Oh yeah he is a great speech righter one of the best Ive seen in presidents. He did adress what so many people were worried about or confused by false info. Hes doing a good job and people have to give him time hes no mirical worker but just a man with a nations hopes in his hands. You can already see visiable changes on his face from all the pressure and stress. Id be surprised if at the end of his term that he wont have almost a full head of grey hair.
I agree with you completely, although Im on the other end. Im a very conservative Christian. But Its the same for everyone who said they wanted Obama for predident just because he's black. If you truley wanted him as predisent for sound reasons, I have no problem with you.
don't presidents have people that write their speeches for them? I'm pretty sure he doesn't write his own speeches.
yes, yes they do. but that being said, obama is a great orator. the speach was very well delivered in my opinion
I know it would be hard but those kids have the power to tell someone and get out of that mess. Then they can focus on their work.
If he's doing what i think he might be doing, Hurting the Adults won't hurt the future of Earth. Our Generation is essentially what controls the future The Older generation won't be there to create the future, But we will. And we'll make it work.
That's a much more tricky issue than you're making out. If it were as simple as 'tell someone' then there wouldn't be any issue with domestic abuse of ANY kind, since there are people you can tell and who will try to help, be they individuals or organisations. Not only is it not always as simple as 'tell someone so they can fix it', but children are not in a position to understand society and the actions of their parents in that sense, they react to the actions of their parents and are basically engulfed by the lives their parents create to them in many senses. You can't bash on kids for not telling anyone when they're being abused by the two people they should be able to tell anything to and trust to help, not hurt. But anyway, this is rather off the original topic.
I dont agree with the good grade **** he was talking 'bout but all the rest is good with me as long as I dont have to do any patriotic ****, not that Im an american depricator...
They say that cussing is a sign of unintelligence. I know I will get infracted by some mean admin or mod just for saying that.