Well, i liked this signature, and it was fairly easy. So i made a tut. This is my first one, tell me what you think :] VM me if there is any problems or typos! You can get the font here, i just uploaded it: ELEGANCE :: TTF
Good tutorial, a little too similar to Juggernaut's and Pigglez's, but still good. Also, i have never used that style in my life, so that shout out, while flattering, was unneeded
You didn't capitalize the first I, you didn't put an apostrophe in "Piggernauts" where it should have been "Piggernaut's" because it's possesive. Also, you forgot the step where you erase the clipping mask's white base brushes. You suck at making tutorials. Haha, anyways, good tutorial, very clear and well explained, and I learned a few new tricks mahself! Thanks for the share.
Nice tutorial! Thanks for explaining how to do the clipping masks a little more in-depth for PS nubs like myself.
I shouted out to you because i believe i saw you with THE ORIGINAL lightning strike/electric bolts in your signatures haha, i will work on re-doing it tonight :b Thanks dude! Will fix it.
i knew the clipping masks didn't look like part of the sig!! haha thanks for the tut! i wanna upload some of these to the fh.da account