the open single box on the left side of the defender's base is an anomaly with the panorama, not the map itself Up for download: Sahara of Snow Map post coming soon Isn't exactly a preview, more of a teaser. Been holding off on this monster for a month now, over 110 hours of work. I'll be releasing either tomorrow or Sunday. Thread shall be edited for great justice. Not the best panorama either, but I made it in a rush so forgive me. To compensate for the extra lack of win, SoS is a BTB map outfitted for one sided objectives (One Flag, One Bomb, Territories, One sided VIP, One Flag/One Bomb recommended). Built for BR starts and 16 players (although playable with a minimum of 12) this map is lots of fun... Oh and guess what? No ghost merging rendered video - you'll see more of the map then action, large but inactive party (you'll see myself go AFK a few times) but its on the most recent version of the map. [bungievid]93339032[/bungievid] It shows that I'm playing on default button layout although I actually play bumper jumper.. strange Testers list (90 or so, thank you all!) bolded special people MultiLockOn - Helped with most, if not all patches and tweaks. Attended all tests. Zachary9990 AceOfSpades0707 XxAbstainxX AngelzFire xXHysteria08 Cory021 Conkerkid11 Slash34715 Twitchy Bacon used man ExtreemKablooie XIpUn15h3rIX Urban Myth XXXX Master Debayter Bartoge TheSteelKnight IceIsNice TM I GoDShoT Staguel SPAR7AN 018 Frozen Banshee jabob bradely (wish you weren't here) cptpwnage1996 FH RacingLeague (lololol) SilvenRobinGood irishALBO SIROIS1218 Silver0range - Offered great suggestions. Jackoooooooo DoWw - Offered great suggestions and there for many tests. x Tucan Sam 5 x DarkDeveloper RawRgasim St33lyDaN76 BicMac003 iTz Fuzzywig Lunarnious Son of Sue KWDzero MASTERMAN187 CostlyAxis Zoa The Wind Boykin91 mista tipsta AuSam general alarm DOA PRODIGY07 meltyourtv Artiver policedylan (why do I even mention his name, I know not) jmen77 TopOfHer PsychoBucket owndbiglime1 bandana pirate Chin Brothers iWiggums Stonato - Here the whole way. Motivational support. xSharpshooter94 Tylyr1 FiendishCash Supreme KILA 54 Viperforce One Whats A Scope Ultra Magma Man Arsalan Rehman InnerSandman15 Playerhata27 Squirrel Rider Halo Nemo Broc Rambo R0FLninja bos45redsox Pelgore Scorched Fire 2 Yuri Brute My Drunk Buddy L1ZARDLuvr sooke e sam Cryptokid POTWINKLES MNM1245 Xx Taisho xX mista tipsta Skittlemeister0 ell3ment Vincent Torre STORMTROOPER118 ernadc DreamCrusher11 lVlR SlUSHee Thank you so much to all my testers, this map couldn't have been tweaked to perfection if it weren't for you guys. Most of you left after two minutes, but at least gave me a motivational splurge. If I missed you, I'm sorry, thanks to you. If your name is mispelled/incorrect feel free to post and I'll fix it.
Compared to most avalanche maps, this one looks the most unique. Some of the interlocking looks slightly off and there seems to be a lot of jumping around but it still looks very nice and original despite all of that. Is the default base still accessible? What about the far end of the map, over by the caves?
That bridge that serves as a ramp on the right side of the base looking in really annoys me. You have to jump to get on it, its at a slant, and it isn't fully connected with the base. Thats my only problem with the map though. It plays wonderfully for one sided objective and I know you didn't use any ghost merging for any objects so props for that.
Yeah, I was going to make note of that as well. Also, I'm not to keen on the teleporter placement for the inside of the base. It just looks very awkward.
