Don't worry dude, I totally know how you feel. Barely anybody likes to be sarcastic any more, or have fun for that matter. On topic: I thought the overall speech was done quite well, apparently our school district wasn't allowed to show it. So thanks Raynne for posting it...
The president is a role model to most of us. Our parents say things like this constantly. Do we listen? Its debatable. Obama isn't just our parents. He's the guy that breached the iron curtain of racism; a near-international first. He's the president of the United States dammit. He took time to travel to a rural public high school, something we can all relate to. His motive was simply to inspire us, and to get the message across that "if you put your mind to it, its achievable (although in this economy thats debatable. Thats another day though)." Hearing my role model say these things over my parents has a far greater influence. Move to Debates?
Thanks Your school district isn't aloud to broadcast a presidential speech designed for the learning youth of the nation. irony? Im up for a debate on this if you wanna move it.
Too bad probably the worst school district in Tennessee didn't have to watch it. (Or at least my school didn't) I think it would have done a lot of good if we had to watch it. Obama did good at addressing a lot of the issues today for education.
I'm sure this will have little to no effect on children. They probably hear it from someone other than the president, such as their parents, their family, and their teachers.
The internet is not the place for sarcasm. I do not know you, so how the hell should I know your political affiliation? You should use [sarcasm] tags. As stupid and as cliché as they are, at least they get your point across. Also, gogogo on Debates section. Edit: In response to Insane54, I think Obama is addressing Congress on the issue of health care tomorrow night.
Thread has been facelifted into a general Obama debate thread. Reread the OP if you haven't yet. Thanks, and debate up!
Lets do this!!! I bet it does. And I'm sure Obama is the roll model of millions, being the first African-American president, but lets be frank here: Obama's election was a popularity contest. America was itching for change and Obama gave change to us (whether its good change or bad) He also made history as the first black president. Now on to what we where talking about, This speech shows that Obama is looking to influence the minds of the American youth. But should this really concern him? Don't you think that Obama should be focusing on fixing the economy, signing bills, etc. Also, it seems like Obama is try to make a plea to the youth to out smart the other nations of the world so the USA can continue to be the biggest world super power (a luxury that is obviously fading) Disclaimer: I am in no way shape or form attempting to relay the message that the American Youth shouldn't engage seriously in school and stay out of drugs, alcohol, etc. I am just simply questioning the fact that Obama doesn't need to waste his time worrying about the youth of the nation.
But he's already passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, worth $787 billion, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average is almost 3,000 points higher than it was earlier this year.
All elections are popularity contests. What, people can't multi-task? I think he does. I'm sad that my county didn't watch the speech, as we are 30 minutes from Arlington (btw Arlington is an urban city). We can fix the economy, get a working healthcare system going and have our nation ship-shape, but that all means nothing if our youth can't aspire to great things. Just a heads-up, during the election, our president discussed an incentive program to have kids work community hours in exchange for money to go to college. As the saying goes, the youth is our future.
America has a false economic dichotomy and that false dichotomy is leftist and conservative Keynesian economics. All politicians clings to it. All colleges teach it. Obama holds the extreme left of Keynesian economics tight to his bosom which is dangerous and irresponsible considering even the most conservative of Keynesian economics is still a dangerous, leftist and fiscally irresponsible policy. Give Capitalism a try. Give the free market a chance. Because what got us here isn't that we deregulated, its that we deregulated irresponsibly and incorrectly, its that we regulated in the first place, its that all this regulation and deregulation is based on Keynesian economics which isn't even economics at all! The public option is a mess and will destroy the economy, your wallet and steal your soul. Don't do it. Public health care - oh god... That's a good point. I will sooner admit that there is a god and he cares than I will that Universal health care is a good idea. Bloodiest month is Afghanistan since 2002 and the media won't report it. Obama is treated like a superstar rather than a president, a politician, and a human with wants, desires and corporate interests. He's a war time president advertised as the bringer of peace. He's an irresponsible economist that is producing giant amounts of inflation (and taxing you heavily) and he's advertised as a recession killer. He's glorified as though he were Jesus Christ and he's done NOTHING that I immediately recall that is of value to this country.
Honestly, I thought it was a little bland. I didn't watch it during school but I found it on youtube and took the time to listen. I don't mind him trying to be inspirational, but quite honestly I think his speech writer had the day off or something because I found it very bland.
My American Literature Teacher was being a **** and didn't let any of our class watch it. Meanwhile the whole rest of the school got to enjoy it. So I can safely say my teacher doesn't like Democrats.
That's what I hated about the "professional" Conservative views on this. Either a kid is conscious enough to actually pay attention and absorb the speech, then they could make an informed decision on the subject. Really, 5th graders wouldn't even listen to three seconds of that speech.
I, my friend, agree. Completely. You have literally just explained the thoughts that bounce through my head. The speech is another example of how he irresponsibly balances his governmental priorities.
theres not really much of a debate about the speech. it was about education. what can you really disagree with or criticize? the only really debatable thing would eb how important it was. i personally think it was a waste of time and resources. hes a good speaker, and hes got good writers. many presidents have had that in common, althogh obama is probably towards the upper end of the spectrum. as for obama, i dont really like him based upon the fact that i am simply an extreme conservative so we have differing political views. well i shouldnt say i dont like him, just many of his policies.
When we were talking about his speech we were talking about the point of making the speech, not how well he made it.