In my recent thread I had a request to make a NEW thread about having customized controls. List every button (except the guide button) and make sure to include every command. Do not list the stick controls except when you press on them. Please feel free to express reasons for ones that dont seem to make sense. My custom controls: A-jump B-scope (excellent for quick scoping) X-use equipment Y-do action (such as "hold RB to use vehicle") RT- shoot primary weapon RB-throw grenade (you cant shoot and nade at the same time) LT-melee (i never dual wield) LB-switch weapons (awesome for br/carbine combo) RS-score (i need to check it constantly) LS-crouch back-switch grenade start-menu
A:reload B:equipment X:do action Y:grenade switch RT:shoot primary RB:scope LT:shoot secondary LB:grenade RS:melee LS:swich Back:score Startause akward sounding I know,but efficient IMO A: B: X: Y: RT: RB: LT: LB: RS: LS: Back: Start: there is a thing to copy paste for the buttons.
Why is B great for quick scoping, unless you can play with crabs hands you would have to take your hand off the aim to zoom in making it worse to quick scope.
A: Reload / Pick up weapons/equipment B: Change Grenades X: Use Equipment Y: Change Weapons RT: Shoot RB: Zoom LT: Melee LB: Crouch RS: Grenade LS: Jump Back: Score Start: Menu I dream of this set up.
So you would have to take your hand off of the stick to throw a grenade? I'm sorry, but that's probably the most inefficient set up I've ever seen.
RS is right stick. You press it to throw a grenade. You only take your hand off the stick to change it.
Honestly, I can only think of one improvement to make to Bumper Jumper for my playstyle. X to crouch, right thumbstick click for equipment. When I want to play and take the game seriously, I'm always playing MLG or Snipers, and my thumbs are ****ing retarded and don't move quickly enough or accurately enough to click the right thumbstick while strafing. Basically I want a better strafe, and I rarely use equipment, and I would rather press X than click the stick. I'll duck your bullets with X, and you can try to aim while clicking down on the stick to crouch under my shots kthx.
my set-up wasnt made for YOU, i guess you just aren't used to pressing the b button. if my set-up doesnt make sense, why should it? its made for the way i play. do you like it when you're scoping and you try to frantically scope out of sniper when someone's flanking you? i play to kill, then gtfo. when you play ob default, the scope for the sniper slightly moves almost all of the time when you scope in 4x, with my controls, i scope precicely where i want and then i aim or i immediately shoot where i scope. that slight movement on the stick is the difference between getting a snipe or just shooting him in the neck or shoulder. i honestly wouldnt use RS for nades unless you play s***load of objective. in slayer, lots of spare nades are used by players before they die, so you wont find enough to really spam. what im saying is, if you plan to get frequent frenzies, the RS will become useless after 6-7 kills. i like the bumper idea better becuase you cant nade and shoot at the same time.
I was mapping it but I realized my dream scheme is bumper jumper with action on A instead of B, It just since your thumb will be pressing directly downwards as opposed to a slight angle. I know It doesn't seem like much but pressing A just feels better.
RT: Shoot RB: Reload/Action LT: Grenade LT: Switch Grenade LS(click): crouch RS(click): zoom A: jump B: melee X: equipment Y: weapon switch You may be noticing something familiar here...
This would be mine. Code: A: Reload B: Action X: Melee Y: Crouch RT: Shoot RB: Grenade LT: Equipment LB: Jump RS: Move LS: Switch weapons Back: Score Start: Pause
A: Switch Grenade B: Equipment X: Pick up Weapons and reload Y: Swtich Weapons RT: Shoot RB: Melee LT: Grenade LB: Jump RS: Zoom LS: Crouch Back: Scores Start: Start menu
I really like this control scheme. It would take a while to get used to, but once you could actually use it efficiently, it would be amazing. I don't think I'd change anything. I love RB: Zoom and and such. Actually, if I had to change anything, I'd switch the LS: Jump and LB: Crouch. That would make it easier to use the LT: Melee while crouching. At least for me it would.
A: Switch Grenades B: Action X: Use Equipment Y: Change Weapons RT: Shoot RB: Punch LT: Grenade LB: Jump RS: Crouch LS: Scope Back: Score Start: Menu
The reason Jump is map to the stick is that it saves time considering your thumb should always be on the movement stick, also, I used roughly the same set up back when I used to play Halo 2 Vista. It works relatively well because of how fluid it feels when you're playing (at least, on H2V it did.)