Hey all you fellows out there at forgehub, I was kinda bored so I figured I'd make a thread asking people what maps they wanna see in the next map pack (after legendery). You can say remakes or just give me a rough layout of your idea for a map. For me I'd like a remake of death island, a remake of infinity (both of those were from the pc version of halo 1 if you didn't know), and a large forest level. For the large forest level roughly two to three times the size of valhalla with two bases in the sides of hills of forerunner origin) at both ends of the forest. The forest would be completely thick with brush, small trees, and large trees. The forest would also have a small stream running through it and the level would be realitively hilly. It would be a great map for vehicles, ambushes, and long range duels and firefights. Feel free to put w/e maps you would like to see, but try to keep it down to three. This is because most map packs have three maps and I don't wanna read a novel length post ; ) Thanks all and have a lovely day.
Forest map at night time? That'll be nice. I'd prefer Turf or Headlong to come back. More urban warfare!!!
defiantly headlong if not a remake then make one kind of like a abandoned neighborhood with multiple houses and such that would be interesting (this would never happen but a big room to make you feel small so a wart hog would be the size of a match box car and a computer well idk what in halo is that big that would be kind of fun like this http://youtube.com/watch?v=iwOoBWbvwnI)
I don't know why so many people like Headlong. It was my least favorite map in H2, but I guess it is a casual players dream (urban and vehicles). I will stick with remakes, even though they obviously won't release a remake only pack. Although H1 had the best maps, I don't think they would translate as well to H3 as H2 maps (mainly because of the magnum and BR). I would like to see Midship, Sanctuary, and Ascension (for casual playing).
W/O BRS OMG ISN'T THAT A CRIME!!! Yah most of those maps would make nice remakes especially turf and headlong. What I'd like to see out of a map like turf is have all the building and windows accessible and all of them have an interior. That would be something kind cool and new. Keep 'em coming and post some more larger maps and some more non-remake maps. Have a nice day forgers.
- a house level where you are the size of a mouse - level set in tokyo - a blank level where you can build stuff like the matrix - level in hogwarts school for witchcraft & wizardry - walmart level - shopping mall -
walmart was actually attempted as a forge map on foundry at some point. that would be so sweet. I don't really care what they put on future map packs, although a completely blank level to forge on would make many people very happy.
Oh no, that would be just like Chinatown in COD4. I wouldn't mind seeing Turf remade, but I would much rather see a Midship or something else remade first (MLG needs a better map selection). I like some of those ideas Emo Asian. I bet you could do some cool stuff to a shopping mall/department store to fit Halo.
When I said everything would be accessible, I meant everything, not like Chinatown for COD 4. Chinatown won't let you go up to the tops of most of the building and not all doors and windows are usable. I mean I want everything usable even the rooftops, just like in real life.
i want danger canyon or turf for a remake. definently a city with buildings you can enter with hornets and shees overhead too would be nice to watch
I don't think lots of buildings with windows would really fit halo gameplay. It'd be too easy to get kills up in a high window with a br and some nades, and it would be hard to sneak up on anyone b/c of radar. I want midship and sanctuary to be remade as well as some new maps with that style (competitive, but not boring like warlock or foundation) Also a halo 1 pack with chillout, hang em high, and blood gulch would be nice. I honestly think that when they do remakes that the maps should come out at a quicker pace with more than 3 maps in a map pack. I'm stoked that I can play lockout on tuesday, but was essentially copying a map really that hard to do?
Nope, not when you're talking about HEH, adding BRs in place of ARs ruined the gameplay and made it crappy. Switch BR with AR and put it in Halo 3 and it would play like Halo 1 HEH did. And could you imagine the Forge options if they remade Turf and expanded it a little bit (ala Blackout)?
I agree on the maps you want remade. I change mine to Midship, Sanctuary, and Ascension. They make awesome MLG maps but aren't like warlock. Foundation wasn't an MLG map FYI.
Yeah, I mainly just don't find the four-way symetrical (or close to it) maps very interesting. And yeah, ascension would be a good remake too.
I don't really have any maps that I really want redone, I would like to see some completely new, good maps in the next map pack. Bungie did this with the Heroic map pack, but IMO none of them are good for gameplay. Hopefully there will be some more competitive maps in the next map pack. I'd like to see something unique, different from the other maps and campaign. The only remake that I'd really want is Midship or maybe Ascension, but Lockout was the major remake that I wanted, and I'm happy with just that.
Look We need a thick forest and we need urban warfare. No remakes all new. Although Blood Gulch or Headlong would be sexy!
It's been said a lot, but I would love to see remakes of... Battle/Beaver creek, Blood Gulch/Coagulation, Prisoner, Mid ship,Warlock/wizard,Acension, Headlong, Containment, foundation,...and Turf. I know they may not remake them all...so If I were to choose one, I would say Blood Gulch(coagulation).