On the briefing page linked to on the bungie home page, part of the pages source code says the following: HALO ODST lets you play as one of the elite Orbital Drop Shock Troopers. The ODST live their motto into Hell, feet first with their HEV pods that drop them behind enemy lines. ODST, sometimes referred to as Hell Jumpers, are hand picked from the best soldiers from every military branch. They undergo intense training and psych evaluations to prepare them for the direst of combat. A prequel to Halo 3, gamers will have to rely on their silenced SMG and wits to survive a secretive mission to New Mombasa. With the help of your teammates you will uncover what really happened between Halo 2 and Halo 3. True fans will enjoy the return of the classic Magnum pistol found in the original Halo: Combat Evolved along with clues about Reach, the planet featured in the upcoming Halo 4. The game also features an enhanced multiplayer system that includes all the Halo 3 map packs along with bonus maps, and the all-new Co-op firefight mode. Halo ODST is exclusive to the Xbox 360 and comes with a key to the Halo 4 multiplayer beta. If you don't believe me, use google chrome and go to that page, right click and click view source. Its right in there.
It really is, obviously. They just don't want to say 4 because they said 3 was the end of the trilogy. Plus, prequels or in completely different areas (I'm guessing) don't really count as a new number.
I know that reach is going to be about the fall of reach, but if you watched the legendary ending of Halo 3, it would be possible for them to continue the story from there. It lacked enough closure.
It's like Star Wars, they came out later, were prequels, yet the creators initially numbered them 4, 5 and 6. It doesn't matter what they make and what they call it. If Bungie makes it, it will always feel like Halo.
You kind of confused me here the title of the thread is " Halo: reach called Halo 4 by bungie?" but then you go and talk about what is included in Odst? just a little confused on that. Anyway i wouldnt exactly say that reach is halo '4'. Only because doesnt follow haloCE, halo2, and halo 3's "actual storyline". No i dont mean that reach and the other halos arent related, i just mean reach happens years before any of the other halos. So its not like reach will continue chiefs story. Also for example starwars episodes 4-6 came out before 1-3. And we dont go calling episode one the next episode after episode 6. So thats basically the same idea.
I already look at Halo:Reach as Halo 4. I guess I'm not as surprised as you are, because of the latter. Reach is like the Fast and the Furious series to me. Despite the titles not really depicting what number the movie is. I still consider the latest Fast and the Furious to be number 4.
Now that i think about it, the Briefing was hosted on xbox.com, a microsoft site, not Bnet, so that particular paragraph in the coding may be just written by M$ who might just want to make more money by calling it halo 4?
I think they mean "Halo 4" in the sense that it's the 4th Halo game to come out, if you include ODST with Halo 3. I wouldn't read much into it. Personally, regarding the Halo 3 Legendary ending, I don't think it's canon. The Halo CE ending depicts Johnson being on Halo when it blows when we all know he lived. I think the Legendary ending is just there to keep people excited about future Halo games. I don't think it'll go anywhere. It may be referenced in Reach but I don't think they're gonna take it anywhere.
You probably should have read the whole post. He mentioned "Halo 4" twice. But anyways, I don't really care what they call it as long as it's good. And talking about the legendary ending, didn't Microsoft mention that they were making a Halo game?
When Chief didn't make it through the portal he was actually somehow transported back in time before the fall of Reach. The planet he is seen floating towards is Reach, and in Halo: Reach it is your job to stop the oncoming Covenant attack. That's a theory I have. Probably wrong.
thats the only way they could connect. Doubtful though. I would be really goddamn angry if that was it. It just screws up the whole story. MC was there in the first place, so what, now there are 2 MCs? Also, i just noticed, the sun in the ending of H3 is blue. Reach trailer sun is red xD
Yeah, but they can always blame it on some quantum mix-up from the portal collapsing on them and sending them back in time somehow 0.0. I really hope they don't do that though. The legendary ending I hope to god is the shield world that Halsey and a few spartans are stuck in at the end of Ghosts of Onyx. Really need to know what happened to them. I've never looked forward to a game more than Halo: Reach. I've always been a bit dissapointed by Halo 2 and Halo 3's campaigns; they just lacked the intrigue that Halo 1 and the books have. But doing a prequel like this (especially one that has had a book written on it already) will pretty much set a guideline for what the campaign will be like and that classic halo style is what I love the most. Combining it with the new features for Halo Bungie has created with Halo 2 & 3, it should come together as the ultimate Halo experience, imo. I'm torn on what to do first with ODST: make a Longshore map that I have cooking in my brain right nao, campaign, or play the Beta. I think the Beta is going to win out though.
As for the first part of your post, this answers it: the sun in the ending of H3 is blue. Reach trailer sun is red. /story Also, i totally agree with your views on Halo 1,2 and 3 and the books. Halo 2 and 3 campaigns kind of disappointed me in their linearity. ODST looks like a title worthy of Bungie and i really look forward to playing it as well as the little known of Halo: Reach. I think Bungie is in for a comeback oh, and the beta isnt playable until sometime mid-2010.
You don't look cool for talking in green. Also, Reach was glassed, doesn't necessarily mean its destroyed, just that it's surface is glass, and dead. Bungie also made a mistake because in Halo: First Strike (?) Sgt. Johnson said something about ODSTs being volunteers instead of being handpicked. Maybe the guy who made the article didn't read the books. I just finished reading First Strike for the 2nd or 3rd time already, so that's why I know this.