Why Rogue?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cluckinho, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I don't know about everyone else, but uh I hate Rogue helmet due to generals saying that it is smaller and harder to BR or whatever. But I'm using the FH Lite X which is awesome except for that stupid Rogue guy. Yes I know their not gonna change just for me, and was curious to see what everyone else thought.
  2. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    They're full of crap. Bungie has stated many times that all armor permutations have the same hit boxes as the default armour.

    If they want to believe it, let them. Let them feel more powerful while I still kick their ass. When I use Rogue, it's because it's cool looking, not because it gives me "an advantage." Same goes with Elites.
  3. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Even elites have the same hitboxes, but in different places. Which is why they have that spot on their neck that bullets pass through.
  4. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    yes they have the same hitboxes, its just the appearance of a smaller target.
    same with elites, their head appears to be in a slightly different place, but its the same hitbox as the spartan.
  5. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    I think people get there panties all up in bunch when going against elites because they go into the match thinking they have different hit boxes; so when it comes time to take the shot they **** up.

    I will admit, elites are annoying as hell imo.

    but, OT;
    I lub the rouge.
    Its generally the only helmet i wear.
    Not because its smaller or any ****, i just plainly like the look.
    I mostly vary between rouge and markVI.
  6. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    When you zoom in on the helmet and switch between them, you can see that Rogue is the thinnest and shortest, as well as having a sharp angle instead of a gradual one. The actual hit box is the same, but the helmet model is smaller, making it slightly easier to hide behind stuff and not get noticed, harder headshots e.c.t. It's not a huge advantage, but it fractionally helps.

    It's pretty damn close to the Mark VI hit box, so there's no real point in changing unless you're really bored.
  7. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I don't think the idea has ever been that the hitbox is smaller, but that the visor is smaller. The visor is the key. When your helmet is the same color as your shoulders, it take an extra fraction of a second to differentiate between the two, and to lock your eyes on the appropriate height. So it has a chance of throwing off that shot that maybe 1% of the time would have been a headshot on any other armor, and it might save your life and thus it is an advantage. At worst it is not a disadvantage anyway.

    I think it's probably not a significant difference, not even close, but if you don't care how you look, why not use the helmet that you think might get you that extra itty bitty advantage?
    #7 Ladnil, Sep 11, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  8. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    They're still full of crap regardless. When I'm fighting against some one, I'm not thinking, "Why can I not kill this guy? Could it be that I can't see his head because of his armor perm?" I'm thinking, "Damn, I can't play right now." I don't even think of the armor perm. they're using.

    If it does provide any advantage, it's a mental one, not anything "physical." Either way, I'm not thinking about it so that tactic doesn't work on me.

    And my point about the Elite was even if there was an advantage, which there isn't, I'd be playing it because it's cool looking/
  9. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Which is exactly why I made sure to say it was a fraction of a second, 1% difference at best, and then said it was not a significant advantage. I do think it is probably all in people's heads, but I can't think of even one reason that maybe in some strange way rogue/scout is worse than other armor, but I can think of a way that somehow, my armor gives a very slight advantage. That's why I use the helmet that I use.

    I would bet that no decent player you talk to will say that he thinks his choice of helmet significantly affects his abilities, but nearly all will have at least considered the visor size.
  10. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    This should be in the Halo Discussion sub-forum.
    To any mod, please move this to the appropriate section.

    I used to like Rogue, but now I mostly use Mark V.

    It's really frustrating to see someone who thinks they play better just because of an armor permutation. C'mon, armor? Armor defines nothing but your taste in customization.
  11. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    This. Why can't we keep stupid, pointless arguements like this on the b.net forums where they belong.
  12. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    That's all this "argument" is about. Does a thread like this "belong" in the Bungie forums? Maybe. I know responses like that do.

    Anyway, it isn't a totally bad thing that they think that. It seems like it would make them play better. Actually, doing a train of thought thing here... It could be a very fine line. They could use it as a confidence boost since they feel they have the advantage. Of course, that could easily turn into arrogance. On the other hand, it could cause them to slack because the "advantage" is so great in their minds. Easily leading to extreme anger when their "advantage" fails them then leading to denial.

    Unfortunately it's the later with most.
  13. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    How so? I'm simply stating that these threads never get to any sort of conclusion, take up space and are generally filled with people who really have no clue what they're talking about.

    Those are the kind of threads I'd rather keep at b.net forums.
  14. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    What is mindgames
  15. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Quite correct, and done.

    On subject: I use Rogue, I think it looks awesome, definitely my favourite helmet. But I just like the turtle vibe, and I can see how many wouldn't like it at all, if it doesn't do it for you then I can see how it could make a Spartan look like a toy... But hey, it's a minor issue, and as stated by all with sense; armour means absolutely nothing when it comes to gameplay, so why fuss about it? It's just a nice little addition which allows a degree of customisation and personalisation without having an impact upon gameplay, which imo is the perfect balance and I could see no possible complaint with the armour choice system.
    #15 Pegasi, Sep 11, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  16. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    The original purpose of this thread was to talk about what we thought of the Rouge armor in the FH Light skin, correct?

    Anywho, gameplay wise it offers no benefits to anybody. It's just an armor permutation, it doesn't effect the hit boxes that the spartan has. It's just there for people to use to give them a feeling of individuality, and that's why bungie used it.

    On to the Skin part of this discussion, I don't use FH light. So I don't feel comfortable giving an opinion on it. I will say though, I don't mind it at all.
  17. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    The hitboxes on all body pieces are the same. That's why people ***** when you snipe them and it misses by an inch, but still kills them.

    The skin part: change back to Light regular if it's really that big of a deal to you.
  18. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    On this same note, Old School, Forgehub Dark, and Forgehub Dark X are all options if you don't like the Forgehub Light. Old School is pretty much the same anyway.
  19. CyberKiDxBRnM

    CyberKiDxBRnM Ancient
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    well, 50% of matchmaking is mental, i love taking advantage of the guy that keeps running to the same spot and dies over and over again.

    as a side note, there are also the snipes that dont kill
  20. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Hey whats up with Generals always wearing the Old Spartan helmet or the Default helmet?

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