The interlocking is top notch where it counts, good sir. I don't believe there are any bad bumps in this map. There is in fact a lot of jumping, but what I did for this map to implement balance is have all the defender's advantages on the second floor, while the actual objective spawn is on the first floor at start spawn (right at the entrance of the cavern). Thanks for the complement, much appreciated. Well, I personally have had many issues with this bridge, that is, forging it to make it work. I put it an angle so you can actually jump onto it. I'm 90% sure you can still walk up it and land on the ramps without having to jump, but I might be wrong. The main issue I faced with the bridge was that having easy access from the bottom and top side was near impossible, but seeing as it is a hot spot, I'll do my best to make it better sometime tomorrow before I post it. Oh and thanks a bunch Dow, you're one of the best testers I've had
Okay, good to hear. Also, have you considered opening up the caves to have another way into the base? Thinking about it, it sounds like it could have the map opened up more and another area for the offense team to go in and get the flag.
To tell you the truth, that was the original map, and it played horribly. All focus would be on the cavern because it was 1/3rd of the distance and you could grenade spam. So I blocked up the cavern and better gameplay resulted, then I moved the walls so now you can't even get in the cavern (unless you went around outside the intended half of the map). Yeah, trust me, opening up the cavern doesn't bring out this map's style. There really are 3 (4 if you know how to jump well) entrances into the base, all from different areas. Most people go from the slanted bridge or the middle, so if you go 3 or 4 you're bound to get in without being caught (unless of course the team you're playing has a good strategy).
Well, then have you considered just having it blocked in asymmetric games and opened up in symmetric? Or just having it where you can go in there but the lifts are blocked some how so you could at least spawn in there or something to that extent.
I keep the extra items in the cavern lol, like some ramps because if I delete them I lose them. This map doesn't work for symmetrical games though, you must realize the map is literally built on one sided games, so symmetrical would be horrible beyond belief. And about just blocking the cannons and having it as a spawn room, no. Including the default Avalanche's shotgun room was a big mistake and no one could ever score due to the camping. Now its poking out and its a much better playing game. Trust me though, 110 hours of work doesn't go without considering every option. added tester's list
aMoeba my name isn't listed Lol anyways, this map is fantastic! I just love it! I love how you designed it, and the forging is just great! My favorite is Assault because CTF is just way too difficult and it really takes away from the overall fun factor. I will never forget the game when my team of no names rushed in the arming room and won the round in literally 25-30 seriously...we immediately rushed, got in, and held it down til it exploded...haha a very fun round that was! Anyways, great map man!
I've tested this before! I love this map, especially for 1 Flag. Is this set up for 1 sided Territories? That seems as if it would be awesome. I can't wait to see the final version! (Add me to the testers list!)
I'm glad I can be on your testers list. I'm looking forward to helping you out even more in the future, and god damn it woman, answer your party invites. But to those of you looking at the map for the first time, it's probably one of, if not the best, one sided Avalanche map ever made.
Its balanced for CTF now, because I moved the objective spawn out of the room. Added to tester's list. Yeah, its setup for 1 Flag, 1 Bomb, Territories, and 1 Sided VIP. Although, I didn't run any tests on 1 Sided VIP and Territories (truthfully only one), so they might not be all that great. Added to the list as well.
Wow, I must say the video really makes this map look great. The gameplay looks great and I can't wait until you post it so I can get some games in on it.
lol I really think even though your vid is a little lacking, this map definately has potential to be epic win. In fact, revolutionary. I have seen one other map with a layout like this, and it was an all around epic fail from gameplay and forging quality standpoints. This map seems to be good enough to usher in a new forging style, with a lot more Z axis than the current maps that focus on one, maybe two levels with a little path on the bottom. This post would make anyone proud, and I really cant wait for this to come out.
ITS FINALLY HERE! Check out the massively awesome thread with 15.5k characters.
Snow can qualify to be a desert. The antarctic is a desert. So your name means 'Desert desert'. Bit **** don't you think? I just think you could come up with a better name, like Snowdrift, or some ****.
I didn't even bother with the word desert, so I don't know where you came up with that. I went for Africa's Sahara and named it Sahara of Snow. Big deal.