switch to whatever my little heart desires because im in a college prep program called AVID which provides a lot of benefits to me.
That sucks. I had a similar Honors History teacher last year. Toughest teacher in the school and no one in the class got about a B. Just work hard in that class and you should be able to pull through. When did you start school? If you started around the same time as mine, you have a bad teacher. A 400 page book report and an essay the second week? D:
Haha, we don't even have honors classes. You either get put into "the smart math class" or the "dumb math class". One teaches a grade lower than the other, and that's just about it. I do have a gpa of 3.875 though so technically I am "honors".
You must live in a small school district. My district has APs (college level classes), honors, and higher classes I can't even begin to describe. My GPA is in the 3.75 range and I am holding only 1 AP.
I have AP classes next year. There's usually only 7 or 8 students in an entire AP class. We have about 50 students per grade. My school has Tractor Day. On this special day, all the kids drive their tractors to school. I always take the Boomer. Most kids live on farms here. We're hick. And we're proud. Tomorrow I'm going muddin with Eric. This r mah tractor-
Frame her for paedophilia. Wear something really sexy and come at her. When she acts... bam. catch her on camera or something. What do you get? Your honor thing, a different teacher, and sexings too. Win.
Same. And the classes are (AP being college-level): AP Honors College Prep Core Currently taking two APs (Chem and History) and two honors (Trig & English)